Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: : Xuantian 9-Star Breaking Army, the mystery of entering Taoism

The Lord of the Mist used the secret method of the Mist to combine the powers of several combined Dao, and burst out a terrifying combat power comparable to multiple combined Dao.

The powerful breath poured out and circulated everywhere.

Madman Chu looked at the lord of the fog tribe in front of him, with amusement in his eyes, "Come on, let me see how far you can struggle."

The contemptuous smile made the master of the Wuzu furious.

A punch was blasted out.

The power of the Extreme Dao whistling, engulfed in a treacherous black mist, completely enveloped Madman Chu, and constantly eroded his body.

at this time.

But seeing Madman Chu raise his hand, Kun Wu in his hand swept across the void, and the dazzling sword light spread towards the surroundings.

It was just a sword, and the dense fog all around suddenly dispersed.

But this is only the beginning.

How can it be easy to merge the master of the Wuzu with several ties.

He raised his hand and grabbed it in the void, and the endless black mist swept across, blending in the air, turning into a horrifying evil soldier!

That is a pitch black halberd!

The power of the evil soldiers stirred the world, extremely terrifying.

Madman Chu saw it, his expression was indifferent, and when the Wuzu Hedao held a halberd and banged, there was a cyan Daoyun flowing out on his forehead.

A green lotus shone out.

Qinglian descended from the sky to suppress the master of the Wuzu.

It is the second form of Qinglian Jue!

A green lotus crushes forever!

boom! !

The lord of the Wuzu was suppressed by Qinglian, and the whole person let out low roars, staring at the Madman Chu with ferocious and brutal eyes.

"Madman Chu, you can't kill me!"

I saw a large amount of mist dispersing on him, turning into sly runes, madly impacting Qinglian.

Under the collision of this force, the destructive power contained in Qinglian was violently turbulent, and was disintegrated one after another.

"The current me is comparable to multi-healing, you can't kill me!"

The Lord of the Wuzu stood up gradually against Qinglian.

"is it?"

Madman Chu snorted softly.

Behind him, nine dazzling dragon spirits appeared.

With the blessing of Dragon Qi, his strength has once again increased to a level, and the green lotus blooms billions of times.

With a bang, the Lord of the Wuzu was once again brought down to town.

"I want to kill you, don't say that you are comparable to multi-healing, even if you are Hunyuan, you will still die!!"

Madman Chu said indifferently, pressing his palm slightly in the void.

Qinglian's destructive power surged crazily.

The Tao in the main body of the Wuzu gradually fell apart.

"Chu madman, one day Panlian will find you for revenge!"

"Do you think he can escape?"

Madman Chu sneered.

Not far away, a huge star map suddenly appeared. On the star map, nine stars are connected together, which is very mysterious.

This is the Big Dipper nine-star map!

Among the star maps, one of the stars is the most dazzling.

"what is that?"

The Wuzu monk looked at the huge star map that suddenly appeared, and couldn't help but wonder and panic. What the **** did this Madman of Chu do?

But Panlian, who was about to take advantage of the chaos, suddenly encountered the star map in front of her and blocked her way.

Combining the Qi of Daoran with the unique practice of the Wuzu, coupled with the ultimate source of the Supreme Treasure Killing Spear, the power of this blow is extremely powerful.

The void was directly torn in half.

But I saw a flash of light above the star map.

That shot was actually distorted by a force of nothingness.

Immediately afterwards.

The star chart disperses.

It was replaced by a young man with white clothes and white hair, with a terrifying breath circulating all over his body.

The surrounding void collapsed silently around him and collapsed.

"This is the power of gods and demons, and a person in the same line of gods and demons!"

The lord of the fog tribe said with a gloomy face when he saw the man.

"It is Xuantian Nine Stars... Breaking the Army is absolutely godless!"

Madman Chu said lightly.

"No matter who you are, kill!"

Pan Lian snorted coldly, and blasted out with a gun in his hand. The terrifying Taoist energy swept through the world, crushing towards Jue Wu Shen.

Seeing the other side standing proudly and flying white hair.

With a slight grip of the five fingers, the power of the Tao in the body flows out!

He has actually broken through Hedao!

"Experience the power of nothingness."

Absolutely Wushen said lightly.

The gray divine light shone out, blending into the power of Dao Ze, and bombarding with Pan Lian's rapid stabbing shot.

Two overbearing powers exploded in a blast!

Space collapses one after another.

Absolutely no retreat.

Pan Lian also refused, and the two looked at each other with awe-inspiring killing intent.

"Even if you are in harmony, you are just vulnerable to the Qi of Dao Ran!!" Pan Lian urged the Qi of Dao Ran frantically.

Absolutely Wushen faintly felt an oppressive effect.

But he still doesn't retreat.

"By my king's order, today, the Wuzu, don't keep one!"

No God's words fell, and there were a number of figures appearing in the void around them, and everyone was carrying the tyrannical spirit of gods and demons.

These people are actually monks in the same line of gods and demons!

Immediately afterwards, Jue Wushen raised his hand and smashed into the void, the void split every inch, and a majestic golden platform rose into the air.

On the high platform, there are countless runes engraved.

Exuding the ultimate killing air!

But it is the treasure of Xian Ting of the past, cut Sendai!

Zhanxiantai found that the endless killing energy enveloped Panlian, and with the addition of Absolute Wushen, it was difficult for him to get out of trouble for a while.

As for the other Wuzu monks, they also wanted to leave, but they were dragged by the shadow figurines and the Shadow Army.

Not to mention, there are still a group of gods and demons around.

They have no way to go!

"Damn, damn!"

"Mad Chu, you destroy my Wuzu, today, even if I die, I will pull you back!!" The Lord of the Wuzu went crazy.

I saw the Dao in his body roared.

The Tao whistled out, it collapsed and collapsed on its own!

A more terrifying force is accumulating.

Madman Chu saw this, his eyes condensed.

"Oh, sacrificing one's own way? It's a bit courageous!"

The way to sacrifice lord of the Wuzu wants to die with the madman of Chu.

"It's a pity that you want to die with me, you don't have the ability!" The madman Chu raised his hand, and the voice sang in his body.

I saw that his whole body condensed pieces of ancient runes.


There are great energies pouring in between the heaven and the earth, surrounding him.

An extremely surging coercion swept out in an instant, and everyone only felt that this force was incredibly powerful.

Even Zangfeng and Wuzu's multiple unions were shocked.

"This power is... the Great Way!!"

Zang Feng recognized the power used by Madman Chu at a glance.

The power of the avenue!

"How can it be?!"

The Lord of the Wuzu whispered.

He sacrificed his Dao to this cosmic Dao in exchange for stronger power. Madman Chu used the power of the Dao in the next instant.

Is there anything more outrageous than this?

The Lord of the Fog Race was completely stunned.

"This approach to Taoism is really mysterious."

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

What he is using now is the method of entering the Tao.

Borrow the power of Pangu Universe Avenue to suppress the Wuzu!


Madman Chu didn't use any immortal magical powers, he raised the sword in his hand and chopped it out gently, and the powerful force directly turned into a majestic sword aura.

Wherever they went, the fog tribes dissipated.

Even the Lord of the Wuzu who had sacrificed his own way felt an unprecedented pressure. The whole person was blasted by the sword energy, and the Tao that was already collapsing in his body was hit hard again, and it was less than 30%.

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