Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : The fierce sky wants to set off another thousand swords, a sword mark, let the sky s

The news that Tianxue defeated the God King Meteor spread a lot.

Everyone knows the whole universe.

It seems to be creating momentum for the evil.

But this is also normal. Tianxue has just appeared, and it is reasonable for the soldiers to create supreme prestige for him.

And then, Tianxue went to the sword spirit family, and the matter of challenging the Tianjian also spread, and everyone was paying attention.

In the Tianyuan Temple.

Countless evildoers are talking about it. The evildoers of the sword spirit clan like Ling Fei have already rushed to the sword spirit clan, and Luo Xue and Long Jingjing are no exception to those who have good friends with the madman Chu.

There are also many people who go there in the mood to watch the excitement.

"Ha, the Heavenly Sword challenged the Heavenly Sword. As one of the Four Swords of the Disaster Clan, how can I miss this important event?"

On a certain mountain peak.

A handsome young man in black sneered.

He is the **** of the four fierce swords.

The cultivation base has reached the extreme of Da Luo. Compared with the **** king, although there is still a gap, under the **** king, few are his opponents.

Another place.

A woman lingering in the mysterious light looked into the depths of the universe, with mysterious runes flashing in her eyes.

It seems to be deducing something.

This person is the goddess Yu of the fifth sequence of the temple.

She is also one of the nine kings, plus the goddess of the god-machine clan.

"I still can't detect anything."

Tiannv You said helplessly.

In my mind, a white figure emerged.

In the past in the void battlefield, Tianjian saved her life from Madman Chu's hands. Since then, that figure has been inscribed in her mind.

This time, Tianxue went to challenge Tianjian. She wanted to use the deduction method of the Shenji clan to test the good and bad for Tianjian.

However, nothing can be measured.

There is no way to deduce the opponent's fate, and there is still some kind of great horror that can not be seen directly!

Forced deduction will only bring disaster to oneself.

"Although it is impossible to detect the good or bad luck of the Heavenly Sword, but... the sword spirit family is in blood and light!" Tian Mai Yu murmured.

Thinking of this, she plans to see it in person.

Not only him.

Almost all the sequences of the Tianyuan Temple were dispatched, and all of these sequences were only one step away from Hedao.

Now, Tianjian and Tianxue are one step ahead of them, and they have become co-daos, and they are false to say that they are not worried.

They want to understand the strength of these two men by observing this battle.

Even looking for an opportunity for a breakthrough.


Beyond the sword spirit ancient star.

Countless monks, the great evildoers gathered.

Luo Xue, Dragon Crystal and others were all there.

"Can the Heavenly Sword be in the Sword Spirit Clan?"

Luo Xue asked Ling Fei.

"Not here." Ling Fei shook his head.

"Isn't the evil coming in vain that day?"

Said to Tiancang.

"The King of Sword God said that he came on this trip not just to fight the Heavenly Sword, but also to... Ten Thousand Swords Tribulation!"

Ling Fei said solemnly.

"Ten Thousand Swords Tribulation?" Luo Xue frowned slightly, and then she faintly guessed, "Does he want to destroy the sword spirit family?!" h


Ling Fei nodded, "The fierce sword is based on the spirit of sword grievance, and the sword spirit family is the most sincere place for swords in the entire universe. If the sword spirit family is destroyed, the sword spirit he can absorb will be enough to make He is in the realm of the Hedao God King, taking it one step further!"

The tribulation of ten thousand swords a long time ago made the history of the military calamity family soar, and it also created the four fierce swords of heaven, god, earth, and man!

If another ten thousand sword calamity is set off, then the sword resentment generated by this ten thousand sword calamity will be concentrated on the person of Tianxue.

Even if Tianxue became the king of gods, he could gain huge gains.

In this way, he will be more confident in dealing with Heavenly Sword!

"The practice of this army is really weird."

Luo Xue showed a touch of disgust in his eyes. Although the Four Fierce Sword was named after the sword, it could be said to be the biggest enemy of sword repair in the universe.

On the ancient star of the sword spirit.

The King of Sword God stands tall on the Peak of Sword God, standing with his hand holding his hand, the sword intent flowing around his body, condensed and not sent, like the dark tide under the calm sea.

It seems calm, but in fact it is choppy.

In the rest of the sword spirit ancient star, every sword spirit clan was waiting for it, holding a sword with determination in his eyes.

They already knew something about the Ten Thousand Sword Tribulation.

There is more or less speculation about Tianxie's coming.

Everyone knows that the sword spirit family may have reached the point of life and death, but no one wants to retire.

The sword is here, the man is here!

Sword broken, death!

The sword spirit family, never afraid of war!


At this moment, in the universe, there are large black clouds surging up, and the majestic black clouds even directly cover up a starry sky.

In an instant, the entire Sword Spirit Ancient Star plunged into darkness.


Outside the sword spirit ancient star, Luo Xue and others' faces were extremely solemn.

From that dark cloud, they felt a terrifying pressure, and their kendo practice was actually trembling at it.

And the countless sword repairs in the sword spirit ancient star are facing unprecedented pressure. Take a closer look, that dark cloud, what dark cloud is there, are the horrible existence condensed by countless swords' grievances!

Even a single strand of resentment was enough to drive Jian Xiu crazy.

The dark clouds fell, and countless sword repairers trembled with the swords in their hands. Some of the sword-hearted people lost their minds and roared loudly. Some even drew their long swords and slain themselves...

And just when the sword spirit clan was in chaos.

On the Sword God Mountain, a dazzling sword light suddenly rose into the sky, engulfing an extremely fierce will!


The sword aura tore through the sky and directly pierced into the dark cloud formed by the sword's resentment, bursting out with bright brilliance.

With a bang, the resentment of the sword dissipated, and in the resentment, a figure emerged. It was a young man in black.

It is worth mentioning that the young man's arms, neck, and even where his face is exposed are all ugly and ugly sword marks!

Every sword mark is like a centipede wriggling.

It looks terrifying!

"Is that fierce this day? It looks so ugly."

"Yes, why is he wearing a sword mark?"

"It's ugly."

Some people just feel that their scalp is numb.

The swordsmen like Luo Xue also felt their scalp numb, but what they were shocked was not the appearance of the other party, but the terrifying resentment contained in those sword marks. The sword marks were a stream of sword grievances condensed into substance!

"It's horrible, what exactly did he go through to create this body full of sword resentment?!"

"I feel that even if I just look at it, my sword heart will be shaken. No wonder I have the confidence to challenge Heavenly Sword this day."

Some Gaoming Jianxiu exclaimed.

Even the Sword God King on the Sword God Peak is no exception, he said lightly: "You have paid a lot for defeating the Heavenly Sword."

"This is the necessary experience to gain strength!"

Tian Xiu stroked the sword marks on his body, and was not moved by the discussion of the people around him, his expression was still indifferent.

When he raised his hand, endless resentment poured out from the sword marks on his body, and then condensed into a dark long sword covered with barbeds.

It is the sword of heaven and earth, the sword of heaven and earth!

With the sword in hand, the fierce aura of the sky became stronger, and the air of sword resentment roared out, "Then, let the sky sword show up!"

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