Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : Nine kings leave the pass, the greatest secret of the nine kings, sleepless disciple

The madman of Tianjian Chu was busy refining the materials for the formation of the Zeguo war map.

The madman of Qinglian Chu is practicing, preparing to become the leader of the Pangu universe. The two parties are divided into labor, fulfilling and busy.

Time flies, it is several years.

Within these few years.

The madman of Qinglian Chu has refined all the Titan Divine Fruits in his hand. Luo Shu, the Great Spear and other Qinglian treasures have not been fully refined yet, but his Qinglian power has not been improved. less.

Regardless of the power of Qinglian for the time being.

In the realm of He Dao, he has reached the point of perfection, and he can begin to try to integrate into other Dao.

In other words, it is the realm of multiple harmony.

The consciousness of the madman of Heavenly Sword Chu and the madman of Qinglian Chu were connected together, and the madman of Heavenly Sword Chu also got some benefits from this.

His realm has also reached the peak of Hedao, only one line away, and he can also be promoted to Consummation and enter the ranks of multiple Hedao.


"In the realm now, I was overtaken by another self."

Within the ninth continent.

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

It's just that the two of them are together, both have practiced the Xuankong Hedao Jue, and after fusion, the cultivation will become one.

So it doesn't make much sense to compare each other.

Then, Madman Chu looked at the large array of objects he had refined in front of him, and muttered: "These are enough to set up one-third of the Zeguo battle map, but we have to work harder."

at this time.

He seemed to sense something, and his eyes lit up.

"Oh, Dragon Crystal and the others are out?"


Tianyuan universe.

A mysterious space, here is like chaos and nothingness, vast and unpredictable, but just today, chaos suddenly burst.

I saw the void like a mirror, bursting apart.

Nine figures rushed out from the cracks in the shattered space.

The boundless power swept out.

Stars burst out under this power, and the monks in the entire universe sensed this terrifying aura.

Everyone exclaimed.

You know, in today's Tianyuan Universe, many powerful people all go to the void battlefield, and there are few such powerful people.

Everyone is curious, who is this?

Between the circulation of immortal knowledge.

Everyone saw nine figures standing in the sky among the stars.

The whole body was circulated with Xianhui.

Dao Yin came out of these people's bodies, roaring endlessly, just sweeping through the void, causing confusion in the surrounding universe.

"It's the Nine Kings!!"

Someone exclaimed.

"The Nine Kings actually appeared together."

"Since the Nine Kings were summoned by the Lord of the Heavenly Origin Temple ten years ago, there has been no news. Unexpectedly, they have reappeared now, and they have all become the realm of the gods?!"

"This is a bit scary."

"Yeah, this is only ten short years."

"In the blink of an eye you will become the king of gods..."

Starry sky.

The Nine Kings stood in the air, and the fairy radiance on their body was surging and breathtaking. Compared with ten years ago, there was a world of difference.

"Between time and space, it is indeed mysterious and extraordinary, but it is a pity that this thing can only be used once." Xuan Yuanfeng said with emotion as he sensed the power in his body, but also with some regrets.

"Everyone, you all received the avenue message, right."

At this time, Lei Shen Tian said lightly.

The rest of the people also flashed their eyes, revealing a strange color.

"I know, I didn't expect the Nine Kings to have this kind of effect."

"Oh, it is indeed surprising."

Xuan Yuanfeng and Lei Shen Tian were communicating.

The moment they became the Nine Kings, a message emerged in their minds, that was the Nine Kings' greatest secret.

It turns out that the Nine Kings can join forces to summon the incarnation of Tianyuan Universe in the Void Battlefield. At that time, the Nine Kings will be invincible in the Void Battlefield, unstoppable! !

This is the greatest significance of the existence of the Nine Kings.

"Before sweeping the void battlefield, I have to finish one thing first." There was a cold expression in Mingshen's eyes.

Everyone looked like him, with vague guesses in their hearts.

Luo Xue, Tian Xingcai and several people looked at the Underworld, their eyes were cold, and they said indifferently: "Do you want to trouble Tianjian?!"

Underworld sneered: "If I don't defeat him, the hatred in my heart will be hard to eliminate... Heavenly Sword, I will kill it!!"

After speaking, his figure flashed and disappeared.

At this time, his cultivation base has greatly improved compared to before entering the time and space, and he has reached the level of the peak of the gods.

He is the strongest among the nine kings.

And compared to the realm of cultivation, he has more hole cards in his hand. He believes that he, who has experienced thousands of years of cultivation between time and space, will definitely be able to defeat the Mad Man of Chu, and he will be ashamed!

"Ha, Underworld God can't wait."

"Let him be the first, I also want to find Heavenly Sword."

Luo Yunxiu said.

He who broke through the **** king, felt the incomparably surging power in his body, and his confidence was unprecedentedly high.

He, who was once played by the madman of Chu, also wanted to take revenge on him.

"You are so stupid."

Long Jingjing looked at the crowd, shook his head and said, she felt that these people were too bloated.

Really think that he is the opponent of Heavenly Sword when he breaks through the King of Gods?

What a joke.

No one knew how many **** kings were killed.

Even if they are the Nine Kings and the Forbidden God King, it is unrealistic to seek any benefits from the hands of the Heavenly Sword.


These people have not been able to recognize this.

However, Pluto is very strong. Although Dragon Crystal didn't think the opponent could defeat the Heavenly Sword, he still sent a message to the opponent.

By the way, I also said something about the Nine Kings.

And in the Tianyuan Temple.

Shentian was sitting cross-legged in a palace, surrounded by a group of treasures, mostly treasures with surging vitality.

Shentian was recovering his strength by absorbing the vitality of these treasures and repairing his injuries, when a figure walked in.

The person here is a black-haired young man.

"Oh, you are Shentian glanced at each other and said lightly.

"Meet Master."

The black-haired youth bowed to the gods.

The other party was actually a lunatic.

"Well, yes, you have broken through the realm of the **** king, and you have made rapid progress." Shentian smiled faintly, very satisfied with the other party.

"I have already understood what happened in recent years, whether it is the Nine Kings or the battle between the two universes. I will soon rush to the void battlefield, bloodbath the Pangu universe, and avenge my master."

There was a cold color in the eyes of the black-haired youth.

"Sleepless, this is a war between the universe and the universe, you must not act rashly." Shentian said solemnly.

"Master, now the no regrets of Pangu Universe have been sealed, but you and Senior Fenghuang have been seriously injured. I don't know what do you think is the key to Tianyuan Universe's victory?" the black-haired youth Wumian asked.

"There are two key points, the Nine Kings and the Heavenly Sword!"

Shentian said indifferently: "The Nine Kings can summon the incarnation of the Great Dao. This is a weapon for conquering the void battlefield. The Heavenly Sword is an anomaly. His future is hard to predict. These two points are the key to the victory of Tianyuan Universe."

"I understand."

Wuxian nodded, and then said: "Master, you are here to heal your wounds, Wuxian will go to the void battlefield to share your worries."

"Go ahead, be careful."


Wuxian left the palace. He looked at the void battlefield, with thick ambitions in his eyes, "The Nine Kings and the Heavenly Sword are the key to victory? Master, I will let you know that I am stronger than the Nine Kings and not weaker than the sky. sword!"


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