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Chapter 1007: : Wushuang warlord Lu Jun, the **** king Sikong perceives clues

Hong Yang, the last of the seven gods and demons.

Has always been responsible for a mission in the void battlefield.

And now, the other party suddenly appeared.

Because her mission has changed.

"The magic wave in the Demon Dark Forbidden Land has faded, and now is the best time for us to enter it and awaken the Warriors."

"I came here this time for this."

Hong Yang said solemnly.

Demon dark forbidden soil, this is a dangerous place in the void battlefield.

It is said that in the last space war, the two sides fought too fiercely in it, causing the Digital Warriors to be hit hard and sleep in it.

And in the forbidden soil, there is a lot of weird magic mist, which is difficult for ordinary monks to approach. Moreover, after these warlords are sleeping, the two universes immediately ceased war, and the void battlefield was closed.

Until the opening of the Void Battlefield recently, Hong Yang has been exploring in the Demon Dark Forbidden Land, looking for a way to wake up these warlords.

After so many years of slumber, the injuries in these warlords' bodies should have recovered seven or eighty-eight.

In addition, now is the time when the Forbidden Land Demon Tide fades.

It is the most suitable time to wake up the Warriors.

"Go back and discuss the matter in the long run."

Madman Chu said.

Several of them returned to the fortifications of Pangu Universe.

Enter the deep brain space again.

The crowd gathered.

This time, the crowd of ancient Hedao looked at Madman Chu, a little silent, each of them was shocked by what the other party had done before.

On this battlefield, everything must be spoken with strength and exploits, and Madman Chu's exploits this time have been too great.

Since the void battlefield reopened, no one can match it.

With this battle, it was more than enough to give him an unparalleled general, but Madman Chu was not interested in this.

He wants to be the king!

"Everyone, what's your response?"

Madman Chu said lightly.

Hearing what he said, everyone knew what he meant.

At this time, the **** demon took the lead to speak, "From now on, my **** demon, I am willing to be driven by the fairy king!"

The rest of the people also uttered one by one, even Lei Yinfo, Sin Tathagata, and others who were at odds with the Chu madman also expressed their obedience to the dispatch.

They are not people who don't recognize the situation.

In the current Pangu universe, in terms of strength, there may be someone who can match the madman of Chu, but in terms of prestige, no one can match.

Their old harmony, after all, is too old.

The prestige of their era, in this era, is not very effective, and generations of people do not know how many changes have been made.

"How about you?"

Madman Chu looked at Immortal Emperor Qianxi.

The other party was silent, but in the end, he said helplessly: "I am willing to be driven by the fairy king."

"Very good." Madman Chu nodded.

Then, he talked about the Demon Dark Forbidden Land, "The matter of awakening the Wushuang generals is an urgent matter."

The Demon Dark Forbidden Earth is a dangerous place in the void battlefield, even if it is a kind of existence, it is difficult to say that it can be unimpeded.

So there are not many people who can follow him to awaken the Wushuang generals.

Hong Yang must be brought along. The opponent has been performing this task in the void battlefield for a long time. She is familiar with the demons and forbidden soil, and only she knows the exact location of the sleeping Warriors.

Besides her, who else should I bring?

"Let me go."

at this time.

An indifferent voice sounded.

In the deep brain space, a starlight fell and turned into a figure. This person was wearing a cyan battle armor, sword eyebrows and star eyes, carrying a large black long knife, and a cold breath exuded all over his body.

I didn't know it was annoying at first glance.

Madman Chu had never seen each other.

But when everyone around saw this person, they were extremely surprised.

You can see from their reactions that people are not simple.

"It's you, Jun Lu!"

Zijin Wheel saw each other and his eyes lit up.

Lu Jun also smiled faintly, "Long time no see, Zijin Wheel."

Then, he looked at Madman Chu, "In Xia Lu Jun, I have seen the Immortal King. How about going to the Demon Dark Forbidden Land this time?"


Madman Chu nodded slightly.

Just now, the Zijin Wheel gave him a voice transmission.

Lu Jun, one of the unparalleled fighters in the last space war, is also one of the only seven unparalleled fighters remaining in the Pangu universe.

Its strength should not be underestimated.

The other party has merged at least five ways!

Madman Chu would naturally not let go of such a strong helping hand.


He then finalized the candidate for this trip to the Demon's Forbidden Land.

He, Hongyang, Lu Jun, and nothingness.

There are four people in total.

The reason for bringing nothingness is mainly because the other party is very interested in the magic tide in the dark forbidden soil and wants to explore it in depth.

After confirming the good candidates, several people did not immediately go to the forbidden land.

Instead, we must first prepare something to awaken the Wushuang warlord. After ten days of preparation, several people went to the Demon Dark Forbidden Land.


Tianyuan Universe, Tianyuan Temple.

A meeting is being held.

And those who participated in this meeting were all Hedao God Kings.

At this time, they are arguing and can't talk to each other.

"Tianyuan Universe has suffered a great loss this time. Forty-eight continents were taken by others. Whose responsibility is this?!"

"Huh, are we going to look at it like this and do nothing? A bunch of gangsters, are they going to go with me?"

"Give me calm, don't act rashly!"

"Huh? I've been beaten into this look by a junior, and I'm still not allowed to move? You are not sleeping confused, are you?"

Subtract Bxwx.C*o汜. Madman Chu was also in this meeting.

However, the people did not come to participate in the real body, but used some means of communication to form a projection.

Otherwise, Kuangren Chu wondered if these people would fight on their own. He yawned as he looked at the quarreling people.


If not for fear of missing important information.

He didn't bother to come to this meeting.

"Give me calm down."

At this time, King Sagong snorted coldly.

He is now an agent appointed by God and Heaven, and his words still have a certain effect, and everyone gradually calms down.

"All **** kings of the Tianyuan universe, UU reading should not act rashly. Don't forget, this time the defeat is because the **** kings of all parties have tuned the tiger away from the mountain and went to fight the madman of Chu, so that the other party can take advantage of it. machine."

"Such mistakes cannot be made a second time."

God King Sikong said lightly, and then looked at Madman Chu, "Heavenly Sword, what do you think of Madman Chu?"

Madman Chu was stunned.

What can I think of myself?


Have the strength?

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. "It's a good opponent, God, look forward to playing against him."

Madman Chu said lightly.

This answer did not surprise everyone.

In their opinion, the Heavenly Sword belongs to the type that constantly challenges the strong. If you meet your opponent, you will naturally not miss it.

King Sikong didn't say much.

Then he left a few people and let the others leave first.

Madman Chu narrowed his eyes.

He glanced at those who were left behind, the colorful Tianlong was among them, and the others were not simple.


Do you want to open another group by yourself?

Madman Chu thought a little, and faintly guessed, but didn't ask much, and cancelled the projection.

"It seems to be aware of it."

Mi He Mi. Looking at the projection tool in front of him, Madman Chu murmured.

But also, it's normal to make such a big noise, even if you notice some clues.

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