Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1003: : Heavenly sword breaks through harmony, the universe trembles, and heaven is not weak

The power of ten thousand ways, the demon gods fight together!

This is a blow that the unicorn gods have prepared for countless years. They will use this blow to destroy the avenue and turn over to become the master!

And after seeing this divine light, Madman Chu, the power of the Great Dao in his body was boiling frantically, as if he had been provoked!

The ability to cause such an abnormality in the power of his Dao shows how powerful the unicorn gods are with this blow.

"Dadao, can you shake it?"

Madman Chu said indifferently, and between raising his hands, the power of the great avenue poured out, rising to the sky, turning into a frightening sword shadow!

Cut out with one sword, the power of the avenue is mighty.

I saw that the overwhelming divine light, ten thousand ways of attack, was actually shattered by this sword, and countless pieces were rolled out!

Under this power, each demon **** fell one after another.

The chaos around was shattered.

The body of the one-horned demon **** began to disillusion, he looked at Madman Chu with a face full of disbelief, "How can this happen, we have prepared for so long the power, it is still unable to shake you!"

"I am the Great Dao, the master of this world, how did you kill me?" Madman Chu stood with his hand in his hand and said indifferently.

His eyes condensed, and the power of the avenue turned into a stare to kill!

Kill all burst out!

The one-horned demon **** who had been hit hard was unable to resist this force at all, and fell on the spot, disappearing in smoke!

The remaining demon gods turned into birds and beasts and dispersed.

Madman Chu glanced at them and wanted to kill them all, but the body of the demon **** had already begun to disintegrate.

"Never mind, a few ants can't turn the sky."

Madman Chu didn't care. He was the great will of this universe. If he wanted to kill these demon gods, there would be a way in the future.

But this time it took too much effort.

Take a break for the time being.

Then, he looked at Shenchu ​​who was already sluggish beside him, stepped forward and stroked his head, and said lightly: "You did a good job."

God first knelt on the ground busy.

Facing the Great Dao, the strongest among the Chaos Demon Gods, there is no hint of pride, some just admiration and respect.

To him, the road to nurturing him is like his parents.

"Away, you have a serious problem."

God can feel that the power of the avenue has been weakened a lot.

That battle was not without effect on him.

"It's okay."

Madman Chu's palm was filled with a faint divine light.

This is the only power of the Great Dao in his body of the demon god, this power is injected into the body of the **** to repair the other party's injury.

Not only that, but with the power of this great Dao, God initially felt that his Dao had gone further, and soon, he would become the first creature in this universe to become a Hunyuan.

"Thank you for the enlightenment of the avenue."

God was very excited at the beginning.

"Chaos has been opened up almost, because of you, this universe has a brand new vitality."

"Have you seen those creatures?"

Madman Chu pointed to the many innate or acquired creatures in those star worlds in the starry sky, and said lightly: "Go and guide them."

He gave a second instruction to God Chu.

To spread the way of practice.

"Follow the orders of the great road."

God said respectfully at the beginning.

The next moment.

Madman Chu's body of the demon **** dissipated completely.

But Shenchu ​​knew that Dadao was with him!

His figure flashed, and he came into a starry sky, and his body was filled with endless divine light, and the magnificent sound resounded throughout the starry sky.

"I am a god, and a walker of the great road. I will walk in the universe and spread the practice of the great road. Anyone who is predestined can listen."

For a time, the entire universe was shaken.

After the chaos...

The development of the universe has entered a new stage.

Thousands of races come together, the era of prosperity.


Tianyuan Universe.

Madman Chu opened his eyes suddenly.

At the same time, his feelings in the portable universe came to his heart one by one, and the barrier between his Da Luo and He Dao was directly smashed under his feelings with a bang!

His big Luo Yi began to change!

A divine light, centered on him, soars into the sky!

In an instant, the divine light shook the universe.

The **** kings of the entire Tianyuan Temple felt a little bit, and they all looked at the Heavenly Sword Peak with disbelief in their eyes.

"This breath is..."

"Impossible, it's impossible, it's only been a few years, even if he is so stunning, how could he step into this realm so early?!"

"Heaven Sword... has broken through to hedao!"

The divine light soars into the sky and shakes the universe.

A brand-new Dao breath, centered on Heavenly Sword Peak, spread out. For a time, the stars trembled and the Dao was shaken!

Many **** kings felt their own way trembling even more.

Faintly, there is a sense of surrender.

"What is this way?!"

"Unseen before, not even the Tao of this universe!"

Some kings perceive it.

In the sky full of universe, a brand-new way appeared, this way is extremely powerful and terrifying.

This path is located at the top of the universe, overlooking the paths!

Even the Cosmos Avenue cannot be controlled!

Because it does not belong to this universe!

It belongs to only one person!

This is the way of the Heavenly Sword!

A sword shadow rises to the sky from the Heavenly Sword Peak!

That terrifying sword pressure enveloped the entire Tianyuan Temple in an instant, and countless monks were crushed on the ground.

Many evildoers Tianjiao looked at Tianjian Peak with amazement on their faces.

The sword pressure continued to spread.

Throughout the Tianyuan Universe, the monks above the Great Luo Realm felt it, and they all looked in the direction of the Tianyuan Temple.

"This breath, someone is in harmony!"

"What kind of Tao is this? It's so terrifying that it is independent of the universe and suppresses the Tao that I wait for?!"

"It's too strong!"

The sword spirit family, in the sword **** peak.

The Sword God King looked at the Tianyuan Temple in the distance, UU read www. uukanshu. Com's pupils shrank, followed by a long roar, "The sword spirit family has risen!"

Next to him, the God King Galaxy was also full of emotion, "It's an unprecedented monster, it has become a healer so quickly."

There is a realm gap between Daluo and Hedao.

But there are substantial differences.

Since ancient times, there have been countless Da Luo, but among this group of people who can become a united way, there will never be one, which shows the difficulty of uniting.

Ordinary Da Luo, even if he spends thousands of years of accumulation, he may not be able to become a Hedao, but Chu Madman, only a few years?

Less than a hundred years!

This is not enough to describe the word miracle.

Tianyuan Universe, above an ancient star.

A handful of weapons were inserted here, and on a high peak filled with countless long swords, like a graveyard of swords.

A black-clothed young man suddenly opened his eyes, and a sword aura swept out, shattering countless long swords around him one by one!

On the countless long swords, countless grievances steamed out.

But the young man in black did not have the interest to absorb it. He looked in the direction of the Tianyuan Temple, with a touch of horror in his eyes.

"Heaven Sword...has become a harmonious way!"

At this moment, an old figure appeared in the void.

He looked at the black-clothed youth and said solemnly: "Heavenly Fierce, Heavenly Sword is already one step ahead. We can no longer practice step by step. The elders and I have decided to send you to the burial of Jianyuan!"

"I understand."

The black-clothed youth Tian Fierce nodded solemnly.

Heavenly Sword...

I am not weaker than others, you can wait for me!

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