Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2006: : Return to the fairyland, destroy the country, split the mountain and destroy the fai

Latest website: Chu Madman's declaration shook the entire fairy world.

Countless people looked at him with fanatical worship and awe in their eyes.

After the phantom of the Madman Chu gradually dissipated, everyone was still immersed in his declaration, unable to extricate themselves for a long time.

"Madman Chu, what an immortal king Madman Chu is really domineering, this is his era?! Haha, well said!"

"Chu madman, he deserves to be the number one madman in all ages."

"Even Xiangu's existence is crushed by him."

"Not bad..."

Whether it is the existence of Xiangu, or the evildoer of the new era.

No matter who it was, he was shocked by the madman of Chu.

His power is unparalleled!

The land of bliss in the West.

The two Buddhas sat cross-legged on a large hall.

These two people, dressed in common clothes, one of them said bitterly on his face: "The madman Chu's strength and dominance are far beyond imagination. With him, Dharma wants to spread to the empire and to save sentient beings. ."

"Yes, this matter has to be discussed in the long term."

These two people.

Formally the founder of Western Buddhism, quasi mention and introduction.

At the same time, it is also the second of the seven Hunyuan of the Xiangu era.

The greatest dream of the two in their lives is to make Buddhism prosper and to make all living beings believe in Buddhism, which is similar to Luohu's Devil Land in the world.

That's why they agreed to Luo Hu and helped.

According to past experience, every day there is a great chaos, the people who are anxious will look for faith. That is a good time for them to spread Buddhism. As long as they come forward to calm the chaos, the Dharma will be spread.

However, with an empire, there will be no chaos in this world.

Therefore, they would want to break the rule of the empire first.

Time goes by.

Several years have passed since the Rahu Rebellion.

And just today.

Outside the immortal world of Pangu universe.

A figure in white slowly walked outside the Nantian Gate.


The immortal world shook, and the four heavenly gates released billions of celestial splendor, lighting up the dark universe, countless dragons and phoenix roared together, and countless powerful people were also moved.

"This breath... he is back!"

"Last time, it was just a piece of his fairy knowledge, but this time, it was the return of the deity. This time, the rule of the empire will be even more solid."

The strong people secretly said with emotion.

And as the mad man of Chu stepped into the fairy world, the world was surging, and the road roared, as if the return of the king played a magnificent movement.

"Finally home."

Madman Chu looked at the immortal world in front of him and smiled faintly.

For the Rahu Rebellion.

He already knew clearly through his own immortal knowledge.

"Since I'm back, let's liquidate it together."

Madman Chu looked at the distant coast with his eyes like electricity.

There, there is a country.

It is the Kingdom of Fusang established by the Eastern Prince.

Since the death of the Eastern Prince, this kingdom has not disappeared, but has continued to develop, training soldiers day and night, and replenishing energy.

It seems that he has not given up the abacus to attack the empire.

I don't know who gave them so much confidence.

Thinking of this, the madman Chu gave a chuckle, then his sword condensed, and he slowly pointed a finger in the direction of Fusang Divine Kingdom.

Fuso Kingdom of God.

A monk who is the best of Luo, is training soldiers in the barracks.

"Give me energy!"

"As far as you are, how can you fight the empire in the future?! Think about the treasures of the empire, the land of the empire, and the women of the empire. If you want these things, then you can all work hard for me to become stronger!"

Daluo said extremely coldly.

Everyone was so excited by him, and his eyes showed greed.

Immediately training harder.

This Ronaldo nodded with extreme satisfaction. Although the founder of the Kingdom of Fusang, Lord Dong, was dead, the Kingdom of Fusang was taken over by the demon ancestor Luo Hui.

Luo Hu did not give up the idea of ​​conquering the empire.

Still training soldiers and horses around the clock.


At this moment, the sky suddenly became dark.

A heavy pressure hung over everyone present, and when everyone saw it, their expressions changed and they were extremely puzzled.

"What happened?"

"Why is the sky suddenly so dark?"

at this time.

I saw the dark clouds rolling in the sky, and a huge finger protruded from the dark clouds, and the coercion of terror engulfed the entire Kingdom of Fusang in an instant!

"This, this is..."

That Ronaldo looked at the scene in front of him extremely, and was too scared to speak.

The giant finger fell from the sky.

The speed is not fast.

However, the strength of the pressure caused all the soldiers of the Kingdom of God to prostrate on the ground, unable to move, trembling in shape, and deep horror in their eyes.

boom! !

Before the huge finger fell, the land of the kingdom of God had begun to burst.

The sea area where the sea is located is surging crazily, causing a monstrous tsunami.

After the giant finger got a little closer, everyone was enveloped by a burst of celestial glory, and they saw the countless principles that made up the giant finger.

As if to see a piece of land, the vast ocean!

In the end, the giant finger fell above the kingdom of God in the shocking and horrified eyes of everyone. The kingdom of God for hundreds of millions of miles was drowned in a storm of terrifying energy in the blink of an eye.

After the sea gradually subsided.

The Kingdom of Fusang is completely gone!

Only a few continental debris remained, drifting on the surface of the sea sporadically.

The powerhouses in the fairy world all sensed this finger.

This time.

Everyone was silent.

One finger, destroy the country!

What a mighty force this is!

Everyone knew that Madman Chu's deity would only be stronger than the immortal consciousness he had left before, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful!

"Wait, it's not over yet!"

Everyone suddenly noticed.

After extinguishing the Fusang Divine Kingdom, Madman Chu retracted his fingers, looked at the direction of the sky again, gently raised his hand, and then blasted the sky with a palm! !

The wind and clouds are rolling, the aura is rioting, and the road is roaring!

Hit out with one palm.

Huge palm prints were created out of thin air, engulfing the power of the boundless principle.

A void.

The fairy court is located.

Xianting Lagerstroemia Shangyu is recuperating.

Suddenly, his eyelids twitched, and an inexplicable fear suddenly appeared in his heart, and immediately afterwards, the emptiness of Xian Ting became frantically turbulent.

A palm print, broke in!

The huge palm prints exude infinite fairy glory, the palm prints are lifelike, and the terrifying coercion locks the entire fairy garden, making it difficult for countless monks to move.

Only Ziwei Shangyu roared and rushed out, holding a sword in his hand, and slashed a sword light towards the palm print.

But the moment the sword light collided with the palm print, it collapsed like a cloud of smoke.

Ziwei Shangyu was slapped into blood mist.

Xian Ting was completely wiped out under this palm.

Xian Ting, dying.

Outside the gate of the immortal The madman of Chu condensed his sword fingers and slashed towards the hundred thousand mountains.

Wherever the sword qi goes, the mountains and the ground are cracked!

Directly at Jinwu Tianshan!

Countless golden crows flew out, roaring and urging the golden crow fire, trying to stop the sword qi, but it had no effect.

Sword Qi passed, and the huge Golden Crow Tianshan was split in half with a sword.

Sword Qi dissipated, thousands of golden crows fell like **** heavy rain.

"The remaining Demon Kingdom of Rahu in the far north and the world of desire in Bo Xun, can you bear my anger?"

Madman Chu said lightly, and then he seemed to think of something and looked into the distance, "Almost forgot you, the ghost of blood, Western Buddhism."

The ancestor of Styx, who was far in the depths of the blood sea, and Zhun Ti from the Extreme West, could not help but shudder subconsciously.


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