Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1005: : Break the shackles, Dadao, do you want to be an enemy of nature?

In the Divine Machine Clan, the Madman Chu speaks surprisingly!

In a word, everyone present was astonished. The dignified sacred machine clan is actually just a poor race? ?

If this kind of words were heard by others, I was afraid that he would think that he had lost his mind, but this kind of words came from the mouth of the Heavenly Sword.

This can be intriguing.

And the patriarch of the Shenji clan responded immediately.

"The eyes of the sky sword really distinguish all things."

Then, he looked at Madman Chu and took a deep breath, "Don't hide the Heavenly Sword, this time I am looking for you, it has something to do with the shackles."

"Oh, interesting."

Madman Chu's mouth curled slightly, "Let's talk about it."

"We want to ask Heavenly Sword to cut off the shackles for us, I don't know if you can do it?" The patriarch of Shenji said lightly.

While talking, he winked at the others.

Soon, everyone withdrew one by one. In the hall, only the patriarch of the Shenji clan, Tiannv You and a few elders were left.

Everyone's eyes are on Chu Madman.

And Madman Chu is communicating with Xiao Ai at the moment.

"Xiao Ai, can the shackles of these people be lifted?"

Madman Chu asked secretly.

It would be okay if it was a curse, he had a curse-breaking sword in his hand, but these were the shackles of the avenue, and curses were two different things.

Xiao Ai made some analysis, "It can be lifted."

Nice job!

Madman Chu gave Xiao Ai a hundred likes in his heart.

In the ardent gazes of the patriarch of Shenji, Tiannvyou and others, Madman Chu slowly spoke, "It is not difficult to solve the shackles of the road on you, but..."

Hearing the half sentence in front of Madman Chu, everyone's expressions were instantly ecstatic, and at the same time they felt incredible.

Heavenly Sword, there is actually a way to solve the shackles of this great road.

But after hearing the Chu Kuangren only three words, their hearts were lifted up again.

"What are you giving back to heaven?" Madman Chu said the words behind him leisurely.

Everyone looked at each other.

Indeed, there is no free lunch in this world. Madman Chu helps them solve the shackles of the avenue, what do they give back to each other?

Tiannv You thought for a while, knelt down in front of Chu Madman with a puff, and said: "If the Heavenly Sword can solve this ancient problem for my Divine Machine Clan, Tiannv You is willing to follow the Tianjian from now on."

"Oh, are you alone?"

Madman Chu glanced at each other, his eyes calm.

The patriarch of the divine machine heard the words, thought about it, and suddenly guessed the idea of ​​Madman Chu, and the other elders were also thoughtful.

I think it’s not enough for Tiannvyou to follow alone...

Could it be that the purpose of the Heavenly Sword is this entire magical machine? !

Thinking of this, everyone gasped.

What a heavenly sword!

His appetite is so big!

He wants the whole family of divine machines to be used by him? !

You know, the status of the Shenji clan in the Tianyuan Universe is detached. Throughout the ages, no power can make them surrender.

Let alone listen to one's dispatch.

"I have been waiting for the sacred machine clan for many years to figure out the avenue, so I have been bound by the yoke of the avenue. The life span of the tribe is less than 100,000 years. If the heavenly sword can really break the shackles of the avenue for me, then my sacred machine can be unconditionally satisfied Heavenly Sword has three requirements!"

The patriarch of the Shenji clan thought about it and said.

The whole family surrendered to one person.

This kind of thing is too crazy.

There are a lot of people in the Shenji clan, and the chief of the Shenji clan doesn't know what kind of result this result will bring to the people.

Is it destruction or rebirth?

Therefore, he can only take second place.

Unconditionally agreeing to the three things of the Heavenly Sword, although the price is also heavy, it is much better than surrendering to the clan.

"Tian Nv You's words still count. If the Heavenly Sword can solve this ancient problem for my Divine Machine Clan, I would like to follow it all my life."

Tiannv You said seriously.

Compared to the patriarch of the **** machine, she was much bolder.

Or maybe, this was her idea a long time ago, but she just took advantage of this opportunity to say it.

Madman Chu pondered for a while, "Yes."

He agreed.

Although he couldn't make the Shenji clan surrender to him at once, it didn't matter, he had a lot of power in his hand.

Moreover, just the Nine Kings of Tian Nu You, it's not bad.

"Then, get ready."

Madman Chu glanced at Tiannvyou.

He saw his sword fingers condensed, his eyes were like electricity, and an artistic conception that seemed to be above all things flowed out.

That is his way.

Dao is condensed into a sword, and she shoots away at the heavenly girl!

This sword is sharp and boundless.

But Tiannv You seemed to sense something and didn't dodge.

Seeing the sword pierced directly into her body, she felt that a certain **** she had endured for a long time was disintegrated in an instant.

Dadao shackles, break! !

The patriarch of Shenji and others were extremely excited when they saw this.

"Successful, it really succeeded!"

"Heavenly Sword really has a way to remove the shackles for us, it's really great, great."

"Haha, he deserves to be a man who can defeat the God of Creation. This ability is amazing."

Everyone looked at Madman Chu with excitement, and finally let go of their inner worries, leaving only expectations in their hearts.

"Is this the feeling of being unfettered?" Tiannv You felt that she had never been more relaxed.

Not only that, she felt that her bottleneck that had restricted herself for a long time was faintly loosened, and she was not far from the Hedao God King Realm.

"Thank you Heavenly Sword!" Tiannv You bowed and saluted.

boom! !

At this moment, the outside world was suddenly shaken.

I saw dark clouds billowing above the ancient stars of the Shenji clan, and the terrifying Dao Qi was surging, and a terrifying aura filled out.

That is Thunder Tribulation!

It was this cosmic avenue that felt angry about someone breaking the shackles it had set and wanted to deal with it.

Huanghuang Tianwei, stirring up the world!

The entire divine machine clan was shrouded in an inexplicable fear. Everyone looked at the thunder robbery with horror in their eyes.


The powerhouses of the Shenji clan rushed out one after another.

Among them, there are many **** kings, but even they can't help trembling when looking at the thunder robbery.

They felt that the shackles of the road inside their bodies were shaking.

Avenue, in anger.

And Tiannvyou, because the chains of the avenue have been broken, the coercion she felt was not as strong as other people's.

But his face was still solemn.

boom! !

At this time, a thunderbolt fell from the sky, and its might was so powerful that it would be difficult to resist even if it was a harmony. If this sword fell on the ancient stars of the Shenji clan, it would cause many casualties.

The king wants to resist.

However, due to the shackles of the avenue, the whole body seemed to be suppressed by the ancient stars, and it was actually difficult to move!

at this time.

A sword shadow suddenly rose to the sky!

The sword shadow permeated the dazzling Taoism, and its power was actually to smash the thunder that fell from the sky abruptly.

"It's Heavenly Sword!!"

"The Heavenly Sword has taken a shot."

Everyone looked at the palace with great excitement.

I saw a figure in white clothes stepping out with his head held high, looking at the thunderclouds in the sky with a cold expression, his eyes glowing like electricity, and his breath arrogant and domineering!

He rose in the air, not below the thundercloud, but above the sky that was level with the thundercloud, his eyes were cold.

"Dadao, do you want to be an enemy of heaven?!"

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