Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2001: : 9 stars appear together, Xuantian 9 stars battle Luo Tianxian emperor

"Siming Immortal Emperor, you are right here, quickly, call the Dragon Shadow Immortal Emperor and all his troops to leave here immediately."

Qianxi Immortal Emperor said.

But Emperor Siming shook his head and said lightly: "No one will follow you to leave, you guys, don't leave."

"What do you mean?"

Qianxi Immortal Emperor was puzzled.

I saw a star map in the void!

A sword aura suddenly cut out from the star map, and the terrifying sword aura locked onto the Qianxi Immortal Emperor and forced it back a few steps.

"Xuantian Jiuxing!"

Emperor Qianxi's eyebrows frowned slightly.

"Sure enough, it has been exposed."

Emperor Luo Tian said with a gloomy expression.

I saw star maps suddenly appeared in the void, and each star map represented a top enchanting powerhouse.

Ye Zhu, Absolute Wushen, Yuzhi, Lan Yu, Yin Honghua, Hua Wuai, Chu Hong, Desire Flower, Quartz, and Nine Stars!

Their breath completely sealed off this world.

"Xiandi Luo Tian, ​​you can't leave."

Ye Zhu said lightly.

"Interesting, it's really interesting. If I didn't guess wrong, the Tianyuan Universe Army should fall into your trap now."

Emperor Luo Tian said.

"Yes, I knew that you were a traitor. The queen asked everyone to accompany you in a scene. She deliberately gave you false information so that you could mistake it for real, and then lure the people of Tianyuan Universe into fools."

Absolutely Wushen sneered.

"Gao, it's really high. I didn't expect that I had been lurking for so many years, but in the end I lost in the hands of a hairy boy."

Emperor Luo Tian understands.

All of this was probably planned by Madman Chu from behind.

The only doubt, when did I expose myself?

But it doesn't matter anymore.

Since the opponent allowed himself to attack the Eleventh Continent, he came back after losing his troops and losing his military power. Until now, using himself to transmit false information, he has been played with by the opponent's applause.

Not only that.

The other side also put an eyeliner in his team.

Thinking of this, he looked at Emperor Si Ming with cold eyes, "What benefit did Madman Chu give you to make you work for him?"

"Re-introduce yourself. Next, the former goddess of life, the current emperor of immortality, is also a substitute for Xuantian Jiuxing." Immortal emperor of immortality smiled lightly.

Immediately afterwards, an icy color appeared on Jumei's face, "As for what the Madman Chu has given me, that's no, but you abandon the Pangu Universe, based on this, everyone is punishable!"

"Okay, okay! How much did I bear for Xianting? In the end, you, a new immortal emperor, said that everyone got it!"

Emperor Luo Tian was extremely angry and laughed.

At the same time, I also felt a sorrow.

Then, his eyes swept across the scene coldly, "I want to see, who among you can kill me!"

After speaking, he blasted out with a palm.

The multiple auras burst out with great power.

In any case, he is also an unparalleled warrior, and his strength is still there.

Most people in Xuantian Jiuxing had difficulty taking this palm.

At this time, Hua Wuai walked out, black gorgeous robe, and waved his sleeves, but seeing the flowers on the other shore blooming, the power of reincarnation came out.

Two forces impacted and each retreated.

"What a Bianan flower, you should be the oldest Bianan flower in this world," said Immortal Emperor Luo Tian unexpectedly.

He also knows some secrets about Higan Flower.

Unexpectedly, this kind of character is also one of the nine stars of Xuantian.


Hua Wuai nodded slightly.

"A flower that originated from the ancient immortal has such strength. If those ancient existences of the ancient immortal period can live to this day, how can it be turned by the madman Chu to be the master?!"

Emperor Luo Tian said with emotion.

Thinking of him in Xian Ting, in the ancient times, the four tribes and six imperial princes, what awe-inspiring, but now he was bullied into this look by the madman of Chu.

He was both sad and angry.

"The talent of my king is not inferior to the great power of the ancient times, and it is thousands of times better than you!" Sacrifice as

Absolutely Wushen said, and then, the power of the emptiness exploded.

Jiuxing joined forces and attacked Immortal Emperor Luo Tian together.

Emperor Qianxi wanted to take advantage of the chaos and leave.

But he was stopped by the immortal Emperor Si Ming.

"Go away!"

Emperor Qianxi gave a soft sigh.

A palm forced the immortal emperor Siming back, but in the next instant, several figures appeared in front of them, the immortal emperor Longying, the immortal emperor Wuming and others.

"You guys... how dare you betray me!"

Emperor Qianxi couldn't believe it.

Several people have complicated eyes.

a long time.

Immortal Emperor Longying said: "Emperor Qianxi, it is not we who betrayed you, but you, who betrayed the Pangu universe!"

"Okay, let me see how you can stop me!"

Between Qianxi Immortal Emperor raising his hand, a dazzling dragon-shaped galaxy rose into the sky. It was the best innate treasure, Hetu!

This thing can be offensive or defensive, extremely powerful.

Several immortal emperors were beaten back by him on the spot.

at this time.

A black palm print fell into the air.

Immortal Emperor Qianxi stopped and was blasted back hundreds of feet.

Here comes the **** demon!

"The fairy king has orders, who betrayed the Pangu universe, kill without mercy!"

Da Hei Tian Mo said coldly.


Immortal Emperor Qianxi was a little desperate in his heart.

And the other side.

Xuantian Jiuxing fought fiercely against Emperor Luo Tianxian.

Ye Zhu's green leaf sword pupil urged to the extreme, a sword grass appeared behind him, and when the grass blade moved, Zhu Xian's sword aura shot out.

The power of Absolute God's emptiness broke out, incomparably surging.

There is even Zhanxiantai hanging above the head, and the boundless killing air spreads.

Lan Yu looked cold.

With the scepter waving in his hand, the river of light roared out, and every breath had the ultimate power to crush Daluo.

Chu Hong’s phoenix fire, Yin Honghua’s double dragon power, flower’s loveless reincarnation power, quartz’s Buddha light, desire flower’s desire power...

All kinds of mystical powers interweave the celestial splendor.

Their cultivation is far inferior to Emperor Luo Tian.

However, the fighting power that broke out under the joint hands was extremely tyrannical, and even the unparalleled warrior like Emperor Luo Tian was suppressed. U U Reading www.uukanshu.cóm

"How is this going?"

Emperor Luo Tian was puzzled.

Under careful observation.

It was discovered that there were faint star maps circulating under the feet of these nine people.

The nine star maps echo each other.

It actually formed an extremely powerful formation!

"What formation is this, why haven't I seen it?"

Emperor Luo Tian wondered.

"Xuantian nine-star formation, created by my brother, you haven't seen it before." Chu Hong said with a triumphant smile.

"You don't need to explain too much, urge Star God Slash."

Ye Zhu said.

The others nodded.

I saw the nine people rising into the sky, with endless starlight flowing out of them, and the nine people were like nine big stars floating in the sky.

A huge star map appeared.

The terrifying and terrifying aura spread out, suppressing the world.

Even Emperor Luo Tian felt a slight threat.汜 minus bⅹшⅹ●С〇汜

Accompanied by the bright starlight.

In that star chart, a huge star knife fell!

This star knife is filled with various powers, including the power of Phoenix Fire, the power of light, the power of reincarnation, the light of Buddha...

This is the combined force of Xuantian Nine Stars!

"Xuantian Star God Slash!"

In the star map, the nine people shouted in unison.

The huge star knife slashed down, wherever it went, the void shattered, and the Emperor Luo Tian also roared to urge his power to the extreme.

"Xiandi kills the world!"

A golden sword appeared in his hand.

Cut out with a single sword, and the huge sword shadow is filled with monstrous killing!

Xingchen Tiandao, the sword of killing and cutting!

The breath collision had already set off a strong energy storm on the spot, and the moment of the collision made the entire continent roar. Mi He Mi

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