Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 218: : Great Master inheritance, alchemy experience, rude Master Li

Gu Jiang shuddered inexplicably for some reason.

And beside him, Grandmaster Li, who was originally dissatisfied because of being left out in the cold, didn't have the slightest expression on Madman Chu.

"Complete all the alchemy? Humph, the grandmaster present doesn't dare to say such a thing, just because you dare to speak up here, hurry up."

Madman Chu glanced at each other.

A look through the aura revealed an icy meaning, causing Grandmaster Li's body to tremble, and his heart beat slow.

"Since you can't do it, just shut up."

Madman Chu said indifferently.

"You, you don't know good or bad!" Grandmaster Li was so angry that few people in the Pill Realm dared to speak to him like that.

The other alchemists also looked at each other and started talking.

"Who is this person, dare to speak to Master Li like this?"

"I don't know, but even if he has any background, he probably won't be better than Grandmaster Li. He is not only the master alchemy master, but also the royal alchemy master of the Overlord Saint Clan, Elder Ke Qing."

"The Overlord Saint Clan, the strongest Saint Clan in the Xuanwu Realm, even some sages do not dare to provoke it easily. This guy dares to speak to Grandmaster Li like this, really knowing how to write it."

The voices of the crowd came into Chu Madman's ears. Although he was a little surprised by Master Li's background, he didn't care much.

What is the elder Ke Qing of the Overlord Saint Clan?

He is still the head of Xuantianzong.

"If your Excellency can really make up the pill, then give it a try."

At this time, Saint Qingshuang said.

She didn't believe Madman Chu, she just felt that it didn't matter if the other party had a try, there was no loss anyway.

"Sage, after I supplement the pill, I don't need the inheritance of the great master of the pill, but I have one condition."

"Oh, now I'm starting to make conditions. It seems that you are very confident in yourself." Saint Qingshuang glanced at Madman Chu deeply, as if he wanted to penetrate that layer of spiritual light and see the true face of the other party.

"Say it."

"I want to exchange the inheritance of the Great Master Alchemy for the Colorful Nebula Flower in the hands of the saint." Madman Chu said lightly.

This remark was like thunder on the ground.

The expressions of all alchemists couldn't help changing.

"What did he just say, Colorful Nebula Flower, the rumored Holy Medicine, Colorful Nebula Flower!"

"I've only seen this thing in ancient books, but there is it here?"

"It is rumored that this anther has amazing properties and has the effect of the flesh and bones of the living dead. It can even repair the spiritual ruins and nourish the meridians. The monks under the saint can immediately break through a great realm."

Saint Qingshuang was also shocked, "I have never told anyone about the existence of this flower. How did you know?"

"There is no comment on this, the saint only needs to say whether to change or not." Madman Chu didn't want to reveal too much.

Saint Qingshuang pondered for a while.

A holy medicine is indeed extremely precious, but compared to the inheritance of a great alchemy master, it is still a lot worse.

She weighed it up and said, "Yes."

"A word is a deal."

Madman Chu smiled, he was not afraid of Saint Qingshuang's repentance, the other party would really repent, the big deal would be to grab it.

He walked to the iron scroll of the pill scroll, raised his hand to hit a blank space on the pill scroll with a spirit force, and transformed a few words.

"Ice and snow antlers."

"Look, Dan Juan has reacted."

The pill scroll shook, and a burst of white light bloomed. This was the medicinal material that the pill scroll recognized the madman Chu's supplement.

"Unexpectedly, it really made him complete one."

"Tsk tusk, I didn't expect this person to have two brushes."

"But it's too difficult to add all the prescriptions. I don't believe he can really do it."

Madman Chu ignored the surprise of the crowd, and saw that he used a wave of spiritual power, constantly hitting the blank space on the pill scroll.

One by one, the medicinal materials were replenished, and the pill scroll trembled one after another, and the white light bloomed, constantly recognizing Madman Chu.

This scene stunned everyone and even Saint Qingshuang.

"Hello, is there any mistake."

"I'm not dazzled, it's incredible."

As the medicinal materials of the last pill recipe were supplemented, the whole pill roll bloomed with brilliance, shaking the entire valley.

A stream of light flew out of the pill scroll and turned into a simple thread-bound book with countless characters circulating on it.

"That's the inheritance of the Great Master Alchemy."

"Oh my God, he really did it."

Everyone exclaimed, their faces were shocked, even the Saint Qingshuang opened his mouth slightly, unable to speak for a long time.

She has studied for nearly a thousand years, but she has only completed more than a dozen pill formulas, but now, Madman Chu has completed all the pill formulas after spending a while in front of her! !

This difference is too big.

Sage Qingshuang felt that he had spent thousands of years studying for nothing.

Before everyone noticed, Saint Qingshuang pinched his arm, "It doesn't seem to be dreaming..."

Having said that, do saints also dream?

At this moment, Madman Chu raised his hand to grab the quaint book in the sky, and a burst of information flooded his mind.

"This is the alchemy experience of a great master of alchemy." Madman Chu turned a few times, a touch of sorrow appeared in his eyes.

It turned out that inheritance refers to this.

Compared with directly using the alchemist experience card, this alchemy experience has to be studied slowly by himself, which is several grades worse.

Moreover, Madman Chu himself is a great master of alchemy, and this experience of alchemy is not very useful to him.

He didn't have any nostalgia, and he had to go to Qingshuang Saint to exchange colorful nebula flowers with his experience.

But Grandmaster Li next to him rushed up, reaching out to grasp the experience in the hands of Madman Chu, "Quick, show me quickly."

"Rude!" Madman Chu snorted softly, revealing a majestic vigor, and he bounced Grandmaster Li, who was a venerable man, out.

Grandmaster Li fell a dog to eat shit, got up and glared at Chu Madman, "Boy, you dare to hit me."

Madman Chu glanced at him, "Didn't you refine your alchemy until your brain was burned silly? You robbed me and I hit you. What happened?"

"I, I didn't grab it, just want to see it."

He was so excited.

That is the inheritance of a great alchemy master!

For him, a alchemist who has stayed in the master for many years, it is a key to the great master!

"That's not your turn."

Madman Chu said indifferently and walked to the sage Qingshuang, "Here is the inheritance of the great master, and the sage should be able to fulfill his promise."

"Your Excellency, please follow me." Sage Qingshuang suppressed his excitement, and took Madman Chu to get the colorful nebula flowers.

Everyone looked at the backs of the two leaving, reluctantly.

That is the inheritance of a great alchemy master, and it is an irresistible temptation for any alchemy master.

It's so rare!

Especially Master Li, staring at Madman Chu's back, there was fiery in his eyes, and various emotions of resentment were intertwined.

He seemed to have made up his mind, a firmness flashed across his eyes, and then he turned and left.

And the female cultivator who took everyone into the valley before also walked out and said to everyone: "The saint said, all alchemists come from afar, and you can stay in the valley for three days and visit at will."

"Thank you saint."

"Ha, then we're welcome."

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