Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2002: : A solid soul fortress, the dark 1 race is sober

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Grand Duke Black Feather didn't even pretend to be like Madman Chu, and he tore his face straight.

I saw his eyes condensed.

The countless black feathers floating around, condensed into a black blade in the blink of an eye, and slashed madly towards Madman Chu.

Madman Chu saw this, his sword fingers condensed, and he cut out with a sword.

But seeing the sword qi passing through the blade of the black feather, it turned out to be like cutting the air.

"Ha, ignorance!"

"My Black Feather Blade is made with the power of the soul. It only cuts the soul, and ordinary means can't defend it at all!"

Grand Duke Kuroba sneered.

After finishing speaking, the Black Feather Blade slashed directly on Madman Chu.

"A generation of Tianjiao has fallen."

Grand Duke Kuroba said.

In his opinion, Madman Chu couldn't stop his move at all.

He turned around to start taking the body of the Demon King.

"Is it the only way?"

But at this time, an indifferent voice sounded.

Grand Duke Black Feather shrank his pupils and turned to look at Madman Chu, only to see that the other party was standing in place intact.

The Black Feather Blade had no effect on the opponent.

"It's impossible."

Grand Duke Kuroba didn't believe it.

He urged the surrounding Black Feathers and swept away towards Madman Chu, but no matter how he attacked, the other party remained motionless.

Gradually, he noticed some clues.

"In your body, there is a barrier of soul guarding you! I didn't expect that you are also proficient in soul methods." Grand Duke Black Feather suddenly realized.

Then, he snorted coldly, "If this is the case, then I will let you see, the true power of my black feather spirit formation!"

Within his urging formation, all the black flying feathers within hundreds of thousands of miles gathered and turned into a terrifying black feather blade.

The feather blade leaped into the air, and although it did not seem to have any earth-shattering destructive power, it gave people an indescribable coercion.

This blow is aimed at the soul!

It's hard to guard against!


This blow fell on Madman Chu.

Everyone seemed to hear a silent blast, feeling that their souls were trembling, and could not help being horrified.


Grand Duke Black Feather screamed, and used the Black Feather Blade with all his strength.


Everyone heard a sound as if something was broken.

"His soul barrier is broken!"

The shivering father solemnly said.

Some of the power of the soul escaped from Madman Chu.

That is the soul barrier he constructed.

"It's over!"

"He is dead!"

The shivering father shook his head.

Prison Yan's face showed a grinning smile, "Go to hell!"

But the next scene stunned everyone present.

Madman Chu, whose soul barrier had been broken, did not die on the spot, but stood there, still looking unscathed.

"How is this possible? There is actually a soul barrier on you!" Grand Duke Black Feather was taken aback.

Then, he continued to urge the Black Feather Blade that had not yet dispersed.

The powerful soul impact continued.

Another soul barrier was shattered, but Black Feather Blade once again encountered a soul barrier. This time, if it failed to break, its power had already collapsed, which made Grand Duke Black Feather dumbfounded.

"How many soul barriers are there on you?"

Grand Duke Kuroba was a little confused.

"Guess it."

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

In his spiritual space, the Demon King looked at that layer upon layer, and there were a hundred soul barriers, to be less, he couldn't help but yawned, "This kid, build his own soul It's like a fortress, Grand Duke Kuroba, your little deeds are not enough."

She has some understanding of what happened outside.

But she didn't panic at all.

As if it was not her who was about to be robbed of her body.

outside world.

Grand Duke Black Feather looked at the unfathomable Chu Madman with a little dread, "Black Wing, Prison Flame, you two will kill him for me!"

The soul power can't help the Madman Chu.

He didn't believe it, let Heilyan and Heiyi take action, and he couldn't help each other with his countless demon soldiers.

After letting the person under his hand take the shot, his soul turned and swished into the body of the demon king, wanting to seize the house first.

Prison Flame and Black Wing joined forces, and their terrifying power was actually close to the Dao Sovereign, coupled with the assistance of some other demon soldiers.

Immediately let the Madman Chu fall into danger.

"Mad Chu, even if you have great magical powers, this time, under the joint siege of the Dark Clan and the demons, you are dead!"

Prison Yan stared at Madman Chu.

"Devil and darkness, join forces to encircle and suppress?"

When Madman Chu heard this, he couldn't help but chuckle, "Who gave you this illusion that made you think you can control the Dark Clan?"

"Hmph, the souls of Hei Xuan and others have been imprisoned by Hei Yu's great public secret method. Now they are like puppets. Just listen to my orders and kill!"

Hellfire snorted coldly.

Following his order, only Hei Xuan, Shui Qianliu, Hei Gulu and others were all slaying towards the Mad Man Chu, and the power of darkness burst out violently.

"Bright Three Thousand Realms!"

Madman Chu urged Guangming Dao to explode.

Both sides retreated.

Immediately afterwards, he took out a dark token and threw it out.

I saw the token grow in the wind.

Cover the world in an instant.

An endless surging power of darkness spread out.

It is the Dark King's Order!

As soon as this order was issued, although the souls of Hei Xuan and others were imprisoned, the power of darkness in the body was still frightened by it, and it was difficult to use it.

But this is not over yet.

The dark king's order on the madman Chu's head, a strong and incomparable dark power spread out from his body, like a demon king personally.

"Break it for me!"

His sword fingers condensed, and the power of the soul gushed out, using the Dark King's Order as the medium to impact the imprisonment of the souls of the many dark races present.

Bang, bang, bang!

With a silent explosion, the eyes of Hei Xuan, Hei Skeleton, Shui Qianliu and others gradually recovered their clarity.

Prison Yan's face changed, "How could this be like this."

"The Dark Clan was created by the Dark Demon Lord. Your power comes from the Demon Lord. Do you really think that Grand Duke Black Feather, who is not even a king, can control the Dark Clan?"

Madman Chu said indifferently.

If the Dark Demon falls, these people of the Dark Clan may be truly controlled by the Great Duke Black Feather, but if the Dark Demon is immortal, then the other party will never be able to truly control the Dark Clan. UU reading www.uukanshu.cOM

And the Madman of Chu who possesses the Dark King Token, to a certain extent, is able to use some of the power of the Demon King to affect the people of the Dark Clan.

Coupled with the assistance of Xiao Ai, it is not impossible to help Heixuan and the others break the soul restriction of Grand Duke Hei Yu with the dark king's order as the medium.

"Prison Flame! You bastard! Shameful traitor!"

After Hei Xuan returned to normal, he looked at the prison flame and roared directly, turning into a huge black dragon and biting towards the opponent.

After the prison flame reacted, he blasted the opponent away with a palm, and then stared at Madman Chu, "You bastard!"

Just when he was about to make a move, Black Skeleton, Ghost Shadow, Shui Qianliu and others had already attacked him first.

Although their souls are imprisoned, they are not clear about what is happening outside.

Compared with Madman Chu, the son of light, they now want the traitor of the dark clan of Handblade Hellfire even more.

The dark clan confronted the devil.

The original encirclement formed against the madmen of Chu has now become a confrontation between the two poles. Coupled with some of the demon soldiers brought by Duke Li, Duke Black Feather's military advantage suddenly disappeared.

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