Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 216: : Pill Book Iron Roll, Qingshuang Saint, how can there be such an alchemist

The second ancestor Xuantian was stunned.

Although he is not proficient in the pill way, he also knows how difficult it is to heal the Lingxu, let alone the absence of a pill.

Madman Chu said he wanted to study it himself.

He didn't think it was impossible either. After all, the other party had created too many incredible things, and the fact that others could not study it did not mean that he could not.

But this is too fast! !

I just said it two days ago, have you researched it now?

This gave the second ancestor Xuantian a kind of trifling feeling.

The injury of the Lingxu has been a difficult problem in the alchemy world for countless years. I don't know how many alchemists have succeeded in this area but have not gained anything.

But now, Madman Chu researched it out in two days.

Damn, is this really a human?

Suddenly, he thought of the astonishing act of the Madman Chu inventing twelve sage methods in a row within half a day.

He didn't think it was so difficult to understand.


Second Ancestor Xuantian murmured.


In the sky star, in addition to the saints, there are saints who are in charge, and there are also some saints who do not create or attach to any forces.

For example, the white-browed saint of the Azure Dragon Region.

In the Xuanwu domain, there is such a saint.

Xuanwu domain, somewhere in the valley.

Today, monks gather here outside this valley.

These people looked into the valley, looking expectant.

"Unexpectedly, Saint Qingshuang would actually invite us to watch the Iron Scroll of the Pill Book one day, which is really great."

"It is said that the iron scroll of the alchemy contains the inheritance of a great master of alchemy. Whoever can fill in the 88 incomplete alchemy prescriptions left above can obtain the inheritance and will not be able to take off at that time!"

"Who would say no, that is the great master of alchemy, even saints can treat each other with courtesy."

"If I can complete the prescription above, tsk tsk."

"You are thinking about fart."

At this time, someone came around an old man.

This old man was dressed in a white robe and looked very kind, but the alchemists around him complimented him very much.

"Master Li, it's been a long time since then."

"I didn't expect to see Grandmaster Li here. I still remember the demeanor that Grandmaster Li used to refine the Supreme Baodan in the past."

"Grandmaster Li is the Taishan Beidou of our Xuanwu Domain and even the entire Celestial Pill Realm. If you can come, the pill of the Pill Book Iron Scroll will definitely be complemented this time."


"Where and where, you all praise me too much."

Although Grandmaster Li tried hard to contain it, the smiles on his eyes still showed that his compliments to everyone were very useful.

At this time, not far away, another person walked up under the compliments of everyone, but this person was the ancient grandmaster of the ancient river who had joined the Xuantian Sect.

Grandmaster Li looked, his face was a bit unsightly.

"Oh, who am I? It turns out to be the ancient master."

Master Li Yin and Yang said strangely.

Gu Jiang looked at the words, his face was also stiff, and then he hummed softly: "Master Li, I didn't expect you to come too."

"Sage Qingshuang opened the iron scroll of the alchemy, how could I not come, but the ancient master, I heard that you joined the Xuantianzong a few days ago, but I didn't expect that you would come all the way too far. It really hurts you. ."

"To each other."

"In other words, Grandmaster Gu always prides himself on being a lofty person. If he doesn't join any forces, how come he is willing to join Xuan Tianzong."

"It has nothing to do with you."


The atmosphere of the two great masters is a bit tense.

When the other alchemists around saw this, they whispered.

"I heard that Grandmaster Li is at odds with Grandmaster Gu, it really is."

"That's not it, these two people have been fighting for hundreds of years."

"What's the matter with them."

"Tsk tsk, there is no room for two tigers in one mountain. These two people are both Taishan Beidou of the alchemy realm. They often have different opinions on the alchemy path. From small friction to big friction, this will be the case over time."

"My colleagues are enemies."

In the crowd.

Two people looked at Gu Jiang with surprise.

The faces of these two people are shrouded in a faint spiritual brilliance, making it difficult to see their faces, but the slight outlines that are faintly revealed are already amazing. These are two outstanding characters!

The two are Chu Madman and Lan Yu.

The reason for hiding a face is that the two of them are so outstanding, especially Madman Chu.

In order not to cause riots, I did this deliberately.

"I didn't expect to meet the ancient master here."

Madman Chu whispered.

Then, he retracted his gaze and looked deep into the valley.

According to the induction of his treasure hunting technique, the colorful nebula flower is in the depths of this valley, and this place is a saint's residence.

Presumably, the Colorful Nebula Flower is also owned by this saint, and he will have to work harder to get this kind of treasure medicine.

At this time, a stream of light swept across the valley.

This is a pretty female nun, she said to the crowd lightly: "The saint has invited you all into the valley."

There was joy on everyone's faces, and then they entered the valley one after another. After everyone entered the valley, they were suddenly attracted by all kinds of exotic flowers and plants.

"This is snow orchid, so much."

"Hi, seven petals snow lotus, this kind of treasure medicine, in the outside world, a plant of at least tens of thousands of high-grade spirit stones, here is actually full of ponds."

"Look, those on the mountain wall are supreme treasure medicines!"

A group of alchemists kept exclaiming as if they had never seen the world.

Madman Chu was also quite surprised.

"It seems that this saint is quite proficient in planting."

Everyone watched all the strange flowers and plants come to a clearing in the valley. Here, a volume of...books is set up? !

But this book is really too big, like a huge stone monument, with characters recorded on it, but there are many places where there are blank spaces between the characters, as if they are incomplete.

Before this book, there was a woman sitting in white clothes, long black hair reaching waist, white skin, delicate features and gentle temperament.

"Sage Qingshuang."

"I will wait to see the saint."

"I will wait to see the saint."

Facing a saint, everyone did not dare to neglect, and quickly saluted.

The sage Qingshuang smiled at everyone and said: "You are welcome, I invite you to come today, I must all know why."

"Like you, I am also an alchemist. The iron scroll of the alchemy has been in my hands for thousands of years, but for these thousands of years, I have not been able to complete all the alchemy. I have no choice but to ask you to come and crack it with me. , I hope to gather everyone’s strength and gain."

The voice of Saint Qingshuang was like an orchid in the empty valley, spreading into the ears of everyone, and everyone looked at the iron scroll of the pill book with fiery eyes.

" According to rumors, this alchemy scroll contains the inheritance of a great alchemy master. This is true."

At this moment, an alchemist said boldly.

"Yes." Sage Qingshuang nodded slightly.

"If someone really completes all the alchemy prescriptions, then I would like to ask, who should own the inheritance of this alchemy master?"

"Oh, whoever has the most supplements will own it."

Saint Qingshuang thought it was a bit funny.

What a joke.

She has studied for thousands of years, but she has only completed more than a dozen pill prescriptions. She still doesn't believe anyone can make up all the pill prescriptions.

Calling these alchemists to come today is just to use the power of the people, thinking about how many kinds of them can be completed.

As for all completions and inheritance from the Great Master of Alchemy, she has no hope.

There is no such alchemist on the sky star.

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