Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2003: : Chaos in the imperial palace, the back hand of the madman of Chu, one palm to death

Latest website: In the imperial palace, the flames of war are burning and in full swing.

The strong in the new era will not give way to the existence of the ancient times.

All kinds of immortal magical powers blasted against each other, extremely powerful.

Among them, Gu Linglong's cultivation base is not high, but with many treasures to show extremely powerful combat power, it is extremely shocking.

"Haotian Tower, come out!"

Gu Linglong urged a tall tower.

That was the Haotian Tower among the ten great artifacts, and went directly towards the suppression of the mosquitoes. The overbearing power made the mosquitoes a little dignified.

The power of Dao Ze in his body was urged, turned into a **** light and shot out.

With a bang.

The Haotian Tower and the mosquitoes retreat separately.

But this is not over yet.

I saw a piece of treasure flying out of Gu Linglong's body.

Each piece is a top treasure.

It is an artifact of the ten directions of heaven and earth.

Madman Chu gave all these ten artifacts to Gu Linglong.

After 20,000 years of cultivation, Gu Linglong has been able to activate these ten artifacts at the same time with her own strength.

In an instant, the light of the divine tool reflected on the battlefield, and the mighty power of the ten square array of heaven and earth divine tools swept out and enveloped the earth.

The mosquito person was trapped in it, and it was difficult to get out for a while.

"This guy actually has this kind of hole cards."

The face of the mosquito person changed slightly.

Rao is that he is a fierce immortal beast, but now he still feels some threats when facing the ten phalanx of heaven and earth artifacts.

"Blood Devouring Dafa!"

The mosquito person gave a soft drink, and began to mobilize his strongest supernatural powers.

I saw some monks near him, their bodies burst open, and countless blood mist gathered towards him like a sea of ​​rivers.

Among them, there are empire soldiers and monks from the magic way.

The mosquito person is the enemy or the enemy.

No wonder it will be called the most ferocious beast in the ancient times.

As a large amount of blood gas was absorbed by the mosquito man, his breath was constantly rising, and bursts of blood continued to spread out with him as the center.

The blood light, the power of the divine tools are impacting each other.

at this time.

Upon seeing this, the Haotian Shangyu who was fighting with Lan Yu coldly snorted and urged a certain technique to break into the Haotian Tower in the great array of artifacts.


The Haotian Tower was shocked, and it was actually out of Gu Linglong's control.

The great array of artifacts broke in response!

"Don't forget, I am the original owner of the Haotian Tower."

Haotian Shangyu sneered.

Even if the Haotian Tower is controlled by others, he still has a way to influence it.

After the great array of divine weapons was broken, the blood blasted towards Gu Linglong, but was blocked by the brilliance of the Luo skirt on her body.

This Luo skirt is inferior to the top ten artifacts.

"There are a lot of treasures, but it depends on how far you can use them." Mosquito Dao Man said, taking out a blood red sword at random.

This sword is strange and strange.

It was made by him with his own mouthparts, which had the effect of phagocytosis. In terms of attacking, it was not even weaker than the ancestor of the Styx, Yuantu Abi.


A wave of **** sword aura slashed to Gu Linglong frantically.

Even if Gu Linglong had a lot of treasures to help, she still was a bit inferior in the face of the mosquito man who gave her all the best.

Under the force of Jian Qi, he soon fell into a disadvantage.

Elder Ruyan stepped forward to help, but was knocked into the air by a sword.

"Woman, die!"

The mosquito man laughed.

The blood-colored long sword pierced out of his hand, bringing up a blood-colored sword light, and it rushed towards Gu Linglong like a bloodstain tearing through the heavens and the earth.

Powerful, swallowing heaven and earth, extremely powerful.

"not good!"

"Sister Linglong!"

Lan Yu, Chu Hong and others were shocked.


In the distance, on an ethereal island.

Inside a palace.

A man in a green shirt sat cross-legged on a futon.

The man has sword eyebrows and bright eyes, and his temples are white.

A faint sword aura circulated all over his body.


The man opened his eyes and murmured: "Luo Hu, the mosquito man, your biggest mistake is...underestimating this era."

Another place, in the palace above the nine heavens.

A white-clothed old man sat cross-legged, he looked in the direction of the imperial palace in the sky, and chuckled, "Do you really think that the empire he created is so easy to destroy? Really think that he didn't leave anything behind?"

The world, in a college.

A young man riding a green bull is holding a book and looking at it with gusto. Around him, there are faintly intertwined yin and yang.

It's like a Tai Chi picture.


He looked in the direction of the imperial palace in the distance, and chuckled, "Luo Hu, are you ready to face the biggest anomaly in all ages?"

It's not just Sanqing.

this moment.

The existence of many immortals is a twitch of eyelids.

It seemed to sense something.


Inside the imperial palace.

The mosquito man stabbed out with a sword, and the domineering blood-colored sword light engulfed the monstrous might, and slashed towards Gu Linglong mightily.

This sword, if it hits.

Even if Gu Linglong had the treasure of protection on her body, she would be injured.

But at this moment.

From Gu Linglong's body, a fairy radiance suddenly bloomed.

An incredibly horrified Xianyuan power was like a big wave, surging surging, and shattered the **** sword light in the blink of an eye.

"How can it be?!"

The mosquito person's face changed.

Gu Linglong, absolutely no such strength? !

In the end, what happened?

The sudden change shocked the entire battlefield.

Everyone couldn't help stopping their movements.

I saw Gu Linglong, who had originally fought against the mosquito man and fell into a disadvantage. At this moment, it seemed as if she had changed herself, standing with her hands held in her hands, and her clothes had no wind.

The cold face was full of majesty.

The blade in his hand deflected.

As if endless sword pressure spread out with her as the center, covering the entire battlefield in the blink of an eye, at this moment, the world seemed to be surrendered.

"This kind of breath... is the king!"

Yin Honghua's face was overjoyed, and he distinguished the source of this breath.

The others were also extremely shocked.

At the same time, there are some doubts.

Why did the Chu Madman's power suddenly burst out of Gu Linglong?

"Follow my empire, you wait so boldly."

Gu Linglong said indifferently.

The tone was completely different from the previous one.

There is a sense of majesty and killing.

The posture of holding a sword actually means a bit of arrogance that sees the world as nothing. This posture is like a madman of Chu coming to the battlefield!

"The fairy king, Madman Chu!"

Luo Hui looked at Madman Chu, his eyes condensed.

Not bad.

Gu Linglong at this time is not Gu Linglong.

His physical body has been completely taken over by Chu Madman's consciousness.

As early as many years ago, when he used the great destiny technique to deduce the national destiny for the empire, he expected that the empire would be a catastrophe.

Although I don't know the specific reason.

But it left behind.

One of them was leaving a piece of her own fairy consciousness and some power on Gu Linglong's body, which was inspired when the other party was in danger.

"Whether it is Madman Chu or Gu Linglong, let's talk about it after killing!"

The mosquito person held the scarlet sword, and UU reading shot towards the Madman Chu.

However, the other side looked indifferent.

The long sword in his hand did not move, but slightly raised his left hand.

"A mosquito can be slapped to death."

The left hand fell, the boundless immortal yuan gathered, containing the surging Taoism, turned into a shocking giant palm, suddenly blasted down like the sky!


The giant palm hit the mosquito person and smashed into the ground.

The whole earth shook.

When the palm prints dissipated, a huge five-fingered pit appeared on the earth, and in the pit, the mosquito person was covered in blood and breathless.

The Tao in the body was completely wiped out.

This fierce immortal ancient fierce beast was slapped to death!

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