Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2009: :Yin Honghua's strangeness, Longzhong's chance, go!

The name of the first divine son of the human race was announced.

The major forces of the human race were in an uproar.

This is especially true for those human holy places where the king sits. They recruited the talents of the heavens and human races, but the first position of the **** son's list was taken by a madman of Chu who did not belong to the holy land of all parties.

This surprised them very much.

Inside the Holy Land of Heaven and Man.

Lu Wuhen looked at Shenzi Bang with a cold gaze, "A momentary scenery does not mean a lifetime scenery, Madman Chu, see who can have the last laugh."

Follow the name of Madman Chu and look back.

The second Dao Lingtian, the third ancient Zen, and even the fourth Feng Yuexue, these people are his future rivals.

But he had never heard of it.

He snorted and sent someone to investigate.

And the depths of the Holy Land of Heaven and Human.

Inside a bamboo house, a veiled woman is making tea.

The woman's posture is graceful, although she is covered with a veil, but the faintly dim posture is enough to shock people.

"Chu madman, an interesting character, Lu Wuhen, the heavens are so big, talents come forth in large numbers, you underestimate the people of the world," the woman murmured.


Fengyue place.

God Child Fengyue hugged a few stunning beauties and looked at the Madman Chu on the list of God Child, his eyes flickered, "I won't be lonely anymore."

As one of the top evildoers in this era of Human Race.

The son of Fengyue has a high self-esteem.

For the first time, I was pressed on my head by someone else.

He has a keen interest in the top few of the gods, especially the first Madman Chu.

If he can, he even wants to get rid of these people...!

He is enough for the world's best son of God.


"Madman Chu, a familiar name."

"This is the person who killed the undefeated Dugu and Juejian."

On the mountain peaks surrounding Jianqi.

Sword God Palace’s True Legend Sword Shifang’s eyes revealed a bit of sword intent and killing intent, "Is his sword worth it?!"

Although Madman Chu ranked a few places higher on the list of gods than him.

But the list of gods is only the list of gods.

Not the strength list.

There are many comprehensive factors and a high ranking does not mean strong strength.

Jian Shifang is confident, he is not weaker than others!


Ten Thousand Soldiers City.

Mad Chu's eyebrows twitched slightly.

He felt that he seemed to be targeted by many people.

"It seems that after the announcement of this list of gods, there will be more trouble in the future."

Madman Chu thought to himself.

It's just that he is not a person who is afraid of trouble.

He continued to retreat, and with the blessings of Qi Luck, which is the number one in the Dao Dao List and the Number One in the God's Son List, he felt that his practice had been much faster.

"According to this efficiency, it won't be long before I can comprehend the art of swallowing the sky and the Holy Sword Art."

This is also the main reason for his retreat.

In order to control these two secret arts, in addition to the king's heart of the exterminating warlord, he divided half of them to the military disaster. The other side's practice of the beacon is similar to the way of killing, and can be mutually confirmed. .

He intends to train the military disaster as the second master of Panguzong.

He stayed with the remaining half of the king's heart, always enlightened.

It is also helpful to his cultivation realm.

At the critical moment, it can be considered a good hole card to forcefully increase the strength like using the Supreme Heart.

Practice does not count years.

I don't know how long it has been since the madman from Chu retreats.

this day.

Within the City of Ten Thousand Soldiers.

Yin Honghua held the dragon spear in his hand and was practicing.

During this period of time, she always had an extremely weird feeling. The power of the twin dragons in her body, as if sensing something, was always boiling.

"Is there something summoning the dragon clan?"

Yin Honghua thought to himself.

She looked into the distance, with an urge to respond to this call in her heart.

However, she is a human race.

Although there is the power of Ssangyong, it is not a pure dragon. Although it feels this call, it does not act blindly.

She found some dragons in Pangu sect.

Among them, an ancestral dragon is the most powerful. After joining the Pangu Sect, he has reached the great realm.

The opponent is also the ancestor of the Dragon Race in Pangu Universe.

The name calls the ancestor dragon shortage.

"Is that power of summoning in the dark? I did feel it, not only me, but also the many dragon races under my management. I have sent a few Hunyuan dragon races to check it out."

Zu Longhuang said.

"Even my human race with dragon power can sense it, not to mention the rest of the dragon races. The dragon races of the heavens will do something. I am afraid there is some great opportunity hidden in this." Yin Honghua murmured.

"Even if there is any chance, it is difficult to get it. After all, there are so many dragons in the heavens, let alone the Hongmeng dragons."

Zu Longhuang shook his head helplessly.

Although he is also an ancestor dragon, he has been growing in the Pangu universe, and he has no sense of belonging to the Nahongmeng dragon clan.

Because he admired the madman of Chu, he joined Panguzong.

"Hongmeng Dragon Clan..."

Yin Honghua pondered for a while, and then she shook the dragon spear in her hand and said: "Since you have come to this great world of Hongmeng and want to set foot on the summit, you are destined to be unable to practice peacefully and steadily, fighting against the sky and the earth. Fight, fight with the ten thousand clan, even if it is the Hongmeng Dragon Clan, I want to fight!"

Hearing her words, Zu Longhuang was shocked.

He looked at the woman with dragon strength in front of him, and he seemed to see the shadow of the madman of Chu, he couldn't help but laughed, "I heard that Xuantian Jiuxing was created by the Sect Master. Your tempers are very similar to the Sect Master."

"Heh, absurd."

Yin Honghua took this as a compliment.

Chasing the back of Madman Chu is her goal in this life.

It is said that she is very similar to each other, UU reading is indeed a compliment to her.

"The Honghua Daoist said rightly, now that there is an opportunity in front of you, how can you not argue? After the dragon clan who went to inquire about the news returns information, you and I will act again." Zu Longhuang said, also wanting to fight for this opportunity.


The dragon clan who went to investigate the information came back with news.

After reading the information, Zu Longhuang's face was a little solemn, "No wonder I waited for the dragon clan to have a reaction, it turned out that the dragon mound opened."

"Dragon Tomb? What is that place?"

Yin Honghua asked curiously.

"I also came to the Great World of Hongmeng and came to understand that Dragon Tomb, as the name suggests, is the place where dragons are buried! It is said that some ancient and powerful dragons follow the same rules after predicting their own death date. Kind of inexplicable induction, went to the Dragon Tomb and died there."

"And in the Dragon Tomb, there are these ancient dragon clan inheritances. It is said that even the king-level dragon king inheritance is there. The Dragon Tomb is very mysterious. For many years, even the dragon clan has not been able to detect its location."

"But every time the Great World of Hongmeng restarts and the era reopens, the Dragon Tomb will appear once, attracting countless dragons to go. The lucky dragons can get the chance, and the poor luck can only be buried in it..."

Zu Longhuang slowly said.

There was a fiery color in his eyes. Although the Dragon Tomb was a place where the Dragon Clan's bones were buried, at the same time, it was also a place of great opportunity for the Dragon Clan.

Yin Honghua also showed the color of thinking, "I have the power of a dragon, and I have a feeling for the dragon tomb, which shows that this opportunity is also useful to me."

"Will you go?" Zu Longhuang asked.


Yin Honghua nodded.

She asked herself whether her talent for cultivation was very brilliant, and if there was no major opportunity, her life might be over, let alone follow the back of Madman Chu.

She couldn't possibly miss this chance of Dragon Tomb.

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