Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1005: : 7-color Tianlong is coming, you still make do

"This round, Tian won." Madman Chu said lightly as he looked at the colorful Tianlong with an uncertain face in front of him.

And the colorful Tianlong narrowed his eyes, staring at Madman Chu, as if thinking about something, the dragon energy in his body was constantly brewing.

It seems that he wants to do it?

Madman Chu was also happy.

Looking at each other, a faint smile appeared in his eyes.

Looking at the smile on Madman Chu's face, Qi Cai Tianlong couldn't grasp it again. Is this man really all right after the battle with Underworld?

No way.

The sky sword is unfathomable and cannot be easily shot.

In the end, the colorful Tianlong pressed his inner impulse, and he snorted coldly, "Heaven Sword, these three things belong to you."

He gave three treasures to Madman Chu.

Then got up and left.

He is very depressed.

When he came this time, he was only here to test the Heavenly Sword, but he didn't expect to test out anything, and he lost three treasures.

Too frustrated.

"Mad Chu..."

Colorful Tianlong whispered.

After Heaven Sword, there was another person who made him more interested.

"This person is not easy. It is amazing to be able to capture so many continents in such a short period of time."

"Since this is the case, how can I not go there for a while?"

Colorful Tianlong chuckled softly.

Then, his figure flashed and disappeared.

Inside the General's Mansion.

Tianjian looked at the direction of the colorful Tianlong's departure, with a look of regret on his face, "Unfortunately, he was able to suppress the killing intent to Tian. It seems that the effect of this false information is not very significant."

If the colorful Tianlong made a move just now.

Madman Chu is 50% sure to leave the other party forever!

But unfortunately, the other party did not make a move.

Therefore, he cannot take the initiative.

The identity of Qi Cai Tianlong is not simple, not only the ancient existence of Tianyuan Universe, but also the unparalleled warrior of the last universe war.

For Tianyuan Universe, it is an important combat power second only to Hunyuan, and Tianyuan Temple will not let him easily kill the opponent.

Moreover, 50% assurance is not enough.

"Forget it, the harvest this time is not bad. The three treasures are all useful." Madman Chu smiled satisfied looking at the treasure in his hand. Diminish

He gave Tianying the rosary beads in it.

"Take it and refine it."

"Thank you, Master."

Sky Shadow did not decline either.

"In this battle, the senior officials of Tianyuan Universe would be even more afraid of Madman Chu." Madman Chu smiled faintly.

"This person is indeed not simple. In the entire Tianyuan universe, the demon estimates that only the master can deal with him."

"Oh, maybe."


"Husband, everything goes well."

On a messy battlefield.

Madman Chu was surrounded by artifacts.

And countless corpses were piled around him.

The scene before him said that it was a sea of ​​blood and corpses, which is not an exaggeration.

Madman Chu was dressed in white, with an outstanding immortal posture, and no one who saw him would associate it with this cruel and innocent scene.

However, he is the initiator of everything.

"Well, I see, thank you for your hard work."

There was a touch of tenderness in the eyes of Madman Chu.

"I'm fine, my cultivation level is not high, and I can only do this behind the scenes. The real hardship is the soldiers on the front line."

"Everyone has worked hard. This battle was played beautifully."

"Husband, Lan Yu and Xiao Hong have returned from victory and are now rushing towards you." Gu Linglong said.

"Let them not come, no, everyone should not be close to this continent, the farther away the better."

Madman Chu's tone suddenly became solemn.

Gu Linglong was a little surprised, and then, a worried expression appeared on her face, "Husband, what happened?"

"Don't worry, I can solve it."

Madman Chu closed the communication after speaking.

Gu Linglong quickly notified everyone.

The expressions of the people who were immersed in the joy of victory were shocked.

Everyone is worried about Madman Chu.

……Xiru Xiru

Tianyuan Ninth Continent, in the General's Mansion.

Madman Chu seemed to have sensed something. He was a little surprised, and then chuckled lightly, "Interesting, you and I will fight after all."

On the messy battlefield.

Blood and beacon smoke drifted in the air.

A figure stood holding a sword, standing in the pit of bones and blood.

Opposite him, there was a man with colorful celestial splendor flowing all over his body. This man had a majestic face and colored eyes.

The whole person is colorful from beginning to end.

An unimaginable pressure spread from him.

It seemed that even this piece of heaven and earth would surrender under his feet.

"I didn't expect that in addition to Heavenly Sword, I would encounter a taboo evildoer who could match him in this life."

"No, like you, it should be called an abnormal number!"

The colored Xianhui man said lightly.

"Warrior Wushuang Colorful Tianlong, don't come here unscathed."

Madman Chu looked at the person in front of him and said lightly.

The person here is the colorful Tianlong, the terrifying existence named as the unparalleled warlord in the last space war.

"This battle is very exciting."

"Using the body as a bait, leading the snakes out of the hole and then breaking them one by one, the efforts of my Tianyuan Universe over the past ten years have been disintegrated by you, and even led the army. I really have to praise.

Colorful Tianlong said slowly.

Madman Chu chuckled softly when he heard the words, "This battle is still very long, and it's just a small beginning now."

"Yes, the last space war was fought for 100,000 years, and it has only just begun." Qi Cai Tianlong deeply agrees.

Immediately, the power of Dao surging in his body, the cold color in his eyes, "It's a pity, at the beginning, you are going to die!"

The words fall.

He pointed out suddenly.

The power of the horrible Dao is gathered at your fingertips and turns into a colorful light!

Compared with the thousand flame **** kings that the madman of Chu had previously fought against, the demons and ghosts were several times more powerful, and it was extremely frightening. UU reading

"One sword opens the sky!"

Madman Chu slashed the long sword in his hand.

Qinglian's destructive force gushes out, and slams into the fingers!

After a roar, the earth sinks!

The Madman Chu gave a chuckle, and the ten artifacts behind him bloomed brilliantly, and the power of the artifacts flowed and merged into a flow of shocking weather.

"The ten-point artifact shook the sky!"

The power of the divine tool, grinds to the colorful Tianlong.


Accompanied by a loud noise.

Smoke billowed.

The colorful fairy shines out, and the colorful Tianlong is unscathed!

"You treasures, it's not bad, but I want to break my colorful dragon scales, but it's not enough."

Colorful Tianlong said lightly.

Madman Chu narrowed his eyes slightly.

The information about Colorful Tianlong came to mind suddenly.

Colorful Tianlong, the ancestor of the Tianyuan dragon clan.

He merged, seven ways!

Moreover, these seven paths have all reached the level of Consummation!

The horror of its strength, compared to Dark Night, Yuanteng's multi-combined Dao with only one or two paths is much stronger.

It is definitely the top group of people under Hunyuan.

"I didn't play very happy just now, you, you still make do!"

Madman Chu said lightly.

Flicked one's sleeves.

The power of Xianyuan poured out.

The robes of the fairy king, the seal of the fairy king, and the fairy crown have been worn on the body. Behind him, there are nine emperor dragons with more than one million feet rising into the air!

On the forehead, the green lotus imprint circulates with extraordinary Taoist rhyme.

Waves of destructive power escaped.

The surrounding void is like a mirror, constantly shattering!

"Oh, amazing power." Mi He Mi

Qi Cai Tianlong narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a trace of dignity.

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