Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2007: : Visit Yang Mei, it’s just you, one battle Yang Mei

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After the Western Buddhism and his entourage, the madman of Chu planned to visit the oldest existence in the Pangu universe, the Great Immortal Yang Mei.

After learning some information about this person, he began to deduct. This time he didn't let him go back empty-handed, and finally deduced some clues.

At least, he is 60 to 70% sure that he can find each other.

However, Yang Mei didn't know whether he was an enemy or a friend, but judging from his help to Luohu, it seemed to be a bit of an enemy.

So he let Lan Yu and Gu Linglong return to the empire first.

He went all the way east.

Finally, came to a boundless sea.

He went to sea by boat.

On the sea, the wind is calm and the waves are calm, and the sea breeze is gradual, which makes people happy.

Can suddenly.

The sky became dark.

The sea breeze keeps getting stronger, and it seems that a storm is approaching.

Everyone on board couldn't help but worry.


Everyone's guess was right.

As the wind and waves got bigger and bigger, a tornado that went straight to the sky swept across the sea, engulfing the might of the world!

This tornado is composed of countless mixed auras, and every wisp of wind is like an immortal gold blade, cutting people to pieces.

This kind of power, even if it is encountered by the Jinxian, must be cautious.

Everyone's complexion changed drastically, and they hurriedly hid in the cabin and opened the defensive shield.

"This little brother, it's dangerous outside, come in quickly."

A kind big brother reminded Madman Chu.

Madman Chu stood on the deck and said with a smile: "It's okay."

The big brother saw that he had a good temperament and was surrounded by celestial splendor, and he should be a super master, so he thought about it and ignored him.

The decision is to save one's own life first.

When everyone hid in the cabin, only Madman Chu stood on the deck alone, looking at the approaching tornado with a leisurely expression.

The sword swirled between his fingers.

You only need to flick your finger to break the tornado.

But before he could take any action, he saw a thick white fog sweeping over the sea in the distance, wherever he went, the storm gradually dissipated.


Madman Chu's eyes flashed.

The people in the cabin sensed that it was calm and calm outside, and they all walked out, looking at the thick white fog with expressions of excitement.

"Thank you Xianwu for your rescue."

"Thanks Xianwu..."

Kuangren Chu was a little curious, and asked about the origin of this fairy fog.

"Little brother, I don’t know. In our sea area, the people depend on the sea for their livelihoods, but if they encounter storms and natural disasters when going out to sea, they will often die in nine deaths. But I don’t know when it will start. When the storm comes, this fairy fog will appear, and the sea will be calm..."

Said a big brother.

Looking at Xianwu, I am grateful.

"Can someone enter it to check it?"

"Naturally, there are, but, whether it is a battleship or a flying magic weapon, once you get close to the fairy mist, it will lose all its effects. Even the big Luo Jinxian can't get close. As time passes, no one will check it again. Anyway, this The fairy mist has never harmed us, and it has helped us a lot."

"So that's it..."

Madman Chu looked at Xianwu with curiosity in his eyes.

If he didn't guess wrong, the person he was looking for was in this fairy mist.

Madman Chu didn't hesitate to think of this.

Take one step forward and head towards the fairy mist.

When everyone saw this, they were shocked.

"Little brother, no."

According to past experience, even if it is Daluo Jinxian, once he gets close to the fairy mist, he will lose all his power and fall into the sea.

In their opinion, how could Madman Chu be as powerful as Daluo?

This is asking for trouble.

"I can't sit still as soon as I hear Xianwu Xuan'ao, these masters, no matter how they look like this." The big brother shook his head helplessly.

Xianwu Xuan'ao, people who heard about it for the first time often think that there is something hidden in it, so they don't listen to persuasion and will go to check it.

To take risks for treasures, it's normal in the spiritual world.

In his opinion, Madman Chu is the same.

But after some hardship, you should give up.

Everyone on the boat looked at Madman Chu, and they were waiting for him to collapse.

It's near.

Madman Chu was getting closer and closer to Xianwu.

Just when everyone thought he was about to lose his power and fell into the sea, they saw him plunge into the fairy mist and gradually disappeared.

He became the only person who entered the fairy mist for many years.

Everyone was extremely surprised.

"Who is this person so capable?"

"I do not know…"

"Let's try too."

Some monks couldn't help but wanted to enter the fairy mist.

Their figures flashed and rushed towards the fairy mist.

But after a while, only one sound of falling into the water was heard.

These people, no doubt all fell into the water.

They were very puzzled.

Why are Chu Kuang people OK, but they can't?

It's a pity that these monks in remote waters haven't seen Madman Chu with their own eyes, otherwise they wouldn't have such doubts.


Within the fairy mist.

Madman Chu vaguely saw an island, the island was surrounded by fairy radiance, immortal medicine was everywhere on the island, and there were even more rare and exotic animals.

"One of the three overseas islands...Yingzhou!"

The madman of Chu pinched his fingers and figured out the origin of this island.

Three overseas islands, Penglai, Yingzhou, the abbot.

Of these three islands, apart from the owner of Penglai, the other two islands are still missing, and no one has ever found them.

Unexpectedly, Madman Chu encountered one of them here.

Come to think of it, this should be the residence of Great Immortal Yang Mei.

Madman Chu stepped out and came to the sky above the island.

"The madman in Xia Chu, come and visit!"

He didn't talk nonsense, and spoke directly.

The mighty power of the fairy king swept out like a hurricane.

In a flash, the surrounding clouds collapsed.

The depths of Yingzhou Island.

An old man with white eyebrows, white hair and white beard opened his eyes.

"It's finally here."

He flew into the air and came in front of Madman Chu.

"Under Yang Mei, I have seen the fairy king!"

Facing the most powerful immortal king of this era, Rao Yang Mei has to be respectful and afraid of being careless.

"It's you who helped Luo Hu?"

"Luo Hui leads others to force each other, and I am also helpless."

"It's you, that's fine."

Madman Chu said lightly.

The sword's fingers condensed, and a sword aura suddenly cut out. The power was so powerful that it was earth-shaking, and Yang Mei couldn't help but change his expression.

His whole body was surging, turning into a space barrier.

Sword Qi fell into that barrier and was actually distorted.

Madman Chu's eyes lit up.

Yang Mei deserves to be the one who is best at the way of space in the Pangu universe.

Only the hand that blocked his sword aura could be matched by few people.

"The fairy king, don't force each other."

"Let me talk about the means to meet you first."

Madman Chu said lightly.

After speaking, he said nothing, the sword energy pouring out between his fingers.

Yang Mei helplessly challenged.

Between you and me, UU reading www.uukanshu. com has already played dozens of tricks.

Madman Chu's sword aura made Yang Mei's eyelids jump, and his spatial methods also made Madman Chu's eyes light up, and he was delighted to see the hunt.

Fight against each other.

Madman Chu suddenly changed his offensive.

In the sword move, began to incorporate spatial means.

Cut out with a sword, and the void was torn apart.

The chaotic spatial air flow entangled in the sword aura, making Yang Mei very surprised.

With a bang, Yang Mei retreated hundreds of feet.

Madman Chu didn't move at all.

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