Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: : I will dispatch the troops here, the soldiers will be the soldiers, the soldiers wi

"This time the Dao King clan is determined to destroy us. This time, the king of the gods has been dispatched several times."

Said a thief.

This person is the red devil thief among the thirty-six thieves.

Hearing what he said, the rest of the people were also frowning.

Although last time, they directly took the Dao King clan's nest, but this also made the Dao King clan angry and launched fierce revenge.

They still underestimated the Dao King family.

The other party actually hides several **** king-level existences.

Among them, apart from Shenluo Pirates, there are no other **** kings. Although relying on various treasures and battle formations to fight guerrillas, it is extremely difficult to survive until now.

"I heard that the Dao King family recently recruited people from the Hades Clan to help them, and they are ready to wipe us out in one fell swoop."

The Red Devil Thief said, extremely worried.

Faintly, there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

A Daowang clan made them fled in embarrassment, and if another Pluto clan were added, they would definitely be over.

The crowd looked at Shen Luo Pirate, waiting for the other party's response.

And Shen Luo Pirate also frowned.

He has planned for many years and gathered all forces to attack the Daowang clan, but the background of the ancient royal clan is above his own imagination.

This time, although I retaliated.

But it also attracted an unprecedented rebound.

Although he is the supreme king and conceited that he is strong, what should the brothers under his hand do?

Thinking of this, Shen Luo Pi already regretted a little in his heart.

I was still too impulsive.

It would be great if it could be considered.

But there is no regret medicine in the world, and Shenluo Pirate can only think of a way to save the brothers under his hands.

"I will negotiate with the Dao King clan."

Shenluo said lightly.

Hearing this, the left and right hand Helou Liangyi next to him suddenly changed his face and said, "Brother, never! We have let the Dao Kings suffer such a big loss this time. They will definitely not let you go easily. Negotiations are of no use."

"Yes, these kings and eight laozi now want us to die."

"Yes, it's better to fight with them."

Everyone talked a lot.

But at this moment, a voice came from outside.

"What do you do with them?"

The indifferent tone showed disdain for these thieves.

I saw a figure slowly walking in.

Everyone was shocked, how could this person walk in front of them so unimpeded without disturbing anyone? !

This method is daunting.

"who are you?!"

A thief stood up abruptly and asked loudly.

"sit down!"

At this time, Shinra Thief spoke.

He looked at the visitor with an extremely solemn expression, "I didn't expect the famous Heavenly Sword to come here. It's surprising."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone suddenly gasped.

This person is actually a Heavenly Sword? !

And a young man next to Shenluo Pirate looked at Madman Chu, his eyes suddenly brightened, and there was a hint of thinking in his eyes.

Tiannv You glanced at the young man, her eyes flashed.

"God, come to give you a chance."

"what chance?"

"A chance to make a comeback against the wind!"

Madman Chu said lightly.

And Shenluo Thief had already guessed something, "Do you want to help us deal with the Dao Kings? Why?"

"In the old days, the gods were forced to kill by the gods. You used to help the gods, and the gods came here this time to repay this favor."

Madman Chu said.

Shenluo Pi also remembered.

In the old days, the madman of Chu was threatened by people from the emperor's clan and Dao king's clan on the top of the ancient star.

I did speak for each other.

At that time, it was just a whim for him, thinking that he could forge a good relationship, and by the way, he was fighting against the Daowang clan.

Unexpectedly, what I said casually at the beginning was actually a turning point for myself. I was really wise at the beginning.

Shenluo Pirates were a little lucky.

Then, he looked at Madman Chu, "How can you help me?"

"Simply, let all of you in your hands, let heaven dispatch."


As soon as Madman Chu said what he said, the other bandits suddenly became calm. How could anyone directly seize the military power as soon as they came up?

Even if the opponent is a Heavenly Sword, they will not easily agree.

"No, we only listen to Big Brother's orders."

"Not bad."

"Heaven Sword, although you are strong, it is impossible for us to give you these tens of millions of troops to an outsider."

Madman Chu ignored the doubts of these thieves.

He fixed his gaze at Shen Luo Pirate.

The other party is the real talker.

And Shenluo Pirate took a deep breath and said: "Heavenly Sword, if you can really help my brothers out of danger, it's okay to hand over military power to you here, I just hope you can do it."

This was his only opportunity, and judging from Madman Chu's past behavior style, the other party would never do anything unsure easily.

A dead horse is a live horse doctor, give it a go!

"God, there is no falsehood!"

Madman Chu smiled slightly.

"Big Brother."

"Brother, please think twice."

Everyone also wanted to persuade a few words.

But Shen Luo Pirates were firm, and they couldn't help it.

Next, Madman Chu began to deploy.

Before coming here, he had known the battle situation here.


In the Dao King clan, the God King Molin is ordering his troops. He intends to completely annihilate Shenluo Pirates and others in one go!

This time, in addition to him, he even asked the Pluto clan to help, of course, this would have to pay some price.

"The two ancient royal families joined forces, Shenluo Pirates, I want to see where you can escape this time? Fengluo galaxy will be your burial place!" God King Molin sneered.

At this time, a big Luo Jinxian in battle armor came.

He said to the God King Molin: "God King, it's not good, the people from the Shenluo Pirates have come to shout!"

"What?" God King Mo Lin was stunned.

These days, the Shenluo Pirates were beaten by them to hide in Tibet. Didn't expect that they would still dare to call the battle and live impatiently?

"Haha, King of Gods, these people seem to be desperate ~ are going to fight to the death." Da Luo of the Dao King clan said.

Hearing this, God King Molin smiled, "Since they are so impatient to come and die, let them go."

Everyone is ready to go out to meet the enemy.

In the starry sky, the two parties confronted each other.

On one side is Shenluo Pirates.

There are tens of thousands of warships, and everyone has a sense of ruthlessness, as if they are a desperate teacher who has thrown away life and death!

Its suffocation is frightening.

God King Molin smiled faintly, "Sure enough, I'm going to desperately."

And at a glance, he saw the Shenluo Pirate on the battleship in the distance, this supreme **** king, was his focus this time.

"Shen Luo Pirate, I didn't expect you to come to death in such a hurry."


Shenluo Pirate had nothing to say, and he gave a cold voice.

In an instant, the killing sounded everywhere, and the countless desperadoes under the command of the Shenluo Pirates were fighting with the Daowang clan.

"Wu Xuelong, don't make a move yet!"

God King Molin looked at the **** king of the Hades clan next to him and said.

The opponent also let people from the Pluto clan join the battlefield.

Several forces clashed, turning this entire galaxy into a sea of ​​blood, and countless stars perished and shattered in this battle.

The cold and dark universe became hot because of the soaring killing and fighting spirit.

"Shenluo Pirates, today is your death date!" God King Molin yelled and robbed Shenluo as well.

"Hmph, whoever will kill you is not yet known."

Shenluo Pirates also shot immediately.

Soldiers against soldiers, against generals!


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