Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2008: : No. 1 on the Dadao List, the Human God Child List, where can I be ranked?

The gods are unintentional, the ultimate evildoer of the clan of gods.

In terms of cultivation aptitude, he is even above the Celestial Clan, the unique Celestial Light of the Celestial Clan, only a handful of people have been able to reach the fifth level since ancient times.

And he is one of them.

Before breaking through to the fifth level of the Light of the Heavenly God, he was already ranked third on the Dao list, not much worse than the second Absolute Sword.

Absolute Sword only has an advantage in cultivation base over him.

He is the avenue to the god, and the sword is the avenue to the god.

Now, his Celestial Light has reached the fifth level, his combat power has increased a lot, and his cultivation is close to the sacred avenue.

He believed that defeating Absolute Sword was not difficult, and he was even sure to compete with Ming Concubine Ming Concubine Guang Youtian for the first place on the Dao list.

When the avenue list was refreshed, he looked over with expectation.

The top spot that came into view made him feel particularly dazzling!

No. 1 on the avenue list... Madman Chu!

"How could it be him!"

Tianshen's unintentional eyes gradually became cold.

He glanced at the top ten of the Dao list. He was ranked second. He did not see the name of the Ming Concubine Ming Youtian. There are two possibilities. One is that the other party has fallen, and the other is that the other party has broken through the supreme realm and is no longer listed in the Dao list. .

The gods have no intention to personally prefer the second kind.

But no matter what the possibility is, as long as there is no Chu Madman, he will be number one on the Dao Dao list, and now, he can only be second.

Although it has been promoted by one place since last time.

But this still disappointed him.

"Jue Jian, Concubine Ming, are not on the Dao list anymore. Logically speaking, I am the number one on the Dao Dao list, so Madman Chu took it. Didn’t he just break through the Dao Boundary for a long time? Where is the qualification to be listed? Top of the list?"

Tianshen thought coldly in his unintentional eyes.

Beside, the God Hidden gloated, "It seems that your dream of No. 1 on the Great Dao List, like me, has been shattered by others."

Having said that, his heart is extremely dignified.

The stronger the Madman Chu was, the more uncomfortable he was.

I don’t know how much luck was taken by the opponent.

"It seems that I must know this Madman Chu for a while."

The **** said indifferently.


After the avenue list was refreshed, everyone was extremely surprised.

Madman Chu, a cultivator who just broke through the Great Realm, instantly reached the top of the list, for the first time since eternity.

"Hey, the other party was able to kill the sword before, but now Concubine Ming is no longer on the list. It seems that it is not impossible for him to be at the top of the list."

"Yeah, in the first battle of Wanbingcheng, he showed too much strength."

Everyone talked a lot.

Although this ranking is unexpected, it is reasonable.

And Wanbingcheng.

Several strands of powerful luck fell from the sky.

Among them, the most powerful piece of luck was the Madman Chu, who belonged to the top of the avenue list, and fell directly into his retreat.

With the blessing of Qi Luck, his practice became smoother.

Madman Chu slowly opened his eyes.

"Has the Hongmeng God Bang reappeared?"

After getting the blessing of Qi Luck, he knew the time of the gods.

With a thought, he checked.

"Goddess list? It has nothing to do with me."

"Oh, there is no concubine Ming on the Dadao list, she should have broken through to the supreme."

"In the top ten of the Hunyuan list, half of them belong to the Pangu universe, and the rest have also made great progress, which is really unexpected."

Madman Chu thought for a while.

When the World Destroying Martial Lord fought with King Lan, everyone in the Pangu universe relied on their firm will to comprehend the law, and they were more or less promoted.

Coupled with his Daoshan, the cultivation base can be said to have advanced by leaps and bounds.

"The emperor Wa is ranked third. It should be due to the blessing of good luck crystals. Luo Hu ranked second. It seems that there is some chance for good fortune. Taoist Tongtian ranked ninth... It's because the Zhuxian sword formation has been promoted."

Madman Chu looked at the Hunyuan List and guessed the reason for everyone's promotion.

He glanced at the spirit world rankings again.

There is basically no change.

at this time.

In the void, Hongmeng's spiritual energy surged.

A huge ball of light emerged.

Hongmeng God List, come out again.

This time, it is the Human Race God's List.

"There is a list of goddesses, and now there is another list of goddesses, which is really interesting." Chu Madman chuckled lightly and touched his chin.

Where can he rank?


In Hongmeng Great World, in a group of magnificent palaces, a group of people are gathering together, watching the list of **** sons who are about to appear and talk.

"Look at it, God's Son's List is now alive."

"Ha, Senior Sister Mingyue ranked first on the Goddess List. In my opinion, this Goddess List must belong to our elder brother."

"It makes sense. If anyone among our human races is worthy of Senior Sister Mingyue, that must be Senior Brother. Now Senior Sister Mingyue is ranked first on the Goddess List. This is the first brother of the Goddess List."

These people are highly respected for their big brothers.

And among the clouds.

A handsome and handsome man dressed in a white coat looked at Shenzi Bang with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

This person is just the big brother in the crowd, Lu Wuhen.

And here is a holy land of human race, holy land of heaven and man.

"Mingyue has no time, I will let you know that in the entire human race, I, Lu Wuhen, is the person who fits you best."

Lu Wuhen murmured.


Within a mountain of swords surrounded by countless sword qi.

A young man in a purple robe suddenly opened his eyes, UU read www.uukanshu. The com shocking sword intent soared into the sky, actually tearing the clouds into the void abruptly.

The youth has sharp eyes, sword eyebrows and star eyes, very extraordinary.

"Oh, God's List, interesting."

"I don't know the true biography of my dignified Sword God Palace, where can I be ranked?"

The young man murmured, and then he glanced at the goddess list, "The first bright moon in the goddess list, an interesting woman, maybe you can see it in the future, if it suits, then bring it back to be my swordsman."



I saw a few figures in the graceful red tent.

Suddenly, among a pile of powder arms.

An unruly young man poked his head, put his arms around a few beautiful women, looked at the goddess list in the sky, and chuckled: "The goddess and goddesses have all appeared together. It seems that there will be some fun in the future. "

"In my opinion, the son of God is the top of the list."

A woman put her arms around the young man's neck and exhales like Randao.

The young man laughed, kissed the woman on the face, looked at the **** son list, and his eyes showed ambition, "I am the **** son of wind and moon, traverse the sky, this **** son list, I must have a place!"

Fengyue Shenzi is very confident.

In terms of appearance, he is unruly and unrestrained, lingering in the land of wind and moon, I don't know how many goddess and saints in the eyes of others rush to him.

Rely on this face.

In terms of identity, he is the **** son of Fengyue Holy Land, and Fengyue Holy Land is one of the few king-level holy places in the human race that resounds through the heavens.

In terms of talent, he is now the Supreme Dao, and there are not many in the same generation of the heavens and human races that can be compared with him.

He even felt that he could be the top of the list.

This is not arrogance.

It is the conclusion drawn by his analysis of his own situation.

The Human Race God's Son Bang is now alive.

All forces of the heavens and human races are looking forward to it.

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