Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1001: : Darkness, the food is delivered, the soul of the **** of the gods is hit hard

"Heaven Sword!!"

At this time, a roar came from the ruins.

I saw a figure soaring into the sky.

It is Pluto.

Now he was bloodstained and very unbearable. The Dao inside his body roared and the Dao circulated, repairing his body frantically. This made Madman Chu a little surprised.

The ordinary supreme **** king wants to use the Tao to repair his injuries is not a simple matter.

Underworld, a god-king Xiaocheng, can do things that the supreme god-king might not be able to do. It is worthy of being one of the oldest existences.

Although it is a rebirth practice, it still has some unique features.

"Heaven Sword, I will cut you a thousand swords!"

A low growl.

I saw the icy meaning of death in the eyes of the **** of underworld, and there was a mysterious rune mark flowing out of his body.

That is the mark of the king!

The seal of the king showed that the breath of the **** of underworld rose a lot.

His figure flashed in front of Madman Chu, and a dark sickle suddenly appeared in his hand, engraved with strange runes and a blood ruby ​​inlaid, revealing a gloomy meaning.

"Heavenly Sword, have you seen the Scythe of the Underworld God!"

"Ming Shen Jue, break the sky and the earth!"

Cut it down with a sickle, and the powerful aura directly tore the void.

The blood-red light completely enveloped Madman Chu.

The madman Chu didn't retreat, and he couldn't get out of his waist.

With a clang, he easily blocked the **** knife light, and stabbed forward, leaving a blood hole in the opponent's shoulder.


Pluto became even more angry.

The sickle in his hand was swung one after another, with one stroke and one stroke, all of which locked the madman Chu's vitals, the death path surrounded him, and often a single shot contained the power to destroy the stars.

But all his attacks seemed to be seen through by Madman Chu.

Waving without a path in his hand, like a skynet, airtight, it would easily block all the attacks of the Underworld God.

Not only that, the sword he occasionally fought back was exquisite, and even if the Underworld God tried his best to resist it, it was useless.

That sword will always appear where it should appear, either to dissolve the opponent's attack or inflict damage on the opponent.

After a while.

Madman Chu was unscathed, and he didn't even move his footsteps a few times.

On the other hand, Pluto was bruised all over his body, and the blood was flowing unstoppable.

The strengths and weaknesses of the two sides are already a judgement!

Madman Chu, crush the Underworld!

"Six-fold curse seal, curse body, curse grudge, curse spirit, curse life!"

At this time, I saw the **** of darkness retreating dozens of feet.

The strongest practice of the Pluto clan, the six-fold curse seal is cast.

This six-fold curse is a taboo trick in the Hades clan, and those who rush to learn it are likely to lose their souls.

Since ancient times, very few people have been able to practice successfully.

The last time he succeeded was the enchanting Wu Tianyou of the Hades clan, but it was a pity that he was later crushed and killed by the madman of Chu.

But Pluto didn't have the same concerns of others, and the six-fold curse seal was written in his hand, because this practice law was originally created by him.

Facing the curse seal attacking his body, Chu Kuangren's body shook, and the Dao within his body made waves of Dao sounds, wrapped in the surging immortal power, and spontaneously unmoved, only to dissolve the offensive of the gods in an instant.

"Pluto, how do you feel when you try to be found by your own curse?!" Madman Chu said lightly.

I saw that his sword fingers condensed, and he was actually performing a mysterious practice, which was actually a six-fold curse imprint exactly like the Underworld!

Curse spirit, curse body, curse life, curse...

Several curse imprints, flew towards the **** of underworld, imprinted on him in an instant, sending out the most terrifying curse power!

"Use the practice method I created to deal with me, Heavenly Sword, you are so naive!"

Underworld sneered with disdain, waved a sickle in his hand, a **** knife appeared, and then it was cut on himself.

Then, that heavy curse imprint crashed to pieces!

"The next move will end this battle!"

Underworld snorted coldly.

Seeing his eyes condensed, a strange light flashed in his eyes, and a strange wave of fluctuations spread out from his eyes.

The Madman Chu who was across from him also felt a strange power roaring forward, and enveloped him in the blink of an eye.

"Oh, the power of the soul."

Madman Chu noticed something and narrowed his eyes.

In an instant, the surrounding environment changed drastically.

The light was swallowed, and only a piece of endless darkness remained, and in the darkness, there were waves of eerie and gloomy roars.

As if there are endless evil spirits climbing in it.

"Heavenly Sword, welcome to this darkness!"

An indifferent voice sounded.

I saw the Underworld walking out of the darkness, wearing a crown on his head, and a black mysterious robe, surrounded by countless evil spirits crawling under his feet.

Like the true **** who rules over the world!

"Is it an enchantment woven by the power of the soul? It has some meaning." Chu Madman said lightly.

"Darkness, this is my strongest supernatural power, as long as you are in this space, your soul will be under my control!"

Hades said.

After the words fell, from the surrounding darkness, a hideous evil spirit walked out, biting towards Madman Chu.

To tear his soul into pieces.

"It's a pity, you still underestimate the sky."

Madman Chu said lightly.

He stepped forward, and the figure in the darkness burst out infinite celestial splendor at this moment!

That is, the light of the soul!

Under the impact of this soul light, the evil spirits melted away like snow meeting the scorching sun.

This scene stunned the Underworld God, he couldn't believe it, "How can your soul realm reach this point?!"

"This is impossible!"

He didn't know that compared to his cultivation, Madman Chu's soul realm was one step ahead, and it was not far from the soul chaos realm.

It is really unwise to use soul tricks on him.

But this is no wonder Pluto.

In addition to the way of death, he is best at it. UU Reading www.uukā is most proud of this soul's supernatural powers, and as one of the most powerful souls in the previous life, this trick of Pluto can be said to be no disadvantage.

No wonder he would use this trick to deal with Madman Chu.

But he couldn't think that Madman Chu's soul power was actually stronger than his ancient **** of the world.

"Try this sword!"

In the endless fairy glory, the madman of Chu's sword fingers condensed, and the power of the soul condensed into a sword shadow, "The witness of the sky, the sword of the sky!"

Cut down with a sword, Underworld God couldn't dodge.

The soul was hit hard immediately!

A large amount of escaping soul power swept towards Madman Chu, which actually increased his soul power.

This surprised him slightly.

"Interesting, the soul is hit hard here, will the power of the soul be absorbed by the other party?"

Madman Chu couldn't help laughing out loud.

Isn't Mingshen just sending him food?

When his sword fingers condensed, when he planned to kill the soul of the Underworld God, the surrounding conditions changed and he returned to Luowang Guxing again.

It was the underworld who had a bad experience and received magical powers.

He secretly said a pity.


At this time, a miserable howl came from the other side.

But the Underworld God, who was severely injured by the Madman Chu, was holding his head at the moment, looking in pain.

For this scene, some people are puzzled. In their opinion, the two sides did not do anything just now, why the **** of the underworld was hit hard?

But the faces of some **** kings were extremely solemn, and even felt a little weird.

"The soul of the Underworld was severely injured by the Heavenly Sword!"

(End of this chapter)

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