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Chapter 1009: : Demon Dark Forbidden Land, Battle Commander Li Tu, a huge blow

Battlefield of the Void.

Inside a dangerous place shrouded by countless treacherous black mists.

A few people from Mad Chu came here.

Seeing the black mist in front of them, everyone felt a chill in their hearts.

This dangerous area is huge, and these black fog only occupies less than half, and the black fog is still shrinking inward.

"Here is the Demon Dark Forbidden Earth. We call these black mists the Kuroshio. It originally occupied this entire forbidden soil, but it is now in the ebb tide period and only occupies less than half."

"And it's still receding inside, but after a while, these black tides will re-occupy the entire forbidden land. We must take advantage of this time to awaken Wushuang Zhanjiang."

Hong Yang said lightly.

Several people started to act.

Although this Demon Dark Forbidden Land is temporarily in the ebb period, there are still some dark tides everywhere, which greatly affects people's actions.

Madman Chu has tried to get in touch with these dark tides.

But at the moment of touching, a terrifying chill erupted from his heart, as if he was about to fall into the boundless darkness.

He was determined to break free from the dark mood.

"It's really weird here."

Madman Chu said to himself.

And Nihility is also studying these dark tides, "These things seem to contain some breath of life, is this alive?"

"do not know."

Hong Yang shook his head, "Although I have been active here for a while, no one can clearly explain the origin of the Kuroshio."

The emptiness showed a contemplative color.

"Hurry up and act."

Madman Chu no longer thought about it.

And this time.

Just within the destination they are going to.

An extremely surging energy fluctuation suddenly erupted, followed by a miserable howl echoing.

"Bashen! Ah!"

The complexions of several people changed drastically, and they hurried towards.

I saw an overbearing aura in a mountain range, and there were many fragments of Hedao scattered around.

Hong Yang's face was gloomy and said: "These Fragments of Hedao are from the unparalleled general who we want to awaken. He...fallen!"

Hearing this, everyone felt heavy.

"Tyrant God, it is Tianyuan Universe, an unparalleled warrior, and they have also come here, but how did they find this place?"

Lu Jun frowned.

"Go, hurry up and find other Wushuang warriors."

Wushuang warfare will be an important force in Pangu universe.

Every loss is a huge blow.

Several people rushed to the place where the next unparalleled warlord was.

This is a lake. Due to the perennial erosion of the Kuroshio, the lake has been dyed the same color as ink.

This is the sleeping place of Wushuang warlords, Hong Yang did not dare to delay and took out pieces of rare treasures.

Some of these treasures reveal the power of water attributes, some are a powerful group of strange fire, and there is also a jet black long stick...

The power contained in these treasures can echo the way of the sleeping unparalleled warlord, stimulating the opponent to wake up.

Hong Yang squeezed the mysterious technique.


The brilliance is flowing.

Pieces of treasure were thrown into the lake.


Blisters began to emerge in the lake.

Immediately afterwards, a figure rose into the sky. This was a burly man with a black long stick, black hair flying, and his eyes like stars.

There was an extremely powerful breath on his body.

Several kinds of Dao intertwined and circulated in his body, and Madman Chu could clearly perceive that most of the aura of these Dao reached the level of Consummation.

Unparalleled generals, indeed extraordinary.

"Haha, I'm Li Tu, I'm back again!"

Wushuang general Li Tu laughed.

Then, his gaze swept across Chu Kuangren and others.

"It was you who awakened me, thank you!"

Li Tu came to everyone.

"There is still a warlord who is still asleep, let's go quickly."

Hong Yang said.

Several people hurried to the next location.

And somewhere in the dark forbidden soil.

The two **** kings in the Tianyuan Universe were awakening their unparalleled fighters who were sleeping here, and saw one of them squeezing the mysterious magic art, one by one, treacherous runes rushing into a mountain.

There was a boom.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. The mountain exploded.

The powerful breath flows from it.

A man with a sly rune on his face walked out of it.

A treacherous and domineering aura circulated all over his body, holding a scepter in his hand and wearing a black gold crown on his head.

The man glanced at the several **** kings who had awakened him, and said quietly: "The Underworld is dead, who killed him?!"

Pluto, a **** believed by the Pluto family.

The Pluto clan was born because of him.

And this unparalleled warrior in front of him is called Hades!

He is the strongest member of the Pluto clan after eliminating the gods, and the greatest hero who has strengthened the Pluto clan, so that the clan bears his name.

Pluto represents the entire family of Pluto!

"This matter is a long story, Pluto, let's wake up the Titan God Lord and Emperor Emperor first." The God King said.


Everyone started to act.


And Chu Kuangren almost arrived at the location of the last unparalleled general, but it was still a step too late.

When they came, they only saw a messy valley.

And some broken pieces of Hedao.

This silenced several people.

Of the three warriors, only one was awakened.

The remaining two fell.

For Pangu Universe, the blow is really too big.

"Damn, how did they know the sleeping place of these warlords?" Hong Yang gritted his teeth.

It took her years to find these places.

But why can Tianyuan Universe know?

"It's six eyes!"

Li Tu said lightly.

"There are eight warriors in Tianyuan Universe, and one of them is called Six Eyes. This person is best at deduction. In the last cosmic war, we suffered a lot. UU Reading "

"I'm waiting for the sleeping place, it should be his performance."

Decrease bⅹшⅹ●С〇汜. Li Tu said slowly.

Hearing this, Madman Chu was thoughtful.

"Haha, you really are here!"

At this time, a loud laughter sounded.

I saw a man in black armor appeared above the crowd.

The powerful breath fell from the sky, overwhelming the sky!


Li Tu and Lu Jun looked at each other and recognized each other at a glance. They were both unparalleled fighters in the last space war.

They must have confronted each other.

"It was you who killed the generals here!"

A surging stream of fire swept out of Hong Yang's body, with long red hair flying, his breath was extremely hot and overbearing.

But her eyes were extremely cold.

"Oh, this kind of aura, if it were in the last cosmic war, I can't say that I'm going to ban you as an unparalleled warrior."

Tyrannical God looked at Hong Yang, slightly surprised.

But Hong Yang didn't say much, a crimson long blade was already in his hand, and without a word, he slashed out towards the Tyrant God.

The red fire burned, and the void was directly distorted.

The flame sword aura contained several kinds of Dao aura, and the Tyrant God didn't carelessly, raising his hand was a violent punch.

The fluctuation of a Dacheng Overlord's body spread.

Domineering aspect, broken sword spirit!

"Today, I am going to kill you and avenge the two generals!"

Hong Yang's killing intent was awe-inspiring.

"Do you think I will come alone?"

Mi He Mi. The Tyrant smiled coldly.

Behind him, suddenly there was a void of spiritual energy swept through, and several extremely powerful auras spread out, sealing the world.

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