Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 197: : 12 Sage Law, it’s too damaging to people, Dao Heart will collapse

There were many visions over the library.

  There are mountains and rivers, majestic atmosphere, the circulation of the sun and the moon, the black and white alternately changing, there are also various alien beasts soaring, so angry...

   Every vision contains a mysterious and mysterious Taoist rhyme.

  Each one is a saint law!

   Everyone swallowed, even if they knew the magic of Madman Chu, they were still scared.

   This is the sage method!

   There are only a few kinds of sage traditions, which are extremely rare in the outside world, but in the Mad Man of Chu, why did they appear together?

   and they are all homemade! !

   This is too scary!

   "Big brother, oh no, is he really a human head?"

   "I rely on, one, two, three, four... Nine kinds of sage techniques, no, it is still increasing, ten kinds, ten kinds of sage techniques!"

   "You know, even our Xuantian Sect only has three sage techniques. Later, with the addition of the swordsmanship created by the head, there are only four. Now there are ten more, maybe more!"

   "How did he do it?!"

   "Isn't it true that a fairy descended to the earth?"

   In the depths of Xuan Tianzong, the saint in the hut was also scared to death.

   Several Xuantian ancestors were silent for a while.

"Damn, does this guy treat Saint Law as Chinese cabbage? Just come, this is too abnormal." The third ancestor Rao Shi Xuantian lived for nearly 10,000 years, but he was still frightened by the madman Chu and swearing directly. .

  Sage method can only be created by saints who have a deep understanding of Tao Yun, and even for a saint, it takes countless efforts to create a saint method.

   For example, the three ancestors of Xuantian, he has only created a saint method for so many years, and it has been used to this day.

   And now, Madman Chu has spent a long time in front of them creating a bunch of them. Can their mentality be unbalanced?

   "He is in a state of epiphany."

   At this time, an old voice came from a hut.

   This is the second ancestor of Xuantian, the person with the highest seniority in the Xuantian Sect, excluding the deceased first ancestor.

   "Even in a state of epiphany, it is too unbelievable to be able to achieve this level," said the third ancestor Xuantian.

   "Perhaps, he is inherently gifted."


   The sky over the library.

   A variety of visions emerged one after another.

There are twelve kinds of   , which represent the twelve kinds of saints!

   Everyone was stunned.

   "The head is going against the sky." Elder Ruyan swallowed, with an indescribable shock in his eyes.

   "Elder Ruyan, fetch me twelve Taoist monuments!"

   At this time, the voice of the madman Chu came from the library.

  Elder Ruyan heard the words and recovered from the shock, and then left quickly, and within a short while he retrieved twelve Taoist monuments.

   Twelve square and square monuments were placed outside the gate of the library, and then, a sword light suddenly appeared.

   The sword light is majestic, like a vast river.


   The sword light fell on the Taoist stele, leaving a sword mark, and then turned into countless characters, this is a saint method!

   is another sword.

   The sword light contains the alternation of the sun and the moon, meaning endless life.

   Then, a fierce blue dragon rose into the sky, spreading its teeth and dancing claws, filled with a fierce air, which made people fearful.

   Twelve kinds of sage techniques were displayed one by one by the madman of Chu, and they were stamped on the stele of Taoism and turned into countless mysterious characters and imprinted in them.

   "Today, I created my own twelve methods of saints, and these twelve monuments are placed on the last floor of the library. All true disciples can watch and comprehend by themselves." Chu Madman said lightly.

  As soon as this remark came out, all the disciples suddenly broke out.

   "It's really twelve methods of saints!"

   "The head of the cattle batch!!!"

   "Only true disciples can comprehend. It seems that I have to be promoted to true disciple earlier so that I can comprehend this sage."

   "Don't stop me, I will go to enlightenment later."

"me too."

  All the disciples were extremely happy.

  Especially the true disciples, they couldn’t wait to sit in front of the Taoist monument and comprehend the saint’s law.

   As for the disciples who are not true disciples, there is no dissatisfaction.

   After all, the sage law is the foundation of an orthodoxy, and it cannot be spread at will, so that everyone can learn it.

   It is reasonable to only let the true disciples enlightenment. This actually stimulated the motivation of the outer and inner disciples to practice hard.

   After a while.

   Chu Madman walked out of the library.

  He has a calm demeanor, without sorrow or joy, as if he was not the one who made the amazing act of creating twelve kinds of saints just now.

   "Head, you really gave us a big surprise!"

   Elder Ruyan and others came up.

"Yes, for a long time, our Xuantian Sect has only three kinds of sage methods for the foundation of cultivation. The head of the attack used to create only the swordsmanship, but this method is the holy king method, which is difficult to understand. These sage methods can make up for this."

   "The Twelve Saints Law, head, you are really going against the sky."

   Facing the shocking gazes of several elders, Madman Chu just smiled faintly, without the slightest pride or pride on his face.

   The people of Xuan Tianzong lack the sage method for attack. He knows this, and that's why he created his own sage method today.

   He has studied and comprehend two emperor scriptures one after another, coupled with the attribute blessing of sitting and forgetfulness, his understanding of Taoism is too deep, too deep.

   used a star-level epiphany card, which allowed him to create twelve kinds of sage skills.

  Furthermore, these sage methods were created by him based on the various practices of Xuantian School, taking the essence and removing the dross. The disciples of Xuantian School practiced this kind of sage method, which is twice the result with half the effort.

   "It's just a pity. They are just ordinary sage methods. I originally wanted to create two kinds of sage methods. It seems that my understanding of Taoism is still not deep enough." Chu Madman murmured.

   Upon hearing this, the corners of the elders Ruyan's mouth twitched twice.

  What are you kidding?

   Within half a day, he created twelve sage methods in a If you don’t have a deep understanding of Taoism.

   They felt that all the monks in the world could commit suicide collectively.


   Facing the words of Madman Chu, they now have the feeling that they have lived on dogs for all these years.

   "Head, please don't say this in the future, it's really a shock." Elder Ruyan smiled bitterly.

   The madman of Chu chuckles when he hears the words, "I am tempering your Daoism."

   "Dao Xin is about to collapse, head."

   The elders wanted to cry without tears.

   After the creation of the twelve methods of saints, the rest is left to Elder Ruyan to deal with.

   Although Madman Chu was hit, the elders were still very surprised. Madman Chu even gave them the naming rights of these saints, which made them extremely excited.

   In the depths of Xuan Tianzong, several ancestors saw clearly the process of the Chu madman creating the saint method.

   "I have been in power for more than a thousand years, but all the accomplishments combined are not as strong as the twelve saint methods he created today."

   An old ancestor suddenly laughed at himself and said with emotion.

   "Who said no."

   "You know, he just became the boss yesterday."

   "With these twelve saints, my Xuantian Sect's background will be enhanced a lot, and my Xuantian Sect has given birth to a lucky star!"

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