Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 187: : Unknowable places, Master, please ask for more blessings

The Jianlou opportunity was acquired by the madman of Chu, and the rest of the sword repairers were beaten decently, and some people did not even have the interest to practice swords.

That's horrible.

Compared with Madman Chu, what kind of swords did they practice!

Except for some people staying in the Tibetan sword gorge to observe the sword marks from various places, most of the sword repairs, including the Yishan two families, left one by one.

"Boss Qian, we will have a period later."

"Friend Chu, walk slowly all the way."

Rich and wealthy laughed. In the past few days, he has had a lot of contact with Madman Chu. Although he is not friends, he has established a good relationship.

Looking at the back of Madman Chu's departure, Qian Fugui smiled and said: "This time I came to Zangjian Gorge and I did not lose money. This deal is too worthwhile."

A green shadow appeared behind Qian Fugui, "Boss, you have been in contact with Madman Chu these days, do you want to befriend him?"


"Then why don't you identify yourself directly."

"Why don't you understand, making friends is all about making friends."

Lu Ying rolled her eyes, "Boss, why are you going to make friends with people? You know yourself, don't you just fancy his identity and talent potential? I am embarrassed to say that it is too fake."

"Shut up, I am your boss, and you dare to talk back."

"Yes, the boss is right."

Lv Ying had no choice but to follow the wealth and wealth.

Qian Fugui looked at the back of Madman Chu going away, rubbing his thumb with Bai Yu's finger, "In this world of war, there are too many investment opportunities, and this Madman of Chu is definitely the most worthwhile business to invest in."

"You can't go wrong with him."


"What, Emperor Jing?!"

Xianzhou, the third ancestor Xuantian couldn't help exclaiming when he heard that the chance in the sword building was actually the inheritance of an emperor.

Emperor Jing, this thing is too precious.

Even the saint will definitely be jealous when they see it.

"Fortunately, you didn't say it, otherwise, the ghost knows whether the three old guys will fight for the battle of orthodoxy."

"Dijing, this thing is too scary."

Three Ancestor Xuantian said with some relief.

"Madman, you are very lucky, but the emperor is very important, you must not say it, otherwise, Xuantianzong may not be able to keep you." The three ancestors of Xuantian dignified Chaochu mad and humane.

The madman of Chu moved his heart upon hearing this.

You know, there are three saints behind him as a background, if even they can't keep Chu Madman.

So what kind of power should be faced?

"Madman, this world is not as simple as it seems, and the saints are not necessarily the strongest force. There are so many unknowable things and unknowable places in this world."

The Third Ancestor Xuantian said with deep meaning.

"Unknowable things, unknown places..." Madman Chu murmured, and then nodded, "I understand."

"Well, the Emperor Jing, please take a good look, and strive to become an emperor one day in the future, so that you can not fear anyone or anything."

"Follow the teachings of the three ancestors."

Soon, everyone returned to Xuan Tianzong.

Venerable Xuanqi was very pleased after knowing that Madman Chu had the chance to get the sword tower, "I know Madman you can do it."

"This sword tower opportunity, no one except the madman can take it."

Elder Ruyan smiled aside.

"By the way, what's the chance?"

Some elder asked curiously.

At this time, the voice of the third ancestor Xuantian came from the void, "No one is allowed to ask about the fate in the Jianlou!"

Everyone looked at each other, and then showed a pensive expression.

Madman Chu smiled apologetically at everyone.

"The chief doesn't have to think too much. Since the saint has spoken, we should obey it. We won't bother about the chance."

"Well, yes, the opportunity is precious. If it attracts other people's coveting, it will be bad. The fewer people who know, the better."

Several elders expressed their understanding.

"Okay, madman, the journey to the sword tower is hard, you should go back and rest first, you will have to participate in the passing ceremony in half a month."

"Yes, what?" Madman Chu just wanted to leave, but he suddenly recovered and asked, "What is the grand ceremony of passing on?"

"Of course it's the ceremony for you to take over as the head."

Madman Chu heard this and then remembered, "Master, you really don't think about it anymore. Look at the elders here, which one is not more suitable than me? Can't you pick one of them?"

"Hey, Chief, you can't talk nonsense about this. Apart from you, who is qualified to take over as the head."

"Yeah, it must be you."

"Madman, just go ahead."

Several elders laughed and said, none of them objected.

Chu Kuangren wanted to cry without tears, so do you look at me so much?

"Madman, you see, all the elders have agreed. You must be the leader. You have to take it. As a teacher, you are already a quasi-sage. You need to hide behind the scenes and accumulate the foundation of sanctification."

Venerable Xuan Qi patted the madman Chu on the shoulder, "You don't have to worry that this will affect your practice. Several elders will help you deal with this management matter. You only need to make some important decisions."

"Other times, you can be a slammer without having to do anything. I think that's how you came to be a teacher back then."

Venerable Xuan Qi was talking about his own experience, and the corners of the elders next to him twitched, wishing to slap them.

Damn, you feel comfortable when you slap your hand.

But we are tired enough.

"Okay, Master, the disciple understands."

Madman Chu saw several elders, including the beautiful and beautiful elder Ruyan, whose face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and quickly interrupted the Venerable Xuanqi who was still talking about it.

One step later, he was afraid that the master would be killed.

"Just figured it out, this head is actually very good." Venerable Xuan Qi smiled with satisfaction, still teasing the nerves of several elders.

"Madman, go back first. Let's talk to your master about some matters concerning the ceremony of passing the throne." Elder Ruyan smiled gently.


Madman Chu felt that his scalp was numb, and he gave Venerable Xuanqi a self-seeking look, and then bowed back.

When leaving, Madman Chu closed the palace gate intimately.

Then I heard some screams coming from inside.

"It's not all about the biography of the grand ceremony, why...ah, the fourth elder, what's the matter with you, why are you hitting me."

"Damn, what are you doing."

"Shoot your hand, right? The experience is right..."

"Asshole Xuanqi, do you know how much hair I have been in charge of the internal affairs office these years, you are quite happy."

"Pick him!"

" it."

"Elder Ruyan, I was wrong, don't pinch...hiss..."

"Madman, save as a teacher!"

Outside the palace gate, Madman Chu shuddered, and bowed to the palace gate: "Master, please forgive the disciple for being unfilial. I can't help you."

He sighed, then turned and left quickly.

Back to Dao Palace.

Lan Yu and Xiaobing were looking at a piece of clothing.

"Yo, what are you looking at?"

"My son, you're back. These are the clothes that the Internal Affairs Hall just sent you to wear during the ceremony."

Xiaobing hugged the clothes and walked the way.

Madman Chu took a look, good guy, the clothes used in the clothes are all high-end goods, and this clothes is estimated to be worth a million spiritual stones.

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