Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2006: : The tragedy of military disasters, cut through the robbery of Hunyuan? Madman Chu ap

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Hun Yuan Jie.

As the name implies, it is a kind of catastrophe that occurs when breaking through Hunyuan.

This kind of catastrophe is extremely powerful.

Once the breakthrough fails, it is likely to be the result of death.

As for the Pangu universe, there has been only one Hunyuan Tribulation since the Immortal Ancient Era, which occurred when the gods and demons broke through without regrets.

Today, Hun Yuan Jie has reappeared!

Hunyuan's Tribulation is extremely powerful.

Most of the galaxy is shrouded in thick dark clouds, and terrifying thunder is brewing in it, and any thunder light seems to have the power of destroying the world!

Many strong people were surprised when they saw this.

"My God, he really attracted Hun Yuan Jie."

"If you only practice one path, can you reach the realm of Hunyuan?! This kind of thing, I heard once again, this is a brand new way of practice!"

"Chu Madman, he is too abnormal. The deity's words can make Dadao retreat, and a clone can create a new way of cultivation!"

"Tsk tusk, Madman Chu, inhuman!"

Everyone talked a lot, staring at the disaster.

But the soldiers stood volley in the air, white hair danced wildly, and the posture was extremely arrogant.

"Come on, let me see the power of Hun Yuan Jie!"

He stood with his hands behind him, surrounded by flames.

The eyes are like stars, as if to reflect the boundless beacon battlefield!


The dark clouds in the sky rolled, and a huge and incomparable thunder fell from the sky, wherever it went, the void exploded, and the stars burst into pieces one after another!

The disaster did not move, he laughed, and slammed a punch.

"The Eight Desolation Formula of Soldier Disasters, Break Void!"


The fist is full of strength, and the void is like a mirror, shattered into thousands of pieces.

Each piece of space locks floated into the void, as if they all reflected a beacon battlefield, endless killing and fighting, shaking the sky of the universe.

The moment the boxing force collided with the void, there was a roar between heaven and earth.

The energy spread out one after another like a tide.

The entire universe, like a huge stone being dropped on a calm lake, rippled in circles, wherever the ripples went, the void, the stars and all spirits, the mixed universe aura, etc. were all wiped out into nothingness.

After the shock of terrifying energy.

But seeing the military disaster stand in the air, his posture remains arrogant.

"Come again!"

Hun Yuan Jie seemed to be provoked.

The dull thunder sound was like the roar of a terrifying beast.

There was another thunder that smashed into the disaster.

The power of this blow was even more terrifying than before.

An electric arc shot out of it was enough to kill the Hedao realm.

Everyone was shocked to see.

However, he was not afraid of the disaster, his hands were able to transport and transform the power, a violent beacon aura spread, and the void ignited endless flames out of thin air.

"The army is plagued by the eight famines, and the beacon is overwhelming!"

A palm blasted out.

The roads converge, turning into a huge flame palm print.

The impact of the palm prints and the thunder formed a storm of energy that was even stronger than before. The fire and thunder, wherever they went, large stars were swept in and turned into ashes. The scene before us was like the end of the universe!

But Hun Yuan Jie is not over yet.

Do not.

This is even just an appetizer.

Hunyuan robbery and robbery clouds are surging.

He didn't attack again, but was accumulating more powerful strength.

Some ancient beings were surprised when they saw this.

"Such a Hunyuan Jie, I haven't seen it in the Immortal Ancient Period."

"Generally speaking, the stronger the force that breaks through Hunyuan, the more terrifying the Hunyuan Tribulation encountered. How strong is the strength of this disaster?"

"Not only is his strength strong or weak, but also that he has created an unprecedented way of cultivation in the Pangu universe. Thinking about it, this is the main reason why his Hunyuan Jie is so powerful."


One way to achieve Hunyuan.

Such a thing is the first time since the beginning of the world.

There is such a powerful Hunyuan Jie, it is not that difficult to understand.

Boom, boom, boom...

The powerful Hunyuan Jie power is brewing.

The thunder surging, faintly, revealing a terrifying grandeur.

Upon seeing the disaster, he said indifferently: "You have always been attacking. This time, it's better to change you and **** power!"

He stepped forward in one step, actually approaching Hun Yuan Jie on his own initiative.

The power of the Tao is running around the body, the flames of the beacon flow, and the momentum is terrifying.

One palm and one punch all have the power to destroy the world.

However, outside the Hunyuan Tribulation, countless runes flowed out and turned into a golden, celestial and brilliant road barrier.

All the attacks of the military disaster were easily blocked by this barrier.

"Hmph, a small barrier, you also want to block me?!"

He raised his hand and grabbed it in the void.

Amidst the ancient star of military disaster, endless grievances rolled over.

A handful of treacherous remnants broke through the air!

Bailiff caught the remnant soldiers, and a terrifying grievance broke out on his body, which merged with his practice of Bailiff Beacon Dao.

The remnants waved out, and countless roads and grievances were intertwined to form thousands of remnants, slashing towards the barrier of the avenue like a vast torrent!

"Armor and disasters, Wan Feng cut!"

Bang bang bang!

Wan Feng cut on the barrier of the avenue, making a series of roars.

I saw cracks began to appear on the barrier.

Suddenly, the avenue barrier broke!

The torrent of weapons rushed towards Hun Yuan Jie.

But at this moment, the thunder thunder brewing in the Hunyuan Tribulation had already erupted.

An extremely ferocious dragon head poked his head out of the robbery cloud.

The breath of horror permeated.

A roar!

Wan Feng burst!

The huge thunder dragon swooped down, and the target was targeted for disaster!

Accompanied by a loud noise, the disaster was blasted out abruptly by this blow, and the body was like a meteor, smashing countless stars one after another.

"The power of this Hun Yuan Jie is a bit scary."

"Tsk tsk, the military disaster seems a bit unbearable."

Everyone watched attentively.

at this time.

Amidst the ruins of broken stars, the horror aura vented out.

The soldiers marched out with their heads high.

The blow just now did not cause him too much trauma. The resentment on his body was rolling, and his breath was rising steadily.

"Armed disasters and eight famines, destroy the sky and cut!"

The remnants of the soldiers waved down fiercely.

Accompanied by an earth-shattering breath, the surrounding starry sky was crazily shattering, and a pitch-black energy rolled out like a black hole.


One cut fell on Hun Yuan Jie like destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

The powerful energy vented out, and hundreds of thousands of miles of dark clouds were impacted by this energy, and the clouds continued to shatter, dissipate, and become nothing.

Hunyuan Jie, break!

Everyone was surprised when they saw this.

"This time is over?"

"What a powerful Hunyuan Tribulation, this military disaster is also terrible, and even such a disaster can be overcome, and the future is limitless."

"Not only that, he created a precedent that Hunyuan can be achieved through a path, and no one knows how high his achievements are in the future."

"Not bad..."

Everyone talked a lot.

And just when everyone thought that Hun Yuan Jie had passed.

In the starry sky, dark clouds surged.

A huge pitch-black vortex was created out of thin air. UU Reading

And in the whirlpool, a terrifying coercion permeated, as if there was something peerless, about to come, that coercion made everyone feel suffocated.

But there is a sense of familiarity inexplicably.

"No, this kind of coercion, is it..."

Some people find it incredible.

I saw a white figure slowly descending in the whirlpool.

Xianhui circulating, coercion in all directions!

The world is turbulent for it!

It is the strongest man in this era, Madman Chu!

For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 2060 The Disaster Crossing Tribulation, Smashing the Hunyuan Tribulation? Chu Madman appears) to read the record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf!

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