Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2004: : Lan Yu's whereabouts, misunderstanding, 9 shadows fall

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The battle between Madman Chu and Concubine Ming continued.

It's just that both of them know that this is just a contest.

No one will be ruthless.

After beating for a while, both sides closed their hands.

"Your strength, the general Dao Sovereign can't help you."

Concubine Ming said lightly.

She didn't exert all her strength in the fight just now, and accordingly, Madman Chu did not exert all her strength, but she could still judge the opponent's strength more or less.

"The strength of Youtianwang is also extraordinary."

Madman Chu used Xiaoai to analyze Concubine Ming.

It was discovered that the other's cultivation base was just the sage of the Great Dao.

But some exist.

It is not possible to judge the combat power based on the cultivation base alone.

Such as himself.

Concubine Ming, it's the same.

Although the opponent is only the sage of the Dao, Madman Chu knows that most of the sages of the Dao will only fail miserably against the concubine Ming.

"By the way, you know someone named Lan Yu."

At this time, Concubine Ming asked.

Hearing this, Madman Chu was slightly surprised, "How do you know her?"

"She is my apprentice now."

Concubine Ming said lightly.

As soon as this statement was made, Madman Chu's eyes flashed, and many thoughts emerged in his mind. For example, why did Ming concubine take Lan Yu as a disciple?

Is it jealous that he was a heresy, do you want to use Lan Yu to counter him?

Is this a threat?

As if seeing the concerns in his heart, Concubine Ming said indifferently: "Before accepting her as a disciple, I didn't know her relationship with you."

"Really? That's a coincidence."

Madman Chu chuckled lightly, but didn't believe it all.

Concubine Ming's eyebrows frowned slightly, and did not explain much.

"Where is she now?"

"I've gone out to practice. There is the church of Guangming Church in Yinfengyu. If you want to find her, you can locate her at any time."

"I know, then I will leave first."

Madman Chu got up and left.

After he left, the goddess Guangming smiled faintly at Concubine Ming and said, "It feels uncomfortable to be misunderstood."

"It's okay, I don't care." Ming Fei said lightly.

"Heh, after he sees Lan Yu, he will naturally understand everything."

The goddess of light smiled.

This is also the reason why she didn't speak out for the concubine Ming.

Some things become more difficult to understand the more you distinguish.

You can only wait for the other party to find out.


Madman Chu left the Temple of Light.

All the way to the Yin Wind Region.

On the road, she was still thinking about the true purpose of Concubine Ming's reaping Lan Yu as a disciple.

Are you fancying the other's qualifications?

Still want to use the other party to check and balance yourself?

This can't help him not think about it too much, you know, he was a heresy in the eyes of the church before, and he had no clear connection with the dark race.

Concubine Ming is jealous of herself, and it is not strange to find a way to check and balance him.

This person did everything for the goddess of light.

"If it's the former, I was a bit rude just now. It's okay to apologize after returning, but if it's the latter..." Chu Kuangren's eyes showed a cold color, "Then Ming concubine, you and I are completely enemies!"

The dragon's inverse scales will make you angry if you touch it.

Lan Yu is one of Chu Madman's inverse scales!


Yin wind domain.

Branch of the Bright Church.

The monks of several churches are praying.

There are also people who are fishing and chatting.

"I heard that King Zuo is taking people with him. He is now fighting fiercely with heretics in the black waters next door. Hearing that the bishop has dispatched more than a dozen."

"Yes, I heard that there have been several powerful heretics on the battlefield over there, all of which are recorded in the divine canon."

"Hope Zuo Tianwang can win."

at this time.

Someone rushed into the church.

The visitor walked in a hurry, with a look of horror on his face, "No, it's not good. I found traces of Jiuyin in Beitian City. Now, Saint Lan Yu and the bishop have started fighting with each other in order to cover the believers. ."

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

Nine Yin, one of the eight heretics.

It is the existence of evil recorded in the divine scriptures.

"Quickly, contact the leader and ask him to send someone to support him."

"Most of the church's combat power is now being taken by King Zuo to the black waters, and even if the bishop is sent, distant waters can't save nearby fires."

Everyone was extremely anxious.

at this time.

I saw a white beam of light falling from the sky.

In the beam of light, a figure with white golden eyes slowly walked out.

Dressed in white like snow, the breath is vast.

Seeing the other party, a large pastor showed a shocked expression on his face, and then he quickly brought many priests and pastors forward to salute.

"Meet the Son of Light."

The man who came was Chu Madman.

He said lightly: "Where is the bishop of the church here?"

"Back to the son of Guangming, the bishop is now fighting with Saintess Lan Yu on Jiuyin in the northern sky city. Please son of Guangming...Huh, how about people?"

The priest also wanted to ask Madman Chu to help them.

But the words were not finished, and the convenience disappeared.

The great pastor guessed, and smiled lightly, "Great, the Son of Light takes action. The crisis here is solvable."

"Pastor, is this son of light really so powerful?"

A congregation asked curiously.

The priest faintly smiled and said: "It's no wonder you have this doubt. After all, you have never seen the Son of Light take action, but I can tell you that Jiu Yin is not a worry in front of the Son of Light."

In the past, he had gone to explore the Hongmeng spiritual world with Liu Hu and others, and Madman Chu, and had seen the other party make a move.

The opponent can easily kill even the killing stars of the World Extinguishing Martial Arts Association.

North Sky City.

A large group of people are taking refuge.

I saw a giant snake with nine heads running rampant in the city, and the Yin Qi exuding from his body was extremely cold.

Wherever they went, the people were eroded and turned into ashes.

In front of Jiu Yin, two white lights flickered.

One of them is the bishop of Yinfengyu Church, and the other is a silver-haired woman wearing silver armor and holding a magic staff.

"Bishop Li, this person seems to be coming for me. You take the people to evacuate first, and I will lead him away." Lan Yu said lightly.

She turned into a streamer and swept towards the outside of the city.

And Jiu Yin also chased her.

"Haha, saint of the Church of Illumination, as long as I absorb your yin yuan, my injury will be completely restored."

Jiuyin laughed.

The last time he clashed with Madman Chu and others in Black Fire City, he suffered some injuries, and he has not fully recovered yet.

This time, he sensed the breath of a saint from the Church of Illumination.

The Yin Yuan in the opponent's body is extremely powerful.

As long as you absorb it, you can recover to the peak.

"Nine Yintian Snake Roar!"

Seeing that Lan Yu still wanted to run, one of Jiu Yin's head roared.

The billowing yin air spread with a burst of sonic power.

With a bang.

Lan Yu was the first to bear the brunt, but a white light flashed from the silver armor on her body, resisting the yin energy.

This battle armor was made by Concubine Ming to defend her. It was a supreme chaotic treasure. It was with this thing that she was able to fight Jiuyin to this point.

"Even if there is a treasure protector, how long can you hold on to it?"

Jiu Yin sneered.

Nine heads and 18 eyeballs stared directly at Lan Yu.

Greedy and tyrannical in his eyes.

But at this moment.

In the high altitude, a vast breath of light descended from the sky, crushing on Jiu Yin like an ancient sacred mountain!


Jiu Yin's entire body was caught off guard, and was directly pressed on the ground, looking at the boundless light in the sky, showing shock.

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