Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 200: : Purifying Demon Qi, Mysterious Black-robed Man, Soul Eater

"Things are changing too fast."

   "In less than three days, this beast broke through the seal left by the holy king, and a large amount of demon energy escaped from him, spreading to the entire capital, and many civilians were eroded by this demon energy."

   White Lotus Sect Master said with a sigh.

   "Is there no sign before this?"

   Qinglan Zhizun asked.


   "How to break the seal of the monster, let's not say beforehand, let's purify the devil energy first." Madman Chu said.

   The devilish energy escaping from the three-headed dog is too terrifying. Ordinary civilians will lose their senses when they touch it.

   Even a monk, if he stays for too long, he will be unconscious.

   "This is the reason why I invited the elders. I taught the saints to suppress the monsters, and they can't take them away. Only the elder's White Lotus Purification Chapter can effectively dissolve the devilish energy." Bai Lian said.

   "Well, let's get started."

   Chu Madman said.

   I saw him walking towards the devilish energy, and his body gradually filled with a mysterious Taoist rhyme, and white lotus blossoms appeared in the void.

  The white lotus is flying in the sky, and wherever it passes, the magic energy is quickly melted, disintegrated, and turned into nothingness.

   A lot of magic energy was swept away, even the people who were invaded by the magic energy gradually recovered their sanity after encountering this white lotus.

   "Where am I?"

   "What's the matter, me, why did I become like that."

   "Is this white lotus the holy king?"

  The regained people saw Madman Chu surrounded by blossoming white lotuses and quickly knelt down. Those who had been praying also saw this scene and kept kowtow in the direction of Madman Chu.

   Everyone has fanaticism in his eyes, like the most devout believers.

   "It is the Holy King, the Holy King has manifested."

   "Woo, we are saved."

   "It's great, it's the Son of God, the only one who has mastered the White Lotus Jingshi chapter left by the Saint King."

   "Holy Son, he must be the reincarnation of the Holy King."

   "Isn't the Holy King a woman?"

   "It is said that it is reincarnation, it is possible to change from male to female."

   Behind Chu Kuangren.

   Lan Yu flashed white light on his body, covered in silver white armor, spread out his wings, flapped his wings, and came to the sky above the magic energy.

   I saw endless white light bursting out of her body, urging the power of the body of divine light to the extreme.

   Dao body vision, brilliant!

   Under the white light, the devil energy dissipated one by one.

   "That's an envoy!"

   "It must be an envoy!"

   The sacred light temperament on Lan Yu's body is particularly prominent in this monstrous demon aura, and many people have seen her at first sight.

   For a time, rumors of the Holy King and God's Envoy descended to the world to save the world.

   Endless magic center.

   The monster that was suppressed by the huge white lotus roared, looking at Madman Chu, Lan Yu's direction, full of anger.

   "Bright breath, and, this deeply hateful Taoist rhyme, is that **** of Saint King Bailian?"

   "No, she should have died a long time ago. It seems that someone has inherited her mantle. It really doesn't make me feel better if I die!"

   the head in the middle of the three-headed dog roared.

   Above him, there was a hint of anger in the eyes of the woman inside Bailian, "Insult the Holy King, ask for trouble!!"

   The rhyme of her whole body was flowing, and she urged the huge white lotus to suppress it severely, causing the bones of the three-headed dog to burst.

   "Damn it!!"

   "You better not let me break this seal, otherwise I must eat you all! Eat it!!!"

   The three-headed dog yelled frantically.

   At this time, a figure in a black robe came not far away.

   This person is walking through the streets full of demon energy, but he is not affected by the slightest body, as if he has merged with the demon energy.

   "Who is it?" The white lotus saint frowned upon seeing this.

   "Oh, this breath is interesting."

   It was the three-headed dog who saw the figure in the black robe, and his eyes lit up and said, "From you, I feel the breath of devilish energy."

   The black robe figure walked in front of the three-headed dog, revealing a thin face, and then saw him take out a pitch-black dagger, used his spiritual power, and slammed it towards the three-headed dog's neck.

With a clang, the dagger pierced the neck of the three-headed dog and made a sound of gold and iron clashing. A devilish energy erupted, and the mysterious black-robed man was shocked by the devilish energy.

   The three-headed dog's complexion became extremely hideous. The three heads looked at the black-robed man, grinning, "What are you trying to do?"

   "Jie, it is worthy of a beast comparable to a holy king, even if it has been sealed for so many years, your physical body is still indestructible, my soul-eater can't actually pierce your body."

   The black robe man said with a strange smile.

   The white lotus sage looked at this scene and couldn't help but be surprised. Is it possible that this mysterious black-robed man is a friendly army?

   However, the other party always gives her an uncomfortable feeling.

   "Soul Eater Dagger?!"

   "The Soul Eater, one of the thirty-three holy artifacts of the Demon Realm! How could it be on your body!" The three-headed dog's face changed sharply.

   He looked at the dagger in the hands of the black-robed man, and his eyes gradually showed a touch of terror. The thirty-three sacred artifacts of the Demon Realm, these are the most terrifying sacred artifacts in the Demon Realm, and each one is at least the level of the Saint King.

   Soul Eater Dagger is one of them.

   And this dagger has a function, which is to strengthen oneself by absorbing the souls of creatures in the devil world. It is a weapon that countless creatures in the devil world, and even powerful men in the devil world such as the three-headed dog, are afraid of.

   "Stop talking nonsense, and hand over your demon soul."

   The mysterious black-robed man urged the spiritual power in his body, and the Soul Eater dagger continuously poured into his hand, and then shot it out.

   I saw the Soul Devouring Dagger turned into a stream of light, falling on the three-headed dog that was suppressed by Bai Lian and unable to move, bursting out a spark.

   Finally, under the full urging of the mysterious black robe man, the dagger finally tore a hole in the body of the three-headed dog.

Obviously it was just a trivial little opening, but it caused the three-headed dog to erupt with a terrible bursts of soul power continued to leak out along the torn hole of the soul-devouring dagger. The mysterious black robe man was absorbed.


  The power of the soul entered the body, and the mysterious black-robed man's face showed an extremely happy color. Feeling his own power, the realm of Taoism is rapidly increasing, which is comparable to his thousands of years of hard work.

   "It's worth my hard work to break the seal and release you. The effect of this soul power is really strong!"

   said the mysterious black robe man.

   Hearing this, the white lotus sage's face changed, "What did you just say, this monster was released by you?!"

   "Not bad!"

   "You, **** it!" The white lotus saint's face sank.

   "Hey, what can you do with me? At this time, once you withdraw your spiritual power, this monster will break out. Can you ignore the people of the entire Great Moon Kingdom and take action against me?"


   The white lotus sage has a pretty face and is furious.

   But as the mysterious black-robed man said, she was suppressing the three-headed dog at this time and could not get out, otherwise the three-headed dog would break out, and the entire Great Moon Kingdom would be affected by nearby countries.

   "It's better for you to press this monster obediently. When I absorb the power of his soul, he dies, it can be regarded as solving a major problem for you. At that time, you Bailian Sect would also thank me."

   The mysterious black robe man smiled.

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