Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2004: : Once again defeated the incarnation of Dao, the beacon dark golden guard shot, we...

one move.

It was just a trick, the way of an unparalleled general was almost wiped out!

This power made everyone feel horrified.

Qi Cai Tianlong and others were also shocked.

"Compared with the previous year, he has improved a lot!"

"How could this guy's strength improve so fast?"

The Taoist companion of the severely wounded general screamed, holding a treasure in his hand, and slammed it directly towards Madman Chu.

It is a treasure similar to a hydrangea.

When the hydrangea smashed out, it turned into mountains, rivers and earth, and the power of the five elements entangled in it.

"Oh, too weak."

Madman Chu smiled indifferently.

The Tyrant's Halberd in his hand blasted out again.

I saw the mountains and rivers shattered, the power of the five elements collapsed, and the hydrangea was shattered into countless pieces of cloth by this halberd.

That unparalleled fighter even flew upside down, vomiting blood violently.

The Tao in the body was also hit hard.

Two unparalleled fighters, one of them met and was hit hard.

Everyone was stunned.

This combat power is ridiculously strong!

"Madman Chu, wait for another fight with me!"

at this time.

The voice of the Nine Kings came from the incarnation of Dao.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. "In order to fight with you again, over the years, we dare not neglect the slightest and try our best to improve ourselves."

"We are not the same today as we were back then!"

The incarnation of Dao blasted out with a palm.

The roads converge, turning into a thrilling river of roads!

The mighty and mighty, as if to crush everything.

Madman Chu saw this, and the halberd blasted out of his hand.

A halberd light slashed out as if opening up the world, and along with the violent turbulence, the river was shattered abruptly.

The main road is incarnate, going back dozens of feet.

There were a few more cracks directly on the gilt armor.

"It's really different. Compared to a hundred years ago, you are even more vulnerable!" Madman Chu said indifferently.

He didn't keep his hands and stepped out.

The way of creation and the way of destruction are intertwined.

The power of Qinglian urged to the extreme.

"The third style of Qinglian, creating a magical world!"

The divine light swallowed everything.

There is no reason for destruction and endless creation.

The endless divine light smashed on the body of the avatar of the Dao violently, and it was completely shattered in just an instant!

The Nine Kings flew upside down from the incarnation of Dao and fell to the ground.

They looked at Madman Chu who was standing in the air not far away, and everyone's face looked incredulous.

With one move, the incarnation of Dao was broken!

At this moment, they feel that their efforts over the years are like a joke.

Not only the Nine Kings, but the people of Tianyuan Universe are also even more confused.

Although the incarnation of the Great Dao of the Nine Kings was defeated by the Madman Chu once, the last time they were fought, they were fought.

This time, the direct move was defeated.

This is simply unreasonable!

"Heaven Sword, don't you hurry up!"

At this moment, King Sagong looked at the madman of Heavenly Sword Chu, and urged him to take action quickly in a cold tone.

But Madman Chu stood in place and said with a chuckle: "It's not the sky that should be shot, guys!"

The words fall.

Madman Chu waved his sleeves.

Terrifying Xianyuan power poured out, and in the void, the beacon dark golden guards in dark golden armor appeared one after another.

Everyone was shocked.

Tianyuan Universe actually still hides such a power?

They know nothing.

"You keep such a power to deal with the sky, do you really think that the sky doesn't know it?" Madman Chu said with cold eyes.

Haven't waited for the order of King Sagong.

The leader of Fenghuo Dark Golden Guard snorted coldly: "Arrange an array!"


Three thousand six hundred dark golden guards surrounded Chu Madman, forming a mysterious formation, isolating it from the surrounding world.

"Heaven Sword, try the power of the Heavenly Beacon Fire Array this week!"

The Dark Golden Guard leader said.

The flames burst out.

The breath shocked the world.

To kill this Tianwaitianjian in one fell swoop!

"Three thousand six hundred gods are killed!"

The leader of the Dark Golden Guard gave a soft cry.

One after another, the killing light engulfed the boundless slaying air, and rushed out one after another towards the Madman Chu, a total of three thousand six hundred.

And each of these killings contained power that was enough to kill Daluo the ultimate, even the king of God would be jealous.

Among them, there are thirty-six ways to kill all, and even the multiple **** kings must be careful to deal with them, and if they are not careful, they will fall on the spot!

Killing lights from all directions enveloped him, and Madman Chu could almost be said to be inexorable and inevitable.

But seeing his sword fingers condensed, sword energy swept out of his body.

The sword aura and the killing all collided and exploded in the void one after another.

far away.

Countless monks were stunned to see this scene.

Especially the monks of the Pangu universe looked at each other even more.

"They are in conflict?!"

"I do not know."

"What the **** is this?!"

When Emperor Luo Tian saw this scene, he understood something, "It turns out that he is the traitor of Pangu Universe!"

No wonder the other party would ruin his plan before.

It turned out that I was exposed at that time.


Li Tu, Lu Jun, Xuantian Jiuxing and others were all stunned.

Are there their internal traitors in Tianyuan Universe?

Why don't they know?

The monks of Tianyuan Universe exploded on the spot.

"What?! Heavenly Sword is a traitor!"

"how can that be?!"

In particular, Luo Xue, Tiannvyou, Long Jingjing and others were even more shocked, feeling suspicious of life.

They have been doing things for the traitor? !

"No, no, it must be fake."

"what is the problem?"

They cannot accept this kind of thing.

At this time, the Madman Chu, who was trapped in the Zhou Tianfeng fire formation, had no way in his hands, and a powerful sword move was brewing.

"How can a mere formation block the sky?"

Cut out with one sword.

Thousands of killings are all shattered by Jian Qi.

The dark golden guards exploded on the spot!

Tianwaitianjian, UU Reading tore a crack in the formation!

"This is the strength of the Heavenly Sword?!"

The leader of the Dark Golden Guard was a little shocked.

His strength is not bad, not much worse than Wushuang generals, but facing the sky sword, he feels a burst of pressure.


Decrease bX WX 汜. at this time.

Madman Chu's figure had already rushed out of Zhou Tian's beacon array.

He and Tianying came to the camp of Pangu universe.

Li Tu, Hong Yang and the others looked at him, their faces uncertain.

Really your own? !

Divine King Sikong's face was gloomy, "What a heavenly sword, my guess is indeed correct, but I'm very curious, your talent is not weaker than Madman Chu, why are you willing to succumb to him?"

The madman of Tianjian Chu glanced across the crowd.

Luo Xue and others were shocked and puzzled.

The anger of Qi Cai Tianlong and others.

He closed his eyes one by one, and then chuckled, "Do you want to know the answer? I will tell you that day!"

I saw him and the madman Qinglian Chu beside him, both of them burst into dazzling celestial splendor at the same time.

The two figures met and turned into a huge ball of light.

A kind of seed path surrounds in the ball of light.

Mi He Mi. Immediately afterwards, Dao shrank like lightning, the ball of light shattered into countless spots of light, and a figure appeared in Xianhui.

Dressed in white, the dust is not stained.

Two swords, one black and the other white, hovered around him.

The terrifying pressure continues to spread from the opponent, and its aura is more terrifying than anyone present!

Madman Chu opened his eyes, his deep gaze swept over everyone present, and said indifferently: "The answer is...we are alone!"

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