Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 191: : In the 4th season, the sword formation cuts the quasi saint, can I ride it once?

Twelve swords hovered in the void, forming an astonishing sword formation, and bursts of profound Tao Yun fell from the sky, covering a radius of several miles, trapping the Taoist withered clouds.

The Second Season Sword Array, December Sword Array!

"This is a sword formation!"

"Good boy, I didn't expect you to have a lot of means, but you are a warlord, even if you have a sword formation, what can you do with me!"

"Break it for me!"

The Taoist withered cloud let out a low growl, then raised his hand to burst out a gloomy and domineering rhyme, and black flames surged towards the surroundings.

But I saw the rhyme of the sword formation flow, and a sharp sword aura whistled out, like a cold wind blowing in that icy winter.

Under this sword aura, the black flame was continuously disintegrated.

"Playing with fire?" Madman Chu smiled faintly.

In the sword formation, the rhyme of Dao changed, a round of big day suddenly rose, and the rays of light were still intertwined to form a sea of ​​flames, which burned the old man withered cloud to dust.

"What kind of sword formation is this?! It is so powerful!" Old Man Kuyun was frightened. He had seen a lot of formations, but a sword formation urged by the King of War forced him to such an extent. He has not seen him yet. Over.

Like the method of the clone, this sword formation shocked him.

This is beyond his ability to understand.

"How could a warlord have such a method? Who are you!" Old Man Ku Yun stared at the Madman Chu outside the sword array and asked loudly, with a strong hatred and doubt in his eyes.

"Guess." Madman Chu smiled lightly.

With a thought in his mind, the rhyme of Dao flowed in the sword formation, and countless sword auras intertwined to form a scene of the four seasons, constantly blasting at the old man withered cloud.

Sometimes it is like a spring rain, the sword gas is silent, and it is impossible to guard against, such as the spring thunder explosion, overbearing, and sometimes it is like a scorching heat and fire.

Sometimes like the autumn wind is bleak, the sword aura contains a melancholy meaning, and it is as cold as a cold wind...

The four seasons change, and the natural scenery is contained within a while.

Even though Kuyun Taoist is a quasi-sage, he is still very embarrassed under the successive attacks of this sword formation, and his injuries continue to increase.

"I will die?"

"I, will I die in the hands of a war king?"

Kuyun Taoist thought of this, his heart was extremely frightened.

He stared at Madman Chu, how could he not think that a young warlord could actually have the power to kill the quasi-sage? !

This is incredible!

"Who is this person?!"

The Taoist Kuyun stared at the peerless Madman Chu in white, and suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind, "You are Madman Chu!!"

"Oh, I guessed it, not too dumb."

Madman Chu chuckled lightly.

"I should have guessed that with such combat power, good at kendo, extraordinary looks and temperament, and the sword shaped like white jade on your body with extraordinary breath, you are Madman Chu!"

Taoist Kuyun gritted his teeth and said.

"If you guessed it, then go to death with peace of mind." Madman Chu said lightly. With a thought, the sword formation changed to the extreme.

An incomparably surging sword rhyme flowed in the sword formation into a colorful sword shadow, which contained the circulation of the four seasons, and the mighty power of all natural phenomena, cut towards the dry cloud Taoist in the sky.

Under this sword, the scarred Taoist Withered Cloud had no resistance at all, and only had time to let out a miserable howl, and then the whole person was torn and shattered under this sword aura!

Even the quasi-sage body can hardly stop this supreme mighty force!


Madman Chu slapped his sword box, and the 12 swords returned one by one.

The power of the Four Seasons Sword Formation was stronger than he had imagined, and this was only the second realm, with twenty-four solar terms and three hundred and sixty-five days behind it. Once it was set up, how powerful should it be?

He walked to the corpse of Taoist Withered Cloud, picked up the Universe Ring on the ground, felt it a little, and then threw it into the Universe Ring.

"Death Temple, what kind of power is it? Why have I never heard of it in the Azure Dragon Realm?"

Madman Chu whispered.

Then, he thought of what the Third Ancestor Xuantian had said to him a few days ago, "Unknowable things, unknowable places...Is it possible that this Death Temple is one of the unknowable places?"

Since it is an unknowable place, then the ordinary monk will naturally not know it, and it is normal that he has not heard of it.

Madman Chu raised his hand to display the gluttonous method, refining the remaining corpse of the opponent, and he would not let it go even if he died.

Bone and ashes were not as cruel as him.

The immortal Divine Phoenix came next to Madman Chu and suddenly said, "Mother, mother, you are so amazing."

"That's... what, what do you call me?"

The undead Divine Phoenix tilted his head, "Mother."

Her voice was like a seven or eight year old girl, and it sounded crisp and sweet, but Madman Chu was full of black lines at this time.

"Don't call me mother."

"Ah, mother, do you want me?"

The voice of the undead Divine Phoenix was a little bit crying, and in her inheritance memory, it was her mother who hatched herself.

Madman Chu hatched her, who was she if she wasn't a mother?

"It's not that you don't want you, but you can't call me mother, call my brother, um, just call my brother." Chu Kuang said.



"All right, mother-in-law brother."

"Brother, don't add the words "Niangqin"!" After some good words, Madman Chu finally corrected the name of the Undead Divine Phoenix.

"Well, let's go back to Xuantianzong now."

"Where is Xuan Tianzong?"

"Just follow me."

Suddenly, Madman Chu looked at Divine Phoenix with a hint of expectation in his eyes, "Well, Divine Phoenix, let's make a discussion."

"Brother, please speak."

"Can I ride you for a while?"

Madman Chu suddenly remembered that some experts in the spiritual world often have mounts, such as cranes, tigers, and lions.

I might as well get a mount to try.

And what mounts can be more attractive than Divine Phoenix?

"of course."

Divine Phoenix lowered his body and signaled Madman Chu to come up.

Divine beasts are noble in life, and most of them are rebellious. It is difficult for the ancient emperor to catch a divine beast as a mount.

But to Divine Phoenix, Madman Chu is different.

Although she is called the elder brother, she really treats the other person as a mother. The mother wants to ride her, but it's a trivial matter.

Madman Chu jumped on Divine Phoenix's back excitedly, it was furry and warm, more comfortable than sitting on an electric blanket in winter.

"Brother hurry up."

Divine Phoenix said, then flapped its wings and rose into the air.


Within the Xuantian Sect, all the forces came, and they were all invited by Venerable Xuanqi to come to observe the ceremony.

Among them, the Daoist traditions of the great saints in the Azure Dragon Region and the Supreme Daoist traditions are all characters with a head and a face.

Before the ceremony, the divine phoenix was born and the vision of thousands of birds facing the phoenix shocked many people present.

For a while, everyone was discussing this matter.

However, compared with these, Venerable Xuan Qi's face at this time was not very good-looking, and he cursed at the communication compass.

"Madman, today is the day you take over. People from all walks of life have arrived. Where have you gone, don't come back soon."

"Master, I have encountered something urgent, this is on the way, you should stand up for a while." Madman Chu said.

Venerable Xuan Qi turned off the messaging compass and muttered: "This stinky boy, it's getting less and less worrying."


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