Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2003: : Support from the Temple of Light, Absolute Sword Shot, Sky-Raising Palm

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Heavenly formation in the divine palace.

In an array composed of countless long swords.

A man sat cross-legged, the sword air flow all over his body, collided with the sword qi of the sword formation, with the help of the power of the sword formation, he sharpened his sword qi.

at this time.

The King of Formation walked slowly, and said lightly: "Absolute Sword, what's wrong?"

Jue Jian opened his eyes, and there was a ray of sword intent in his eyes, and the breath was so strong that it tore the void in an instant.

"The Ten Thousand Swords Returning Formation laid down by the King of the Formation is indeed extraordinary. It has greatly helped my kendo. I owe the King of the Formation a favor."

Jue Jian stood up and said.

"Then now, you can repay this favor."

"What's the meaning?"

"I want you to go to Ten Thousand Soldiers City to help the exterminating warlord and destroy Pangu Universe and the Mad Man of Chu." King Formation said.

"Oh... Madman Chu." Jue Jian's eyes showed a cold look, "This person killed the two kendo leaders in the universe of my sword, and I don't need to say that the king of the formation, I will find this person to settle this account. "

"Heh, there is a master sword daoist who makes a move, and the madman of Chu must die! I hope that the dao friend can fetch the Lan Wang inheritance in his hand for me at that time."

"Leave this on me."

Jue Jian said, and then walked out of the sword formation and disappeared.


Annihilating the World Wuhui came, with the intention of destroying the City of Ten Thousand Soldiers and the Pangu Universe.

Ou Yeruo used a treasure to gather the power of everyone in the Pangu universe to form a powerful guardian enchantment.

The cultivators of the World Extinction Martial Arts Association performed various attacks, constantly beating on the barrier, but they were still unable to crush it.

Long Shao's eyes condensed, "This enchantment is really troublesome."

"Let's shoot together."

Snake said indifferently.

When he raised his hand, the power of the Slaughter Avenue gushed out and gathered behind him to form a huge python.

"Devil the world, the python swallows the sky!"

The other Killing Stars of the World Extinguishing Martial Arts Association also took action separately.

The powerful murderous aura enveloped the world, surging incomparably, turning into six terrifying behemoths, bombarding towards the golden enchantment.

boom! !

Accompanied by a roar.

But seeing the entire enchantment burst directly, the force of terrifying energy recoil swept out, Lan Yu and others were backlashed.

Was directly lifted off by this force.

The barrier was broken.

A piece of kerchief fell from the air, turning into a spot of light and dissipating.

This treasure has been damaged.

"not good."

Ou Yeruo's face turned pale after brushing, and he was not guarded by the treasures. In front of these killing stars, these people were not opponents at all.

at this time.

In the void, there was a sudden burst of light.

I saw in the void, a huge bridge of light stretched out.

Seeing this, Lan Yu couldn't help but brighten up, "It's Guangming Bridge!"

Bright Bridge.

The spatial treasure of the Temple of Light, it can teleport the strong from a long distance.

Inside the temple.

The goddess of Guangming looked at Guangming Zuo Tian Wang lightly and said: "Ming Concubine is retreating and breaking through to the Supreme. You will take someone to support the City of Ten Thousand Soldiers."

"Goddess, with all due respect, is it really worth it to start a thorough battle with the Destroying Wuhui for the Mad Man Chu?" Guangming Zuotian asked.

But there was a cold expression in the eyes of the goddess of light, "Oh, King Zuo, are you questioning my decision?"

"The subordinates dare not."

"No matter, you have been with me for many years, so you don't care about you. You only need to know that the son of light is the key to the future."

The goddess of light said indifferently.


Guangming Zuo Tianwang nodded, and then led a group of Paladins into the Guangming Bridge and directly teleported to the Ten Thousand Soldier City.

The moment he entered the bridge, a touch of dissatisfaction appeared in his eyes.

Obviously, his heart is not as obedient as he is on the surface.


The Guangming Bridge fell in Wanbing City.

Guangming Zuo Tian Wang led a paladin out.

"Destroying the World Martial Arts Association, I will come by the goddess' orders to stop your behavior." Guangming Zuo Tianwang said coldly.

"Really? It's a pity, I don't believe in your goddess."

Long Sha said coldly.

He raised his hand, and the cultivator of the World Exterminating Martial Arts Association slammed out behind him.


Guangming Zuo Tianwang didn't say much, and shot directly.

The two men and horses are directly killed together.

In the dark clouds.

A cold eye stared at the audience, and he was not surprised when he saw Guangming Zuo Tianwang leading the people.

"The Goddess of Light finally moved."

The Destroyer Warrior murmured.

But he still didn't plan to make a move now. If it is not necessary, he still doesn't want to make a move easily.

He was not at ease with the formation king.

If the other party can't stop the Goddess of Light, or repents, then he will start a fight with the Goddess of Light.

The contest between the king and the king does not end so easily.

Suddenly, the World Exterminating Warrior felt something, and looked into the distance, with a smile on his face, "The helper the King of Formation is looking for is here."

On the battlefield, everyone fought like a raging fire.

Available at this time.

A horrible sword intent erupted from a distance.

The sword intent was earth-shattering, and the entire Ten Thousand Soldier City was enveloped in the blink of an eye. The fiery battlefield suddenly became silent.

Everyone couldn't help but look at the source of sword intent, feeling horrified.

"This kind of sword intent..."

"Damn it! It's him!"

Guangming Zuo Tianwang seemed to think of something, his face changed drastically.

boom! !

I saw a roar of heaven and earth.

Immediately afterwards, a great wave of volatility erupted in the direction of the source of the sword intent in the distance, and a tens of thousands of miles long sword shadow was condensed in an instant.

Jian Ying cut down to the sky, tearing the void apart.

"Hurry up!!"

Guangming Zuo Tianwang roared.

Then, he urged the power to the extreme, and the power of the bright road burst out, turning into a ball of light like a big sun.

But when the ball of light hit Jianying, it was easily shattered.

Jian Ying is still slashing like a bamboo!

"It's over!"

Ou Yeruo's face was extremely pale.

The power of this sword is too terrifying, once it is cut down, I am afraid that half of the Ten Thousand Soldier City will be split in half, let alone how many people will die.

Emergency moment.

The depths of Wanbingcheng.

Within a cave, a pair of star-like eyes suddenly opened.

Between raising his hands, the vast and boundless avenues of volatility burst into the soaring into the sky, in an extremely rough form, all the aura of hundreds of thousands of miles around was sucked and condensed into a huge one. Golden palms.

The golden palm came out from the sky, blasting towards the sword shadow!

Along with a roar, the void above Ten Thousand Soldier City was almost completely shattered, forming huge black space holes.

The impact of this intensity is not always possible for the ordinary supreme.

"Someone blocked this sword."

Ou Yeruo let out a long sigh of relief, feeling like a survivor.

Then he looked in the direction of the giant golden palm.

Not only him, but the others also looked around.

The golden giant palm blocked the sword qi and dispersed, and a figure slowly walked out.

Surrounded by the atmosphere of the avenue, Xianhui is dazzling.

Dressed in white like snow, his figure is as tall as a mountain.

Everyone in Pangu Universe looked at this familiar figure in front of them, very excited, and they couldn't help but feel a sense of security in their hearts.

"The fairy king, it's the fairy king!"

"Great, the fairy king has appeared."

Everyone looked at the figure with frantic eyes.

This figure is the strongest person in the Pangu universe today, Madman Chu!

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