Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2004: : Transformed girl, besieged from all sides, sword spirit whip

In chaos.

The madman of Chu is urging the power of creation of Qinglian to ripen the flower of chaos.

And just when this flower is fully mature.

Hundreds of millions of zhang Huaguang suddenly soared into the sky, lighting up the vast universe.

The chaotic air around was also dispersed by it.

In an instant.

The powerhouses in this universe seemed to have sensed it, and they looked in the direction of the chaos, and their eyes showed light.

"This breath is Chaos Flower?!"

"There is Chaos Flower here!"

"This thing appeared once 16 million years ago, and that time directly created a strong Hunyuan, but I didn't expect it to appear again!"

"Go and have a look!"

Many strong people dare not neglect.

One after another headed to the direction of Chaos.

Starry sky.

A young girl was dressed in a black outfit. She looked at the direction of the Chaos Flower, and her eyes showed a gleam of light, "This kind of breath, there is a treasure in the world, if you go to explore it, maybe you will have something to gain."

She didn't dare to think of such a treasure as Chaos Flower.

But she can fight for other treasures.

She bears a deep hatred, and she wants to improve herself at all costs.


In chaos.

Hundreds of millions of brilliant lights soar into the sky, shining in darkness and chaos.

Madman Chu looked at the Chaos Flower in front of him, and shook his head, "Such a big movement, doesn't it make sense to let me leave quietly?"

He can clearly feel it.

In the distance, there are many breaths quickly approaching here.

Among them, several breaths are extremely powerful.

One even reached Hunyuan level!

These breaths, separated by hundreds of millions of miles, completely locked the space he was in, and would not let him leave easily at all.

Of course, he can go.

But the next thing to face is the pursuit of these people.

"Fine, I'm leaving anyway, let's just make a fuss."

He is not afraid of things.

Moreover, he hadn't fought against a Hunyuan-level existence for a while, but he was a little tricky.



Chaos shattered.

A figure stood up in the air, circling Xianhui in circles.

"It's Yuan Taoist!"

In chaos.

A girl in black was a little surprised when she saw the person coming.

Yuan Taoist.

The most famous strong man in the universe.

There has been a record of undefeated against Hunyuan.

After the Yuan Daoist appeared, several people came one after another, and each of them was a superb existence. Compared with the Yuan Daoist, it was not bad at all.

"These people are all here. It seems that the treasures appearing in this chaos are extremely good." The black-clothed girl was a little curious.

She carefully swept toward the depths of the chaos.


She came to the direction where many powerful people gathered.

I saw a figure surrounded by these strong men, and this person's hand was playing with a strange flower that circulated the chaotic energy.

That flower, flowing out of an incomparably surging Taoist rhyme.

Everyone's eyes were mostly focused on the flower.

His eyes were fiery.

The black-clothed girl suddenly lit up when she saw the figure holding the flower, and a touch of excitement appeared in her eyes, "It's a benefactor!"

Madman Chu seemed to have noticed something, and glanced in the direction of the black-clothed girl, "Oh, it's that little girl, who grows very fast."

The other party was the little girl he saved when he first arrived in this universe.

It's just that compared with that time, the other party has undergone earth-shaking changes.

In addition to the appearance and temperament, the cultivation base is one world at a time, and the opponent's current cultivation base is already a proper golden immortal.

Although Jinxian is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the current Madman Chu.

But being able to reach such an astonishing level in just a few years shows the aptitude of the girl, and even this is not only the aptitude that can be summed up.

The other party should have suffered a lot.

That kind of tough eyes, killing cold temperament...

This is not something that can be done by mere practice.


Madman Chu gave a chuckle, and then looked away.

And the powerful people around looked at the Chaos Flower in his hand, faintly unable to bear it, and some people had already taken out the magic weapon.

"Hand over Chaos Flower!"

Yuan Taoist took the lead.

Without saying anything, he threw a whisk in his hand towards Madman Chu.

With a sweep of the dust, three thousand white silks, each containing extremely powerful power, instantly turned into a net of heaven and earth and shrouded it.


Madman Chu's sword finger condensed.

Sword Qi swept out, and the net of heaven and earth was instantly torn apart.

The whisk in the hands of Yuan Taoist was even scrapped on the spot.

"how so?"

Yuan Taoren couldn't believe it. Sacrifice like sacrifice like

You know, the treasure in his hand is the highest grade innate treasure.

Was it abolished by a sword? !

"This person is not easy, let's do it together!"

A man in battle armor said loudly.

He held a long spear in his hand and slammed it out, and his domineering spear power rushed towards Madman Chu like a rush of thousands of troops and horses.

the other side.

An old man murmured strange syllables.

Under his feet, black mist gushed out, and the black mist condensed, turned into a hideous nin-headed giant snake, and rushed out with a roar.

Wherever he went, the air of chaos faded away.

The others shot one by one.

Various treacherous, sturdy, or advanced practice methods exploded.

Among them, it contains the power of various principles.

The first to attack Madman Chu was the majestic gun power.

He saw his sword move lightly.

Spears shattered all over the sky.

Pointing the fingertips on the tip of the gun, the man in the armor flew out, vomiting blood, the hand holding the gun was broken, and blood was flowing.

It was a fiasco with one move.


The nine-headed giant snake came to Chu Madman and opened his mouth with fangs and big teeth.

But saw the other party waving his sleeves.

The overbearing immortal yuan wrapped the power of Dao Ze gushing out.

The giant snake blasted it to pieces directly.

Together with the rest of the monks who shot, they were lifted out one by one. UU reading www.

"And then on!"

Yuan Taoist said coldly, and took out another treasure.

Although Madman Chu's strength is very strong.

But the value of Chaos Flower is too great, it's worth the risk!

The immortal origins of the crowd were surging, and all kinds of immortal magical powers were brewing.

Not only that.

As more and more people came, more people shot.

Some onlookers were incomparably amazed.

"I'm afraid that most of the top powerhouses in the universe are here."

"Oh my god, these strong men usually see the dragons but never see the ends. I didn't expect that they are all here now. The temptation of Chaos Flower is really big."

"Tsk tsk, there is a good show to watch now."

Everyone is looking forward to the outbreak of a peerless war.

Some people are very curious about Chu Madman.

I also want to see how strong his strength is through this battle.

"Oh, see this."

Madman Chu saw more and more people, and he didn't panic at all.

There was still a calm smile on his face.

I saw his sword finger condensed.

A kind of Dao converged and circulated between his fingers, spreading out, turned into a colorful sword air whip!

The power contained in it makes everyone feel a little scalp numb.

"How did he do so many ways?"

"This, is it possible?"

"Aren't the limits of Hedao Realm nine?"

Everyone was puzzled.

But Madman Chu did something at this moment.

With a flick of the sword air whip in his hand, colorful ripples appeared in the air. Mi He Mi

With a snap.

A strong man of Harmony was struck by a sword-qi long whip, and his soul was frightened on the spot, his body disappeared, his body turned into a blood mist and exploded!

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