Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1006: : Sword Slash Emperor 0 Autumn, the despair of the evildoers of Tianyuan Universe

The coercion is like a prison, covering the world!

At this moment, everyone was attracted by the white dress.

The people in Tianyuan Universe looked at the white robe, their eyes were shocked, they only felt as if their hearts were being held down by a large mountain, and they felt a sense of suffocation.

"This is the Chu Madman in Pangu Universe?!"

"What a terrifying breath!"

"It's too strong!"

The evildoer of Tianyuan Universe swallowed.

At this time, the evil eye of the evil eye clan gave a low cry and rose into the air, the evil eye on his forehead released a terrifying evil light!

The evil light shot out and locked the Madman Chu!

"Your strength is too small."

Madman Chu's expression was indifferent, his sword fingers condensed, and Xianyuan surged, instantly smashing the evil light, and even shattering the evil eye and the enchanting head, the blood mist exploded, and a headless corpse fell to the ground.

When everyone saw this, their pupils suddenly shrank.

The evil eyes of the evil eye clan, although their strength is not as good as sequence and taboo, they are also ancient evils of Tianyuan Universe.

It was horrible to be bombarded with one move.

"The evildoer of Tianyuan Universe, I allow you to go together!"

Madman Chu stood with his hand in his hand and said indifferently.


Xiang Tiancang snorted coldly.

His domineering soaring into the sky, purple-red light dyed the sky red.

Suppressed with a punch, mighty.

Madman Chu saw this, his figure remained motionless, letting his fist bang on his body, but the whole person just didn't retreat!

"How can it be?!"

Xiang Tiancang's face changed drastically.

Just take a punch by yourself? !

In harmony, almost no one can do it!

This guy is terrible!

Just when everyone was shocked, the madman Chu moved, with a white jade-like long sword on his waist, and suddenly came out of the sheath with a clang!

That is Kunwu!

Kun Wu, who had been silent for a long time, was out of its sheath again at this time, and the countless runes on the sword body were lit up one by one, and boundless brilliance rose to the sky.

The sharp sword pressure, overwhelming.

The sound of sword chanting echoed, Kunwu seemed to be excited!


Madman Chu stepped forward, raising his hand and cutting out with a sword.

The sharp sword air howled.

"not good!"

Emperor Qianqiu knew the horror of the madman in Chu.

At this moment, facing the opponent's sword aura, without saying a word, he directly urged his full strength, and his eyes burst out with divine light!

"Heavy-pupil All Heavens Tribulation!!"

The divine light is vast and mighty.

Contains an emperor's life and death will to destroy the heavens.

Accompanied by a loud noise.

Emperor Qianqiu was blasted back by a single blow, and his face turned pale.

"Oh, your eyes are recovering well."

Madman Chu said.

The tone was full of sarcasm.

Di Qianqiu recalled the fact that he had fought against Madman Chu before and was blinded, and his face became extremely ugly.

"Everyone, this person is not easy to deal with, let's go together!"

"it is good!"

Even the Emperor Qianqiu, who is the Nine Kings, said so.

The rest of course know what to do.

"It is rumored that this person can be comparable to the Heavenly Sword. I would like to see how far he is from the Heavenly Sword!"

"Yes, let's see it!"

The crowd rushed up.

Heavenly Thunder Tribulation, Weak Shui Tribulation and the two rushed to the forefront, and the breath of Great Tribulation erupted on their bodies, covering the Madman Chu.

Sky thunder, weak water, two kinds of energy erupt together.

"Oh, the man of ten calamities."

Crazy Chu's eyes passed the strange color.

Then, the sound of dragon chants suddenly echoed behind him!

The terrifying dragon yin, stirs the world!

The emperor's true dragon, now!

In the face of this force, the weak water catastrophe and the sky thunder catastrophe were the first to bear the brunt, their figures exploded and turned into blood fog.


A sword air filled with ice and snow whistled out.

A powerful force freezes the void.

This is the sword energy from Luo Xue.

But Kun Wu cut out from the hand of Madman Chu, and the stronger sword aura shattered the flying snow in the sky, and Luo Xue was bombarded with vomiting blood and flying upside down.

"What a powerful sword spirit!!"

"Compared to the Heavenly Sword, it's not a difference!"

Luo Xue was a little unbelievable.

In her opinion, the Heavenly Sword is the strongest and most terrifying evildoer in this world, and no one in this world can be more astonishing than him.

But now, there is an existence that is not far from the other party.

"Tiantianzhu God Great Array!"

At this time, Si Kongmo once again deployed Tianyuan Killing Array.

It's just that the big formation this time is much weaker than the last time.

After all, the last time the **** Wang Wei was killed by him, the formation army that Sikongmo temporarily formed was not as good as the previous time in terms of strength or cooperation.


The emperor dragon's air roared around the madman Chu.

Jiulong urged Jiuding and crushed it strongly, and the powerful force directly smashed the killing formation again.

But this time, Sikongmo was not as lucky as the last time. The formation was broken. He vomited blood and flew upside down. He was bombarded by Jiuzhou Ding. His bones and muscles exploded. The whole person fell into the sea like mud and fell directly!

"Six Gods Heavenly Dragon Formation!"

Tiannvyou casts the Six Gods Tianlong Talisman three times in a row.

Eighteen dragons roared out in an attempt to suppress the madman Chu!

"There are many, but it's useless."

Madman Chu said indifferently, the emperor real dragon dashed in the air, tearing the eighteen heavenly dragons in a blink of an eye.

"Dark **** sunset!"

Dark Jie roared and shot.

A surging big Luo Yi urged to the extreme, condensed into a huge black sunset, falling violently from the sky!

Wherever the black sunset went, everything was swallowed by darkness.

"The Dark Tribulation, what can I do?"

A sneer.

Madman Chu cut out with a sword, and Zhu Xian finally tore through the dark sunset.

Dark Tribulation was impacted by the sword energy and flew out.

"Wind of Nothingness!"

"Overlord's Spear!"

Feng Qiyu, Xiang Tiancang shot at the same time.

A long purple-red hair is carrying the storm and spraying out!

The power of this blow shattered the void!

The rest of the evildoers also shot in an instant.

All kinds of immortal magical powers converged into a torrent of energy.

The madman of Chu did not fall, and between his hands, hundreds of millions of celestial splendor burst out of his five Various big Luo intentions were intertwined.

With a punch, the world burst!

The brilliance of Xianhui makes everyone feel dazzling.

This punch and the endless torrent of energy smashed together, the whole world collapsed, and the sea water surged crazily.

In the endless fairy hui, a group of figures flew upside down.

That is the evildoers of Tianyuan Universe.

Emperor Qianqiu, Feng Qiyu, Xiang Tiancang, Tiannvyou, Dark Jie and others were all blown out, more or less wounded.

Some evildoers, their bodies burst into pieces, blood staining the sea.

Madman Chu, using his own power to suppress an entire Tianyuan universe evildoer, this scene was extremely shocking.

"So strong, even if he is out of the fairy world, without the power of the fairy king, his strength is still so terrifying!!"

"This is Madman Chu!"

The hearts of the Pangu universe are surging.

On the other hand, the people of Tianyuan Universe were shocked beyond words.

"It's terrible, none of the Nine Kings is so terrible."

"This guy is even more terrifying than the Nine Kings!"

"Oh my God……"

When everyone was amazed.

Madman Chu moved again.

He stepped forward and locked the Emperor Qianqiu with one sword!

In an instant, the sword energy fell, and this one of the nine kings who shook the Tianyuan Universe was cut in half by a sword in endless terror!

The blood of the emperor dyes the red sea.

The evildoers of Tianyuan Universe couldn't help falling into despair.

But this was not over yet, Madman Chu's next sword locked another Nine King, that is, Tiannv You!

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