Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : Rebel against the sky, make a decisive decision, Zeguo war map

"The entourage around Tianjian? Who allowed you to come in!"

A general stood up and said coldly.

At the same time, they were also extremely surprised.

It's not easy to be able to get close to them without them knowing it, this guy.

"Heh, this is the General Mansion. Since the Lord of Demon has taken over the Ninth Continent, why can't he come here?"

Tian Ying said lightly.

Hearing his words, everyone looked at each other.

What the other party said is correct.

The problem is, they don't recognize the general Chu Madman.

"The Heavenly Sword hasn't settled in the General's Mansion. This place is still under the control of General Scarlet Blood for the time being. You are too presumptuous if you come uninvited."

A general snorted coldly.

"Presumptuous?" Tianying snorted, "If the demon is really presumptuous, you can't bear it. Come today, just to convey one thing for the Lord of the demon. Please general the Scarlet Blood to sort out the list of generals within two days. , Two days later, together with the military talisman, hand over to the Lord of Demon."

The few people present looked at each other.

Then, the red blood smiled faintly: "I will be ready."

"I hope."

The sky shadow turned into a black shadow and disappeared.

"General, do you really want to hand over the military talisman?"

The green shirt military division asked the red blood.

The blood sneered, "Hand over the military talisman? How could it be possible, as long as he can't get the military talisman and can't control people, after a while, I will report the matter to the temple, saying that he is incompetent, and let the temple transfer him away."

"The general is brilliant."

"We don't rush him, let him retreat when he is in trouble, let him understand that this Ninth Continent is not so easy to take over."

"Not bad."

The crowd continued to drink and have fun.

Two days later.

Scarlet Blood is in the barracks.

at this time.

A burst of surging sword pressure roared in, covering the barracks completely in the blink of an eye, and many soldiers couldn't help but look over.

"What's the situation? An enemy attack?"


Just at this time.

Not far away, two figures walked slowly.

It was Madman Chu and Tianying.

After sensing the aura, Scarlet Blood walked out to greet him unhurriedly, "Heavenly Sword is coming here, there is a long way to go."

Madman Chu smiled faintly, "The two-day time limit has passed, let me ask the general, how is the military talisman and the roster of generals prepared?"

"Oh, look at my memory, I forgot it again."

Scarlet Blood patted his head, and then said: "It's just that the affairs in the army are busy. I'm afraid that Tianjian won't be able to adapt for a while. Why don't you adapt to the time of the meal?"

Scarlet blood said sincerely.

Madman Chu couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "General Scarlet Blood, I don't know what to do with those who disobey the military order?"

"What does the sky sword mean?" Scarlet blood frowned slightly.

"Tell God, what should I do?"

"Slightly abandon its cultivation, but severely make a decisive decision!"

Scarlet Blood said.

"Very well, then you...just make your own decision." Chu Kuang said humanely.

When this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar.

The complexions of the generals beside the red blood changed.

"Heaven Sword, no."

"Heaven Sword, you are not qualified to do this!"


The surging sword pressure swept through, and all the generals felt as if their hearts were being crushed by a large mountain, and there was a feeling of suffocation.

There was a sense of horror on each face.

"Heavenly Sword, I shed blood and tears for the Tianyuan Universe, and beheaded countless enemies on this battlefield. The battle is so accomplished. You want to kill me?!"

Scarlet blood's face sank, and his tone was cold.

"In front of the military order, there is no merit or demerit!"

Madman Chu said lightly.

The sword energy condensed at the fingertips, and the killing intent flowed.

Seeing this, Scarlet Blood smiled in anger, "Okay, okay, I want to see how powerful your Heavenly Sword really is!!"

The power of Tao in his body urged.

A long knife was held in his hand.


A cold blade of light slashed towards the Madman Chu, and the power of Taoism contained in it was fierce and domineering, extremely frightening!

Madman Chu's sword flicked in the void.


Between the electric light and flint, the power of the two principles has already collided.

The two figures crossed in the air.

The madman Chu's sword gas disappeared from his fingertips.

"He who rebels against the sky is like this person!"

He said indifferently.

The next moment.

Thousands of sword auras in the scarlet blood burst out, and the Dao in the body was gradually wiped out in front of this sword aura!

"This, how is this possible?!" Scarlet Blood looked at the sword marks on his body and the wiped away, his face was shocked, and he couldn't believe it.

Can't even take a trick by yourself? !


Scarlet blood exploded and fell completely!

When everyone in the barracks saw this scene, their pupils trembled violently.

That's the king of gods.

Was actually killed by a sword? !

What a strength this is!

"Are there any dissatisfaction you are waiting for?"

Madman Chu glanced over the others.

And these people shuddered, and then all knelt in front of Madman Chu, "I'll wait to see the general!!"

Scarlet Blood didn't expect that the brothers who had been pushing a cup with him two days ago were all kneeling in front of Madman Chu.

He died only because he overlooked one thing.

The military camp is a place to speak by strength.

And Madman Chu's strength is far above him!


Madman Chu truly took over the Ninth Continent.

In the general's mansion, Madman Chu was looking at the roster of lieutenant generals to understand the overall strength of this ninth continent.

It's not bad, but in his opinion it's not much better.

But he doesn't care much about these.

Anyway, I didn't come here to protect me sincerely.

the next day.

"Congratulations to the host for drawing the super god-level reward Zeguo war map!"

Madman Chu's eyes lit up.

Another super **** level reward? !

He took a closer look.

Zeguo's battle map is a powerful formation.

This formation can collect the evil spirits of the battlefield, and then transform it into the power of the people in the formation. The more evil spirits collected, the stronger the formation.

Being able to be listed as a super god-level reward ~ ~ shows the strength of this array.

"Zeguo Battle Map..."

The light in Madman Chu's eyes was getting bigger and bigger.

He has a hunch.

This formation is likely to be the key to determining the situation in the void battlefield.

Battlefield evil spirit?

Where is the evil spirit now comparable to this void battlefield?

"If I can arrange this formation in the entire void battlefield, then the collected battlefield evil spirits will be an astronomical number. With this power, I will not fear anyone!"

"But first of all, I have to refine the formations, and I have to deploy this formation on the entire battlefield, and I have to ask another me to help." Madman Chu murmured, with some expectation in his heart.

The battlefield of the void is now confronting the two armies.

He can set up an array here in the Tianyuan Universe, but on the Pangu Universe, he has to rely on the Qinglian Chu Kuang talents.

Only when the two of them work together can they lay down the Zeguo battle map that covers the entire void battlefield! !

"General, there is an enemy attack!"

at this time.

The military division of the Ninth City hurriedly walked into the general's mansion and said.

"Go and see."

Madman Chu's figure flashed and came to the city wall.

I saw a powerful aura circulating in the distance, several figures were confronting each other, and all kinds of big Luo Yi and fairy magic exploded one after another.

"The God King of Tianyuan Universe, come out and die!!"

A loud laugh resounded through the sky.

A figure stepped into the air, and the fairy radiance circulated around his body, and a powerful aura whistled out, covering the whole city.

Madman Chu glanced at the visitor, "Hey, it's him..."


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