Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2004: : Hongmeng God List is present, Hunyuan List, and Xiangu Existence are on the list on

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Hongmeng Great World.

Today is destined to be a restless day.

The vision in the sky that enveloped the entire world affects every monk's heart, even monks who don't know the Hongmeng God List know that a huge change is about to come.

And some monks who knew the Hongmeng God List were extremely curious.

Everyone is guessing what the first list will be.


The aura of Hongmeng was rolling endlessly, and it seemed to be gestating something.

The mysterious breath is dazzling.

"This day has finally come."

In the Temple of Light, the Goddess of Light looked at the **** list that was about to be conceived in Na Hongmeng's spiritual energy, with anticipation in her eyes.

Next to her, Concubine Ming was also very curious, "Goddess, do you think the son of light can be ranked in the top ten of the gods?"

"That depends on what the list is." said the goddess of light.


The great spiritual energy in the sky began to shrink, and gradually condensed into a huge purple ball of light, which was suspended in the starry sky like a big sun.

Inside, countless characters are circulating.

At the top of the ball of light, three big characters are condensed into...Hunyuan list!

Hunyuan list?

The goddess of light shined, "The first list is the Hunyuan list. In other words, it is a list that ranks the level of Hunyuan's combat power. The Son of Light is likely to be in the top after the Hongmeng Hunyuan calamity. ten."

"I don't know if Lan Yu can be included."

Concubine Ming murmured.

Hearing her words, the Goddess of Light chuckled lightly and said: "You are quite attentive to this little apprentice, it's rare."

Apart from her, Concubine Ming rarely puts others at ease.

Even the Guangming Zuo Tian Wang, who has been a colleague for countless years, has pursued her for hundreds of millions of years, and has used various methods, but she has not been able to impress her at all.

Now I actually care about other people.

This surprised the Goddess of Light.

"Lan Yu is the successor I cultivated, so naturally I have to pay more attention to it."

Concubine Ming said.

Then, the two continued to pay attention to the Hongmeng God List.

I saw another character floating above the list of gods.

Hunyuan List contains thousands of Hunyuan Realms.

According to the combat power, the rankings are arranged.

Immediately afterwards, one name after another appeared in the light ball.

The monks of the Hongmeng Great World gradually understood the role of the Hongmeng God List, and they stared at the God List intently.

"There are so many Hunyuan realms in the universe. This Hongmeng God list only contains a thousand people, and it seems that they are all the best in the Hunyuan realm."

"Tsk tsk, this **** list is interesting."

"I don't know if I'm on the list of gods, will there be any rewards?"

Everyone talked a lot.

On the Hunyuan list, one name after another appeared.

The thousandth Yunze is from the Thunder Dragon Universe.

The ninth and ninety-ninth Yaotian is from Yaofeng Universe.

The ninth and ninety-eighth...

Hongmeng Great World.


Countless monks are looking at the names on the Hunyuan list attentively.

But at this time, in the crowd, a cultivator had a mysterious aura flowing out, making everyone couldn't help but look sideways.

"This breath is luck?"

"Good luck."

"How could this person suddenly get such luck?"

"I recognize him, he is Yaotian!"

Someone exclaimed.

After hearing this, everyone looked at the Hongmeng Hunyuanshen Bang.

Yaotian, the ninth and ninety-ninth place!

"I understand, being on the list of gods can be blessed by luck." Someone suddenly realized, everyone was bright when they heard the words.

Good luck.

This is a good thing.

Especially the luck of this Hongmeng great world.

At this time, there was a more surging force of Qi Luck erupting in another place.

That is the eighth-odd monk on the Hunyuan list.

The higher the ranking, the more luck you get.

Everyone looked at the monks who got lucky, and couldn't help but be full of envy.

The ranking of the Hunyuan ranking continues.

The 666th Lan Yu is from Pangu Universe.

Inside the Temple of Light.

A mysterious force of luck exploded.

Lan Yu, who was cultivating, felt the power suddenly blessed on him, and couldn't help but wonder, "What's the matter?"

She felt that her practice became smoother.

"Don't worry, this is the blessing of luck."

Concubine Ming's voice rang in her ears.

In his tone, he was relieved.

After Lan Yu understood what happened, he felt relieved.

"Are you on the list of Hunyuan's combat power? That son..."

What she thought of, her eyes lit up.

Immediately, he also paid attention to this **** list.

Another place.

The goddess of Guangming looked at Lan Yu's name and nodded in satisfaction, "She is only the Fifth Profound Realm of Hunyuan, but she can already be on the list. Maybe, as you said, she can really take your place in the future."

"I hope so." Ming Concubine chuckled lightly, looking forward to it.

Within the City of Ten Thousand Soldiers.

Madman Chu is also paying attention to the movement of the **** list.

When he saw Lan Yu's name appearing on it, his eyes lit up, "Lan Yu has also come to Hongmeng Great World."

Think about it too.

Lan Yu is not a woman willing to be lonely.

She came to Hongmeng Great World to enter the world, and it was reasonable. Then Madman Chu saw several familiar names on the list.

The 331th wave is from the Pangu universe.

The two hundred and twentieth place is quasi-promotion, from Pangu Universe.

The 219th place was taken, from Pangu Universe.

The one hundred and twenty-first Queen Mother of the West came from Pangu Universe.

The fifty-first place, Luo Hu, is from Pangu Universe.

The familiar names of the crazy people of Chu appeared one after another on the Hunyuan list, all of which existed in the Pangu Universe Immortal Ancient Period.

These people are extremely good.

All of them can be ranked among the heavens.

Some people have also noticed the name Pangu universe.

Compared to other universes, this name appears a bit more frequently.

"There are many people in the Pangu Universe."

"Yes, what universe is this?"

"Tsk, this universe is really talented."

Madman Chu couldn't help but chuckle, "Yes, although it is only in the Hunyuan realm, it can be ranked among the best in the Hunyuan realm. It can be seen that these people may help me in the future to lay out the great world of Hongmeng."

Of course, those who have hatred like Luo Hu still die as soon as possible.

The eleventh place, Liu Feng, is from Luotian Universe.

The tenth place is Shilong, from the universe of time.


The ranking of the Hunyuan list has reached the top ten.

Kuangren Chu was quite surprised, because on this Hunyuan list, some of the people he expected were not yet on the list.

"Zhunti, Xiuying, Nuwa and others are already on the list, why don't you see Li Jun?" In the Pangu universe, he has three most optimistic people.

One is Taoist Yang Mei.

The other party has lived for a long time, and his qualifications are extremely old.

The second is military disaster.

Needless to say, his clone.

The third one is Li Jun.

The head of the Three Qings in the Xiangu period has no weaker understanding of Tao than the old Taoist ancestors. Today, his two brothers, Tongtian and Yuanshi, have been on the Hunyuan list, the seventy-first and seventy-two respectively.

How could Li Jun, the head of the Sanqing Dynasty, not be on the list?

There are three possibilities.

One is that the opponent has fallen, and the other is that the opponent has broken through the Great Realm.

The third is that the other party is in the top ten.

The madman of Chu's thoughts teleported, and he continued to pay attention to the Hunyuan List.

The top ten on the Hunyuan list are present one by one.

Attracted everyone's attention.

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