Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2002: : Raise your hand to kill unparalleled fighters and meet the Yuantianhui

Dressed in white clothes like snow, handsome and handsome, eyebrows like immortals, eyes like stars, there is an extraordinary aura between his gestures and feet.

The person here is very handsome.

Whoever meets the person will feel close.

Because of this person, too dusty.

However, everyone looked at the visitors, but they only felt terrified.

"Madman Chu!"

God King Sagong swallowed and said.

Madman Chu glanced at the Nine Kings who had been blasted off by him, and when he saw Luo Xue and the others, he stayed for a moment.

But it was only a moment, and the eyes were extremely indifferent from beginning to end, which made the hearts of several people throb.

At this moment, they remembered that from beginning to end, Tianjian treated everyone with an indifferent appearance.

As if in the world, no one can make him remember.

I thought that he and others belonged to Yuan Tianhui, and it would be different to him, but now it seems that there is no difference.

Do not.

Maybe it's just that the value they can use is greater.

"Heaven Sword... you have no heart."

Tiannv You whispered.

In fact, she should have known it a long time ago, but she couldn't control herself, even if it was moths fighting the fire, she was willing to...

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. After the Madman Chu glanced over the Nine Kings, he looked at the military disaster and smiled faintly: "The military disaster... It's been a long time."

"You broke my interest."

The military disaster said lightly.

I saw a lot of grievances boiling over him.

The body that was originally illusory has actually become solid again.

Kuangren Chu's eyes lit up, "It's my extra effort."

The means of the military disaster surprised him.

"Mad Chu, are you here to kill us?"

Divine King Sikong was a little desperate in his heart, and it was difficult to cope with a disaster, let alone a Madman Chu.

"Ask it knowingly."

Madman Chu said lightly.

In his eyes, a sword light flashed by.

In an instant, King Sikong was shrouded in sword light, and he was inevitable, and he was exploded into a cloud of blood in front of everyone.

The Tao in his body was also consumed in an instant.

"Damn it!"

Colorful Tianlong roared and shot towards Madman Chu.

The rest are not to be outdone.

However, he saw Madman Chu raising his hand lightly, spreading his five fingers slightly, and squeezing lightly in the void, his boundless slaying air burst instantly!

Just an instant.

The colorful Tianlong was frozen in mid-air.

When everyone saw this, their pupils trembled violently.

Overlord, Emperor Emperor, Titan God Lord and others are not waiting to be killed, and they have all taken action against the madman of Chu.

All kinds of immortal magic powers burst out in an instant.

The sky is colored with all kinds of energies, and it is gorgeous.

at this time.

A peculiar fluctuation spreads centered on the Mad Man of Chu.

All kinds of energy attacks, one after another ten feet away from him, stood still, as if the freeze button was pressed.

Madman Chu gently shook his five fingers again.

All kinds of energy magic methods exploded directly, and the smoke disappeared.

Together with the colorful Tianlong, it also turned into a cloud of blood.

One of the oldest existences in this Tianyuan universe finally fell after repeated battles.

This scene made everyone extremely desperate.

The current Madman Chu can even kill Hun Yuan, let alone them?

"It seems that Zeguo's battle formation is not small."

The Bailiff glanced at Chu Madman and said lightly.

"Thanks to your hard work over the years."

Madman Chu gave a chuckle and arranged the Zeguo battle map. He did a lot of effort. He was drifting around in the void battlefield. Nearly half of the Zeguo battle map was arranged by the opponent.

"Huh, just know it."

The soldiers snorted softly.

The two were chatting without anyone else.

Treat this boundless army as air.

Overlord, Emperor Tianhuang and others were so popular that their faces turned blue, but there was nothing to do. Fear spread in their hearts.

"Okay, it's time to solve you guys next."

Madman Chu turned and looked at everyone.

The figure flashed, he disappeared, and he came to the front of the Tyrant God and the Emperor Emperor. Before they could react, the sword fingers condensed, and the boundless murderous aura swept through, turning into scarlet sword light.

Everyone hasn't reacted yet.

The Warriors they admired most were torn apart.

The way of the body collapsed and collapsed.

Emperor Tianhuang, Overlord, Fallen!


Madman Chu's eyes flashed, and he came to the front of the Titan God Lord.


The Titan God Lord is furious, and the four elephants are urged to the extreme.

With a punch, the vast divine light gushed out.

But it had no effect on Chu Madman.

"Are you tickling me?"

Madman Chu gave a chuckle, and then gave a punch.


The battle armor on the Titan King directly burst!

The whole body burst into pieces.

Madman Chu grasped a group of colored brilliance, which was the Dao that the other party had integrated, and now, this colored brilliance sent out strong waves, struggling constantly in his palm, trying to break free.


A chuckle.

Madman Chu shook his five fingers fiercely.

The colorful brilliance burst into countless dots of light.

Titan god, fall!


The leader of the Dark Golden Guard saw that Madman Chu was unstoppable, his eyes were full of horror, and he swept towards the distant vortex passage.

Madman Chu cut out with a sword.

The opponent had no resistance at all and died directly.

In a short period of time, none of the unparalleled fighters of Tianyuan Universe died, and this power made everyone into despair.

Luo Yunxiu, Wu Mian and other nine kings were also sitting on the ground.

They looked at Madman Chu who stood in the sky with a dull face.

Especially sleepless, it is extremely desperate.

This is the person he once wanted to contend with?

Where does he have the courage to compare with such monsters? !

Madman Chu glanced at them.

Just a glance, there is an invisible force spreading out, UU Reading www.uukanshu. Com Wuxian several people just feel that their bodies are tightly held by an invisible big hand.

In the next instant, the bones and flesh were squeezed into a ball.

Luo Yunxiu, sleepless, death!

Thunder God, Xuan Yuanfeng, death!

Madman Chu's eyes swept away, and the surroundings suddenly fell into the boundless darkness, and everyone's souls were pulled into it.

The darkness is endless, and it is displayed again.

It's just that after the Madman Chu swallowed the souls of tens of millions of monks, he felt that the souls had reached the limit and could no longer be swallowed.

"Sure enough, you still need to refine all the souls you swallowed before." Madman Chu thought to himself, showing a little regret.


A sword aura, frozen heaven and earth, slashed towards Chu Madman.

Decrease bⅹшⅹ●С〇汜. But he didn't even lift his hand, and the breath circulated throughout his body.

That sword gas burst to pieces on the spot.

Madman Chu looked at the person who had cut his sword aura, it was...Luo Xue.

At this moment, she has a firm face.

"I don't care whether you are a Heavenly Sword or Madman Chu. Maybe I once respected and loved you, but now, you want to kill my people, my comrades-in-arms, then, the sword in my hand, I will never agree!"

Luo Xue's eyes were cold, holding the sword in her hand, extremely calm.

At this moment, her Jianxin has been sublimated.

Not only her.

Dragon Crystal, Tiannvyou, Ling Fei, Shenluo Pirates and other members of the Yuan Tianhui slowly stood up and looked at Madman Chu with firm eyes.

Mi He Mi. "Heaven Sword, I have to fight you."

"I'm waiting for strength, it's not trivial to you, but we can't hold back, let's make a break."

In the old days, the Yuantianhui created by the madman of Chu, because of different positions, finally met him in battle!

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