Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1003: : The true face of the ancient star of the war disaster, the treasure of the broken ch

Ancient star of military disaster.

Countless grievances from all directions turned into a flood of grievances and gathered towards a certain place, and the place where these grievances converged was actually the supreme king of the army of disasters... the king of soldiers!

To contend with the madman of Chu.

He actually did not hesitate to mobilize the secret method of the military calamity clan, forcibly absorb the grievances of the military calamity clan, and strengthen his own strength.

This kind of behavior is extremely crazy.

Seeing this, the powerhouses of the starry sky couldn't help but stunned to themselves.

"This soldier king is really cruel."

"Tsk tsk, it's decisive. If he doesn't do this, when he is defeated, the war-torn clan will also suffer. Doing this may seem crazy, but there is still a ray of life."

"Yes, now he can use this power to contend with the Heavenly Sword. If he can't win, he still can't change the outcome."

The sky over the ancient star of military disaster.

The king of soldiers forcibly absorbed endless grievances and strengthened himself.

I saw his breath circulating, the remnants in his hand cut out, and the violent resentment poured out, turning into an undercurrent that swallowed the sky and the earth!

Facing this blow, Madman Chu still couldn't evade.

Between raising his hands, the emperor came out again forever.

The emperor and hegemony are one, and the power is endless.

With a roar, two forces exploded.

Both sides were shocked and flew upside down by hundreds of feet. After the king of soldiers stabilized his figure, the Dao in his body made a roaring sound.

Countless paths spewed, turning into weapons such as swords, spears, swords, halberds, axes, hooks, hammers, etc., and the waves of grievances were endless and endless.

"The Witness of the Sky, the Heavenly Sword Outside the Sky!"

Madman Chu had no way in his hand, and the Heavenly Sword was cut out.

A sense of transcendence permeated.

That is the only source of power!

It contains the rules of the madman of Chu, both of which are not controlled by the Dao, directly shattering the grievances of thousands of weapons!

But this is not the end.

"The witness of the sky, the prison of the sky!"

Countless sword qi was generated out of thin air, forming a powerful banning force, completely blocking the space around the king of soldiers.

The next moment.

Madman Chu moved again.

When he came to the king of soldiers, he cut out of his hand without a way.

With this sword, the opponent didn't have time to dodge, the whole person's sword energy almost broke in half after being cut, and flew out like a meteor.

There was a boom.

The king of soldiers smashed a piece of the continent of the Middle Ancient Star.

The continent sank directly.

In the center of the mainland, the soldier king kept coughing up blood, and the Tao in his body was constantly mending his body, but it had no effect.

The injury caused by Madman Chu's Tao is not so easy to repair.

This sword destroyed 30% of his way!

"Even if it is the power of the whole family, you think it is not an opponent." Madman Chu stood in the air, condescendingly.

"Heaven Sword, do you think you are determined to win?!"

The King of Soldiers took a deep breath, with determination in his eyes, and saw that he raised his hand and hit the ancient star of Soldier Disaster under his feet.

I saw the whole ancient star shook frantically.

Then, black beams of light erupted everywhere in the ancient star.

In the void, a large number of Taoism emerged.

This principle does not belong to any **** king on the scene, but originates from the ancient star of war and disaster at the feet of everyone.

After those beams of light disperse.

I saw more tower-like buildings above the ancient star.

These buildings are covered with runes.

There are many huge orbs floating above it.

"Feel some real military disasters!"

Bingwang's body actually blended into the ground under his feet.

Immediately afterwards.

The orbs on the countless tower-shaped buildings on the ancient star began to have a large amount of brilliance condensed, and beams of light suddenly shot towards the madman of Chu.

Madman Chu's eyes narrowed slightly, "Is this the real face of this ancient star? The war and disaster clan, the real heritage!"

Before he came, he had heard that the ancient star inhabited by the military disaster clan was a war fortress, and now it seems that it is indeed the case.

Facing the sweeping laser beams, there were countless sword qi lasing from Madman Chu's body, which collided with the lasers one after another.

The air waves rolled, and the brilliant energy brilliance covered the starry sky.

After the laser goes away...

Madman Chu stood in the air unscathed.

He looked at those tower-like buildings, and then shot out a sword gas, with a bang, the huge tower burst on the spot.

But then, from the bottom of the ancient star, countless broken weapons swept out, and they were once again condensed into a tall tower.

"Oh, is it reborn again?"

Madman Chu was slightly surprised.

He asked Xiao Ai to analyze the whole ancient star of military disaster.

At the same time deal with the king of soldiers.

Laser beams shuttled through the void, shooting towards Madman Chu one after another, trying to completely destroy him.

"Master, this entire ancient star of military disaster is actually a dilapidated treasure of chaos. If you want to activate this ancient star, you must expend extremely majestic resentment energy..." Xiao Ai said slowly.

Broken chaos treasure?

This point surprised Madman Chu a little bit.

It takes a lot of grievances as energy to motivate. It seems that the king of soldiers absorbs the grievances of the whole clan not just to increase combat power, but also to use these grievances to motivate this ancient star of military disaster.

This ancient star of the war disaster should have enough grievances as energy before, but it is a pity that those grievances have been used to hatch devil eggs.

The king of soldiers used this method as a last resort.

"Heaven Sword, today you are determined to lose!"

"Now I am one with this ancient star of military disaster. Unless you can destroy the entire ancient star of military disaster, you can't kill me!"

The voice of the soldier king echoed in the air.

The madman Chu had no way in his hand, cut out with a sword, and the violent power swept through, tearing a huge hole in the ground of the ancient star of military disaster.

However, looking at this opening, he saw a pile of metal stratum condensed by remnants, with weird runes flowing on it.

This is the true face of the ancient star of military disaster.

As for the continent above, it was nothing more than a layer of dust on the surface of the ancient star of military disaster. This discovery made everyone extremely amazed.

"This ancient star of military disaster actually looks like this. UU reading www.uukānshu.cóm"

"Tsk, it's amazing."

"It's incredible."

Even some **** kings admire them incomparably.

"Haha, Heavenly Sword, it's useless!"

The proud voice of Bingwang sounded.

But the madman Chu stood in the air and smashed a few laser beams at will. At the same time, the aura on his body was rising steadily.

"Under the sky, there is no fortress that can't be broken by the sky!"

Madman Chu gave a low voice.

No way into the sheath.

It was replaced by the Eight-sided Emperor's Hammer. The instant this half-step Chaos Treasure appeared, the surrounding void crazily collapsed!

The unparalleled breath swept out and shocked the audience.

"Half-step chaos treasure?"

"Hmph, then you can try it!"

The soldier snorted coldly, still confident.

He knew that this ancient star was a broken chaos treasure. Although it was broken, the chaos treasure was the chaos treasure. It was extremely tough and could not be completely destroyed even if it was a half-step chaos treasure!

And this ancient star has a certain self-healing ability, as long as it cannot be destroyed at once, the ancient star will automatically recover.

Unless it hurts the source of the treasure.

But Bingwang couldn't see that Madman Chu had this kind of patience.

"As long as I stay hidden in this ancient star, Heavenly Sword, you can't help me!" Bing Wang thought triumphantly.

But the next moment, his face changed slightly.

Because Madman Chu moved, he hit it with a hammer.

Its goal is actually his hidden position!

How did he find out? !


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