Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1003: : All evil evildoers become kings of gods, 1 crystal heart

It has been several years since Tianyuan's Heart Realm opened.

In the past few years, the Tianyuan Heart Realm can be described as turbulent, exploring here, occasionally someone has a big opportunity, soaring into the sky.

There are also many Tianjiao evildoers, and even the fall of God Kings.

this day.

Somewhere in Tianyuan's heart, a man covered with Xianhui stepped out with his head raised, and the terrifying energy fluctuations spread.

That is the power of Tao!

Someone has become the king of Hedao God!

"I have become the king of gods, in this world, who can do anything to me?!"

Xuan Yuanfeng let out a long roar, extremely excited.

You know, he is a taboo. Once he becomes a **** king, he is a taboo **** king, and his combat power is even stronger than ordinary **** kings!

"I can perceive that there is a great opportunity waiting for me there. Could that be the mystery of this heart world?"

Xuan Yuanfeng looked in a certain direction, excited in his heart.

Another place.

A man in a black robe also stepped out with his head high.

A wave of treacherous and domineering aura escaped.

It's another breath of Hedao God King!

This person is actually an envoy of the underworld.

"Haha, the power of the Nether Demon Pool is truly extraordinary. I am now the Forbidden God King. From now on, the universe is so big, let me travel!" The Underworld Envoy laughed and was very excited.

He looked into the distance and also felt an inexplicable induction.

The figure flashed and disappeared instantly.

the other side.

On a big mountain.

Motianheng of the Dao King clan, he has refined the mark of the king.

Not only that, in the past few years, he has obtained great opportunities, and now he has broken that barrier and became the King of Hedao.

Skyscraper stood on the top of the mountain, and the tyrannical King Way spread out, stirring up the wind and clouds, shaking the world.

"This kind of power... Heavenly Sword, I'm not afraid of you anymore!"

Fertian Heng looked into the distance with great pride in his chest!


In Tianyuan's heart realm, a breath of Hedao God King burst out suddenly, and every strand was extremely powerful.

It is definitely the movement caused by the taboo evildoer breaking through the **** king.

And this also shocked all the people who entered the Tianyuan Heart Realm.

"Damn, what's going on? How come this group of people broke through at this time, and the appointment failed?"

"Oh my god, there are many more **** kings at this moment."

"It's lively now..."

In one space.

Madman Chu naturally sensed the sudden appearance of the Hedao God King breath, with a playful smile on his face.

"Interesting, all breakthroughs at this point in time, it seems that there should be some big moves in the Tianyuan Heart Realm."

"Heavenly Sword does not seem to be worried at all."

Beside, Tiannv You asked curiously.

"Oh, what is God worrying about?"

"Don't you worry that Tianjian will threaten you if these evildoers break through the **** queen?" Tiannv You said.


Madman Chu seemed to have heard some joke, he couldn't help but chuckled, his eyes contemptuous: "No one in this world can threaten the sky."

What if there are more **** kings?

God King, it's not that he has never killed him.

"The strength of the sky sword makes me more curious."

"You want to figure out the sky, but it's still a long way away."

Madman Chu said indifferently.

At this time, a powerful breath came not far from them.

It's a star color.

At this time, she had already broken through to the realm of Dzogchen.

She got up and looked into the distance, her eyes suspicious.

"Oh, it seems that you also sensed something."

Madman Chu looked at Tian Xingcai.

"Yes it is."

Tianxingcai nodded slightly.

"Then go take a look."

Several people immediately set off to the source of induction.


Tianyuan Heart Realm.

On top of a magnificent mountain peak, a huge treasure tree is filled with celestial glory, in which countless paths are intertwined.

And on the tree, it bears a huge fruit.

Do not.

It is a bit inappropriate to say that the fruit is.

That is not a fruit, but a...heart!

A heart of five-color brilliance that is as crystal clear and flowing, contains a majestic energy in that heart.

It seems to be a collection of thousands of principles in this world.

Mysterious and extraordinary.

One by one enchanting evildoer came here following the induction.

When they saw the crystal-clear heart on the tree, they couldn't help but show the color of desire in their eyes.

"It's this thing, and it's this thing that guided me to come here."

" it the heart of Tianyuan Creation God?"

"It is rumored that this Tianyuan Heart Realm was transformed by the heart of the Tianyuan Creation God. The heart on this tree is likely to be the core of this world. The mystery of Hunyuan must be contained in it."

Everyone was extremely excited.

at this time.

A beam of blood flew out, toward the heart.

"Haha, Hunyuan Mystery is mine!"

In that **** light, a dragon shadow appeared.

But it is the old dragon Longtianfeng!

Now he is almost mad. For this Hunyuan mystery, he sacrificed too much, killed countless compatriots, and was betrayed by allies...

Now, the mystery of Hunyuan is in sight!

He will get it at all costs!

"Huh, Long Tianfeng, you, a loser, want to miss this kind of opportunity, too, it's too whimsical!"

An indifferent voice sounded.

In the void, the fairy radiance bloomed, and only a figure appeared, a palm blasted out, and the power of the domineering Dao poured out overwhelmingly.

Officially the king of Morin.

Long Tianfeng was directly shaken back by the power of this Taoist rule.

"No one can stop me!"

Long Tianfeng let out a low roar, bleeding red appeared in his eyes.

His dragon aura burst out, using a certain life-death method to break through the power of God King Morin's Dao.

"not good!"

The face of God King Molin changed slightly.

But at this moment, Long Tianfeng was already close to the Nako Crystal Heart. U U Reading

But when Long Tianfeng was so excited and felt that he was about to succeed, a barrier suddenly appeared on the crystal heart.

Long Tianfeng was actually cut off by this barrier.

Is this crystal heart resisting him?

This surprised everyone.

"Does this crystal heart have autonomous consciousness?"

But Long Tianfeng was very angry.

"Asshole, I sacrificed so much for you, how dare you resist me?! Give me a break!"

Long Tianfeng urged his power to the extreme, bombarding the barrier.

However, this barrier is not moving at all.

At this time, God King Molin, Wu Xuelong and others also reacted and quickly took action to stop Long Tianfeng.

Both of them are the supreme kings, and Long Tianfeng had been severely injured a few years ago, how could they be their opponents?

After a while, they were wiped out by the two together.

Along with an obliterated road, Long Tianfeng...fallen.

And everyone looked at the crystal heart and fell into a deep thought.

"This thing seems to have autonomous consciousness. It seems that it will choose a descendant that suits it."

"Could this be a test set by Tianyuan Creation God. Only through his test can he understand the mystery of Hunyuan?"


There was a lot of discussion among the people, and there was a **** king who wanted to enter it.

But without exception, they are all isolated on the barriers.

"let me!"

At this time, a voice sounded.

I saw Motianheng leaping into the sky, filled with the air of a Taoist king, shocking people's hearts, and some veteran **** kings secretly palpitated when they saw it.

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