Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1006: : Unexpected move, God of Creation, do you dare to fight against the sky?

"Fake, everything is fake..."

"It's impossible, impossible."

Fertian Heng looked at his hands, his face full of disbelief.

The power of the **** king that I finally obtained was a vain, this power is so beautiful, but it does not belong to him.

This made him almost crazy.

"I think it's weird. The breath of these nine kings has clearly reached the level of the **** king, but the four of them teamed up, but they couldn't even catch the sword of the sky. It turned out that their **** king power was vain."

"Tsk tsk, pitiful."

"After tasting the beauty of the **** king's power, he forcibly took it back. This is too miserable for these people."

"In fact, it may not be necessary. Let them realize some of the power of the gods in advance, and perhaps they can inspire their practice. No matter how they are, they are also the nine kings. There is almost no suspense about becoming the gods in the future.

Everyone talked a lot.

Looking at the nine kings, some were gloating and some were compassionate.

There are also envy.

After all, no matter how you say it, the other party has also been a **** king.

Unlike them, there is no hope in this life.

"Tianyuan Creation God, since you are going to be resurrected, then, this Hunyuan mystery, etc., are all fake? Right?!"

Divine King Molin's expression was a little gloomy. He had done so much before he joined their Dao King clan. They were all working for the Tianyuan Creation God?

"That's not the case. If you can refine my sealed Tianyuan heart, you can indeed get my practice experience, including my understanding of breaking through to Hunyuan."

Hearing this, everyone looked at the Tianyuan Heart in Chu Kuangren's hands, and their eyes became fierce again.

It's just that no one dared to do it easily this time.

Who can guarantee that Tianyuan Creation God will play with them again?

But because of the irritation that Motianheng received was too great, he couldn't manage that much, and urged the power of the **** king in his body to rush towards the madman Chu.

"Heaven Sword, hand over the heart of Tian Yuan!"

Motianheng said loudly.

The Tao was surging, and he launched his own strong blow!

The mighty Taoism is like a sea of ​​clouds.

But Madman Chu didn't even look at it. He cut out with a sword, and the sea of ​​clouds was instantly split in half with a sword.

And Motianheng was even locked by the sword qi, and the whole person had no way to escape, and it turned into blood mist and exploded in an instant.

With just a sword, Motianheng fell.

A rune filled with mysterious brilliance, suspended in the air.

That is the mark of the king.

Madman Chu raised his hand and grabbed the Wang Yin in his hand.

Seeing this scene, Tianyuan Creation God's eyes condensed, "You don't want to refine this mark and become one of the nine kings."

"Why, are you afraid that heaven will become the Nine Kings?"

Madman Chu had a playful smile.

"Joke, in the old days, I fought against the great roads. It was the supreme existence between the world and the earth. Your existence is due to my act of opening up the universe. How can I be afraid of the nine kings in a small area!"

Tianyuan Creation God said coldly, disdainfully.

"No, you are afraid that heaven will become the Nine Kings, because heaven is the physical body you need and an indispensable part of your resurrection plan. Tianyuan creation god, heaven, is wrong."

Madman Chu's eyes were like a knife, looking straight at the Tianyuan Creation God.

"I really underestimated you."

Tianyuan Chuangshi Shen said intently: "Yes, you are indeed the physical body I fancy. Your appearance is amazing. It is the most suitable body for resurrecting me among all the people present! The Nine Kings, but I have broken through. Tools, you are my favorite!"

Madman Chu's performance after entering the Tianyuan Heart Realm, although he was sealed, he still had a way to see it.

Rao is the creator of the world, and he has to say something outstanding.

To be resurrected, he needs a physical body.

Madman Chu is his most optimistic. As for the Nine Kings, he is the darling of the avenue if he sounds good, and he is the pet dog who is branded on the avenue and tied to the rope by the other party.

For Tianyuan Chuangshi Shen, who had fought against Dao before, to seize the Nine Kings was undoubtedly packing himself to Da Dao.

This is something he cannot allow.

"Since Tian got this Tianyuan Heart, this thing has been clinging tightly to his hands and cannot be thrown away. This is the key to you taking away my physical body." Chu Kuangren said lightly, not panicking.

This characterization is amazing.

You know, he is now playing against the God of Creation!

Even the Supreme God King...

Do not.

Even Hun Yuan must be careful.

How could he be so calm and relaxed?

Does this guy really know what fear is?

"Facing the creation of the gods, even the Heavenly Sword is absolutely unable to resist. This time, the Heavenly Sword is really at its end."

"Yes, the God of Creation is coming again."

Although Tianjian was very calm.

But everyone still believes that the opponent has no chance of winning.

After all, that is a **** of creation.

"No, Heavenly Sword is not without chance."

At this time, God King Molin said: "The God of Creation does not want to seize the Nine Kings and is controlled by the Dao. Therefore, as long as the Heavenly Sword refines the King Seal and becomes one of the Nine Kings, then the God of Creation will not seize the Nine Kings. he."

"It makes sense, this is the only way that Heavenly Sword can use."

"Becoming the Nine Kings, this kind of thing, I don't know how many people in the universe dream of, the Heavenly Sword should not resist, let alone save yourself from a catastrophe, it is better than being seized."

Just when everyone thought so, they saw Madman Chu made a move that stunned everyone.

I saw that he threw the mark of the king out of his hand and threw it to the goddess You who followed not far away, "This thing, God, I have given it to you."

Everyone was confused.

Everyone can't believe it.

"Is Heavenly Sword crazy? Did he throw away the last straw?"

"This guy, will abandon the king's seal like a shoe?"

"My God, what on earth is this guy going to do?"

They don't understand the behavior of the madman Chu at all.

Anyone who acts has a track to follow. U U Reading

But what Madman Chu did made everyone unpredictable.

"Wang Yin is no longer in the hands of the sky, now, God of Creation, you dare to fight against the sky!" Madman Chu stood with his hand in his hand and said indifferently.

He actually declared war directly on the God of Creation.

Tianyuan Chuangshi Shen was also shocked by Chu Madman's behavior. He took a deep look at the other party. Does the other party have any other reliance?

No, what am I thinking?

My dignified creation god, was actually scared by a **** king?

what is this?

Could it be that during this period of time being sealed by the avenue, even your own courage was consumed? !

Tianyuan Creation God's eyes condensed, "What a heavenly sword, since the opening of the universe, besides the Great Dao, you are the second opponent I admire, even if you are just a **** king."

"You, very good, would rather have a blog with me than be a street dog, heavenly sword, tell me your name!"

For the first time since the creation of the universe, Tianyuan Chuangshi God has put things beyond the Great Dao in his heart.

Tianjian is qualified to make him an opponent.

"When you conquer the sky, the sky will tell you about your name!"

"Hmph, it seems that you are very confident, but in front of the God of Creation, heaven and earth must surrender!"

Tianyuan Chuangshi Shen gave a cold snort, and immediately afterwards, I saw that the Tianyuan heart in Chu Madman's hand turned into a little bit of starlight.

These light spots were so dreamy that they entered the Madman Chu body, and the stalwart figure of the Tianyuan Creation God also disappeared, following countless points of light also entered the Madman Chu body.

The battle between heaven and the **** of creation began.

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