Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2006: : Sword 23, Killing Absolute Sword, Windfall

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Over the city of Wanbing, two shocking sword auras collided crazily.

A breath full of destruction.

One is sharp and majestic, as if to cut everything.

The two sword auras are the most extreme attacks!

At the two ends of the sword qi, two figures stood in the air, and the aura of the great dao in the body was constantly vented and injected into the sword qi.

It is Chu Madman, Absolute Sword!

"Chu Madman, defeat me!"

Jue Sword roared, and the power of sword energy skyrocketed.

Faintly overwhelming Chu Madman.

But seeing the madman of Chu chuckled lightly, the power of the great avenue in his body no longer reserved, the power of the great avenue that had been sublimated to the extreme broke out!

The power of Swordsmanship and Swordsmanship has skyrocketed to several levels.

The terrifying power, soaring into the sky, tearing everything apart.


Under the suppression of this force, the light of the twenty-two sword was instantly torn out a huge hole, and then it was split into two at a very fast speed, terrifying sword energy, in the horrified gaze of Juejian Engulf it!

Sword Qi swept across the sky.

One hundred thousand miles of clouds shattered, one hundred thousand miles of void was torn apart, and a hundred thousand miles of pitch-black sword mark appeared on the surface of the earth.

This scene.

Many monks who rushed over took a breath of air.

"What a strong sword spirit!"


Compared with the destruction caused by this sword aura, they were even more amazed at the great fluctuations contained in the sword aura. The fluctuations actually faintly made their own great grands tremble, as if they were...horrified!

The sword qi passed through, and it was a mess.

And when the sword gas dissipated.

A figure covered in blood stood in the air, exuding an extremely cruel sword intent, and shuddered at the first glance.

This person is Absolute Sword.

"Oh, I'm not dead yet."

Madman Chu was slightly surprised.

He noticed that in the chest of Absolute Sword, there was a small scarlet sword looming, which contained a lot of kendo fluctuations.

It seems to be the crystallization of the avenue of swords.

"Is it some kind of kendo treasure? It seems that this thing blocked the blow for him just now and saved him from death."

Madman Chu thought to himself.

And Jue Jian stared at Madman Chu, with a tyrannical meaning in his eyes, "Madman Chu, I have played tens of thousands of swords against others. I have never been so embarrassed as I am today. Even if I have given up my kendo cultivation skills today, I will Yes, kill you!"

Juejian is a cruel fellow.

Not only cruel to others, but also cruel to myself.

The words fall.

I saw a violent wave of great waves exuding from his body, and the blood-colored small sword in his chest shattered directly and merged into the great road in his body.

"This blood spirit sword treasure is the unique secret treasure of the universe sword palace of my sword. It can not only protect the body, but also improve the cultivation of the sword in a short time!"

"Madman Chu, get ready to learn... Sword Twenty-Three!"

With a roar of Juejian, the avenue of swords in his body, after fusing the blood and spirit swords, doubled in power, with the meaning of destruction, madly impacting all directions.

Twenty-three swords, the highest level of the Holy Spirit Sword Art!

Originally, Absolute Sword could not be used.

Not only is the cultivation level limited, but also because of savvy and other reasons.

But now, with the blessing of the Blood Spirit Sword Treasure, coupled with his forced reversal of the road, vaguely, he actually touched the twenty-third realm of the sword.

Although unable to fully control.

But barely able to show it.

"Sword Twenty-Three..."

Madman Chu felt the terrifying breath of Jue Sword surging crazily in front of him, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the sword intent on his body was also rapidly rising.

The avenue inside the body gushes out like a stormy sea.

The two swords collided in the air.

At that moment, there seemed to be an endless storm of sword intent in a radius of tens of thousands of miles, and countless swordsmen only felt that their scalp was tingling.

They all know that the next sword will be extremely terrifying.



No one dared to stay in place, backing crazy.

And this time.

Absolute Sword's sword was cut out, and his hand interrupted the sword and fell towards the Madman Chu, an instant burst of destruction that flooded the world.

this moment.

Everything in the world is condensed for it.

Everyone felt that the meaning of destruction was not only shrouded in the heavens and the earth, but also shrouded in their hearts, making them too frightened to control their bodies, involuntarily stiff in place, unable to move.

This sword not only destroys the world.

Even more, the Taoist heart of the monk should be completely destroyed!

Madman Chu was also enveloped by the will of destruction. He condensed his eyes as he looked at the sword that slowly slashed towards him, revealing a hint of admiration.

Not against Juejian.

It's the admiration for this Twenty-Three Sword.

Other monks were unable to move when they were shrouded in mere destruction, and he was the direct bearer of this sword twenty-three, let alone.

The sword intent that seemed to destroy everything was madly impacting his mind. If it weren't for his firm heart, he would have been unable to move now.

"Void Sky Slash!"

There was a soft drink.

In this sky full of destruction, Kun Wu in the hands of Madman Chu burst out with a dazzling sword light, and a blade of void sword aura was cut out boldly.

But this sword still couldn't stop Sword Twenty-Three.

Madman Chu cut out another sword.

Slashing the sky and drawing swordsmanship.

The two great sword moves are superimposed on one piece, and they cleverly formed a form of hidden moves in the move, exploding beyond a single sword move.

The two sword auras superimposed on the sword aura and the Sword Twenty-Three erupted into a frontal collision.

I saw the void collapse silently.

A huge spatial black hole formed around the two of them.

The meaning of destruction all over the sky, suddenly shattered!

Sword Twenty-Three was first to smash the Void Sky Slash, but it was destroyed by the Heaven Slashing and Pulling Sword Technique hidden in it.

Looking at the surging sword light in front of him, the tyrannical meaning in Juejian's eyes gradually dissipated, revealing a touch of admiration sincerely.

"Able to combine the two great Hongmeng swords so cleverly... Madman Chu, I Juejian would like to call you the strongest evildoer in kendo!"

After speaking, he was covered by Jian Qi.

In the blink of an eye, his body was torn and destroyed by sword energy, and the road collapsed.

No. 2 on the Dao list, Absolute Sword, Fallen!

Everyone looked at this scene, unable to return to their senses for a long time.

As if the effect of that sword twenty-three is still covering everyone. UU reading www. uukanshu.cOM

The two major killers of the World Extinguishing Martial Arts Association's Dragon Slayer and Lin Slayer looked at the back of Madman Chu, and couldn't help feeling palpitations, their eyes full of incredible.

"He, killed Absolute Sword!"

"He killed the No. 2 Absolute Sword!"

"In addition to Guangming Youtian King, who is the number one in the Great Dao Ranking, there are actually people under the supreme who can kill the Absolute Sword!"

Long Sha was trembling all over.

He knew that Chu Kuang's talent had just broken through the realm of the Great Dao.

But because of this, it seems how terrible the other party is!

As soon as he broke through the main road, he was able to kill Absolute Sword.

If he were to grow up for some time, and to raise one or two levels in the realm of Dao, who would be his opponent if the king didn't make a move? !

Thinking of this, Long Sha's scalp numb.

Not far away.

Madman Chu, who had just killed Absolute Sword, looked at a sword-shaped jade slip floating in the air, and put it away.

He looked at it, and then he couldn't help but his eyes lit up, "I didn't expect there to be unexpected gains."

What is recorded in this sword-shaped jade slip is the Holy Spirit Sword Art!

The Supreme Sword Technique of the Sword Universe!

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