Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2001: : 1 Dressed in white clothes, walking in the heavens, killing you all here

"How long does it take for you to connect to the consciousness of the Universe Dao and acquire all its knowledge?" Madman Chu asked curiously.

"Ten years, with the improvement of knowledge, maybe the time can be shortened."

Xiao Ai replied.

Rarely, her tone was a little excited.

Madman Chu smiled faintly, "It seems you are in high spirits."

"It's not only monks who want to improve themselves. In this world, everything that is psychic has the ambition to become stronger and evolve."

Xiao Ai said, she is no exception.

Especially when she saw Madman Chu's continuous improvement, but she gradually became useless, she felt powerless.

Now, there is a chance to improve herself, she will never let it go.

"Oh, if that's the case, let's start your evolutionary path from this universe first." Chu Madman chuckled lightly.

Absorb all the knowledge of a universe in ten years.

This kind of thing, even Madman Chu, is far from being able to do it. In this world, it is estimated that only the little love whose consciousness can connect to the cosmic avenue can do it.

Ten years is almost negligible for the Mad Man Chu.

Just a click away.


Xiao Ai has absorbed all the knowledge of this universe.

"Go, the next universe."

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

He took out the Time and Space Treasure Mirror, and the power of Time and Space Dao was injected.

This time, he didn't lose control like last time and was passively taken to another universe. This time, he actively entered it.

that's all.

In the universe of the heavens, there is one more traveler.

Dressed in white, walking in the heavens.


In a universe.

An anxious battle is unfolding.

A group of strong men is besieging a man in Tsing Yi, and behind the man in Tsing Yi, there is a five or six-year-old girl.

"Qingzun, hand over the Yao people's remnants, and spare you not to die!"

The monks who were besieging Qingzun, a white-haired old man looked at the little girl behind him with a look of greed in his eyes.

"Hmph, if you want to touch her, I've asked about the sword in my hand first!"

Qing Zun coldly snorted.

He holds a long sword in his hand, with Dao in his body, but the aura is intertwined, and his cultivation is so high that he has reached the realm of Hunyuan.

Everyone's eyes were a bit solemn.

But the little girl seemed very important, and they didn't want to give up.

As a result, everyone continued to take action.

"If you are stubborn, don't blame me for waiting."

Various powerful immortal magic supernatural powers blasted directly towards Qingzun.

Even if Qingzun's strength is strong, but the enemy is few and we are too few, and he has to be distracted to protect the little girl behind him, and soon fell into a disadvantage.

In a short while, he was hit hard and vomited with blood.


The little girl couldn't help exclaiming when she saw that Qing Zun was severely wounded.

Can only be in a hurry.

Several strong men rushed towards the little girl while Qing Zun was hit hard, trying to take her down in one fell swoop.

This little girl has no cultivation base, and under the absolute suppression of cultivation base, she can't even escape.

"Lan!" Qing Zun saw this, his eyes were red, desperately trying to save, but was stopped by the rest of the strong.

But at this time.

Those strong men seemed to sense something and stopped one after another.

I saw the void behind the little girl.

A space crack appeared.

Decrease bX*wX*汜. A figure in white clothes slowly walked out.

The chaotic aura around him appeared instantaneously and gradually subsided.

This scene is extremely shocking.

The visitor stood in the starry sky, without mountains or dew, facing the aura of a group of powerful people, he was calm and unconcerned.

"Who is he?!"

"Which way of the strong?"

Everyone looked at each other with some doubts.

And Madman Chu was also a little surprised, he seemed to have broken into a battlefield, this was the first time in this trip.

This universe is already the thirty-eighth universe he has experienced.

He walked twice in the previous universes, and left after Xiao Ai had absorbed the knowledge of the universe. This time, something happened as soon as he came out?

Madman Chu glanced at the crowd, then turned and left.

But suddenly, countless invisible threads appeared around him, confining him in a space, unable to leave.

"Why don't you let me go?"

Madman Chu sighed helplessly.

He really didn't want to get involved in the affairs of the rest of the universe, he wanted to be a quiet traveler and let Xiao Ai absorb enough knowledge of the universe to evolve.

"Hmph, I don't care who you are, but the supreme soul body is of great importance. It is the treasure that everyone desires. Since you ran into it, you can only ask you to die in order to prevent the leakage of information!"

A white-haired old man said indifferently.

"The Cosmos Avenue is connecting with consciousness... The connection is successful."


"Back to the master, the supreme soul body is a unique physique in this universe. It is a kind of humanoid medicine. If it is refined, it can increase the chance of breaking through the Hunyuan. It is very rare in this universe..."

Xiao Ai, who had just connected to this cosmic avenue, explained.

Madman Chu nodded when he heard the words.

"I thought how precious it is, isn't it just a Hunyuan? What's so strange." Madman Chu curled his lips and said.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice. Hearing his words, everyone's expressions changed.

In order to pursue Hunyuan, they don't hesitate to do anything.

But in Chu Kuangren's mouth, this Hunyuan seemed to be nothing worth mentioning, which made them angry into anger.

"In order to become Hunyuan, I didn't hesitate to harm a little girl. You Hunyuan are really cheap."

Madman Chu said again.

This completely annoyed everyone present.

"Bastard! This is the supreme soul body!"

"Speaking so highly, didn't you also come for this supreme soul body? Otherwise, why would you appear here?"

"Not bad."

An old man could no longer hold back his shot.

A palm blasted towards the madman of Chu, UU Reading turned into a huge handprint, and the lifelike palm prints were intertwined by the Tao, which was extremely mysterious.

The power is even more majestic.

This palm has faintly reached the limit of the Harmony Realm.

Seeing this, the madman Chu condensed his sword.

Feel free to swipe in the air.

The power of Taoism gushes out, instantly piercing the void.

Broken palm prints.

The white-haired old man flew out on the spot, and the Dao in his body was wiped out on the spot under this finger, and he died.

"how can that be?!"

Everyone's pupils shrank sharply, their faces full of horror.

You know, the strength of the white-haired old man is not weak among them, he has merged seven ways, and it can be regarded as a half-step Hunyuan.

But such an existence was killed by a single finger!

What kind of strength is this?

"You, who are you?!"

A monk looked at Madman Chu and asked.

"It's nothing more than a passing traveler."



"Your strength is extraordinary, but my Taiyuan Holy Land is not easy to provoke, please leave." A monk said.

He saw that Madman Chu was very strong, and there was no hope for head-to-head.

So I plan to move out of the name of his own power, and start by frightening Madman Chu, so that the other party will retreat in the face of difficulties.

It's a pity that ordinary monks might eat his way.

But Madman Chu, obviously not.

"I was going to leave, but unfortunately, you didn't let it. And I have already started killing people and have been involved in this matter. I don't think you will give up easily after I leave."

Mi He Mi. "So I decided..."

Madman Chu looked at everyone with a smile, "Kill you all here."

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