Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2004: : All parties act in the universe, separation is for better reunion

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The gate of Hongmeng opened.

Li Jun entered, but lost contact.

At this time, Yuanshi Tianzun walked out, and with a wave of his sleeves, a clone that looked exactly like him appeared in front of everyone.

Yuanshi Tianzun said to the Master Tongtian: "This clone is connected to my heart and mind. If I fall, this clone will also disappear."

Everyone understood what he meant.

He wanted to use this method to test whether the world behind this door is in danger.

After that, Yuanshi Tianzun entered the gate of Hongmeng.

Everyone stared at the clone.

But seeing his eyebrows frowned, "My connection with the deity has disappeared."

Upon hearing this, everyone was finally sure that the world behind the Hongmeng Gate could not be connected with the Pangu universe.

Now, it is up to Yuanshi Tianzun's clone to see if other conditions will occur. For several years, this clone has not fallen.

It seems that the world behind the Hongmeng Gate is not life-threatening?

Just today.

The avatar left by Yuanshi Tianzun suddenly changed, and the aura on his body was constantly rising, gaining a huge improvement.

From the ordinary Da Luo, he became a hedao in one fell swoop.

"Well, what's going on?"

"How can this clone's cultivation base improve so quickly?"

Everyone was extremely surprised.

The avatar of Yuanshi Tianzun said: "Just now, I felt a force injected into my body, which improved my cultivation."

Everyone could not sit still.

"If the clone has been improved like this, it must be the deity's chance to gain an opportunity, and the cultivation base has been improved. Behind this door, there really is a big chance."

"No matter what, you must enter into it."

"If you are afraid of danger, you will not cultivate immortals."

With Li Jun, Yuanshi Tianzun took the lead, and the rest of the people also took action, entering the Hongmeng Gate one after another, looking for opportunities.

A burst of bright Buddha light manifested.

I saw two figures coming together.

But it is the two founders of Western Buddhism, who are quasi-proposed and introduced.

They looked at the huge Hongmeng Gate with fiery eyes.

"Junior Brother, I have big ambitions, I want to spread the Fa to the heavens!"

Said the lead.

What is it to let Buddhism flourish in the Pangu universe? He wants Buddhism to spread across every corner of the universe, and that is the real Buddhism Daxing!

"The younger brother is willing to walk with the younger brother."

Zhunti faintly smiled.


The two brothers smiled at each other and then stepped into the gate of Hongmeng.

Immediately after the two.

The monstrous devilish energy surged from the end of the universe, and saw a man in a black armor also flew into the gate of the Great Meng, it was the demon ancestor Luo Hu.

"Chu madman, military disaster, I am not weaker than others in my life, Luohu!"

"You guys wait!"

Sanqing, Yang Mei, Luo Hu, Zhun Ti, Ji Yin, Nu Wa...

As each immortal existence entered the gate of Hongmeng, the originally buzzing and lively Pangu universe suddenly became deserted a lot.

the other side.

The same goes for Tianyuan Universe.

Looking at the Hongmeng Gate that suddenly appeared, all monks could sense the huge attraction of the world behind this gate to them.

Some people with lofty ideals entered one after another.

Including Luo Xue, Tiannvyou, Dragon Crystal and other members of the Yuan Tian Hui.

Except for the two universes.

The heavens and universe have also taken action early.

Some universe.

The huge gate of Hongmeng stretches across the starry sky, and monks gather here, worshiping the gate and respecting it as a deity.

"The legend is true, the God of Hongmeng really exists."

"This door is the revelation given to us by the God of the Great Meng. Only by entering it can we find the truth of the heavens and universe."

"I am waiting to follow the footsteps of the God of Great Meng..."

The crowd chanted the divine words and slowly walked into the gate of Hongmeng.

Another universe.

Dozens of figures came to the gate of Hongmeng, these people are the top evildoers in this universe, even taboos.

They looked at the Hongmeng Gate in front of them with fiery eyes.

"This door finally appeared."

"I waited to suppress the cultivation base, and didn't break through. What I waited for was the appearance of this door, which gave me an opportunity to break the limits of the avenue!"

"I must integrate the nine ways to break through the Hunyuan."

The evildoers are full of spirits.

Go to the gate of Hongmeng and start a new journey.

There are also universes.

A large number of soldiers and horses are being assembled.

"In the Great World of Hongmeng, there are a variety of resources, and there are even many inheritances left by those who are detached. All the armies will follow me in to open up the territory and create the supreme kingdom of God. At that time, these things will all be I'm waiting!"

A man dressed in an emperor robe shrouded in Xianhui and said loudly.

After hearing his words, the army of hundreds of millions was excited.

"I am waiting to follow the country's lord and open up new territories!"

"I am waiting to follow the country's lord and open up new territories!"

All the heavens and universes have acted because of the emergence of the gate of the Great Mengmeng.

Gathered together in the Great World of Hongmeng.

Fighting between dragons and tigers, the situation is changing, ask, who can aspire to Hongmeng? !


Except for the actions of all parties in the universe.

Some detached people who had long been above the cosmic avenue also cast their gazes in the direction of the Hongmeng Gate.

"Hongmeng Great World opens again."

"The new game of the heavens, this begins."

"This time, I wonder if those new detached beings will be born again?"

"The last time I restarted, a peerless and graceful King Lan was born. This time, I wonder if it will exist like King Lan?"

"An existence like King Lan is too rare to exist."

The minds of the detached people crossed the heavens and echoed in the void.

They are too old.

Having seen the vicissitudes of life, the universe shattered, and now, the only thing that can bring interest to them is the Great World of Hongmeng.

In the void battlefield between Tianyuan Universe and Pangu Universe.

A figure lying in the coffin suddenly opened his eyes. This person is one of the transcendents who had traded with Madman Chu... Dark Demon Lord!

"The Great World of Hongmeng has been opened, the next step is your actions, the new master of the Temple of Destiny!" The Dark Demon murmured.

Pangu universe.

Immortal world, in the empire.

Madman Chu naturally knew the opening of the Hongmeng Gate, but he didn't go there the first time, but prepared some back-hands.

After he leaves the empire, it is hard to guarantee that no one will make trouble.

It's like the last Luohu chaos.

He needs to be fully prepared.

A few years later, Madman Chu found Elder Ruyan and others and told them that he was about to go to the Great World of Hongmeng.

In this regard, everyone was not too surprised.

"Wang, don't worry, we have to take care of the empire."

"Yes, we will wait for you to come back."

Madman Chu looked at Elder Ruyan.

She sighed helplessly, "Oh, since the first time I helped you take charge of Xuantianzong, I knew that I would be tired in my life. Go and go. Anyway, it's not the first time I've helped you to take care of your house. Up."

"Ha, thank you." Madman Chu smiled.

Shortly after.

Madman Chu left.

Lan Honghua, Chu Hong and others looked at his back and were silent for a while, the elder Ruyan next to him curiously asked, "Aren't you following?"

"If you have been following the son, the son will definitely be distracted to take care of us, and we don't want to be the burden of the son." Lan Yu said lightly.

"This Hongmeng Great World, we will go, but not with our brother, we have to break out of the world alone." Chu Hong said solemnly.

They all knew that there was a big gap between them and Madman Chu.

Follow the other side and only rely on the other side for everything.

If they want to grow, they can only practice on their own, even if they have to separate from the Madman Chu for this, they have no regrets or regrets.

They all know that separation is for a better reunion.

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