Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2002: : Inheritance of Super God Array Mage, Goodbye Dragon Crystal

Wanbingcheng, today is still a peaceful day.

The craftsmen are casting weapons with enthusiasm, while the monks of Pangu Sect are practicing with great concentration, and everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

But suddenly.

A bitter sword-inspired breath came from a distance.

I saw in the extreme distance, a figure wrapped the sky full of sword intent, whizzing out, wherever it went, the void was torn open with a pitch-black crack.

The City of Ten Thousand Soldiers was shrouded by this sword intent and was shaken by it.

"Madman Chu, come out for me!"

The indifferent voice spread throughout Wanbing City.

At this time, there was a beacon flame rising into the sky, and a figure slowly walked out of the beacon flame, and the person who appeared was the soldier disaster.

He looked at the Jian Shifang in front of him coldly, and said indifferently: "The Sect Master is not in the city, but this is not a place where you can go wild."

The flames of flames collided with the circulation of sword intent.

Jian Shifang narrowed his eyes, a little surprised, he actually felt a strong threat from the disaster in front of him.

Except for the madman of Chu, there is such a master in this so-called Pangu sect!

"You, report your name!"


Hearing this, Jian Shifang was even more surprised, "Blood disaster, the first place in the Hunyuan list?! Your breath has broken through the main road."

The disaster at this time was already at the realm of the Great Dao. The next time the **** list is refreshed, he is likely to be like a madman of Chu and be among the top ten on the Dao list.

"Leave, or, I will blow you away!"

The soldiers said indifferently.

"Hmph, I want Madman Chu to give me an explanation, why he ignored my challenge!" Jian Shifang said coldly.

"I said, the lord is not there. As for why you ignore your challenge... Maybe you don't have that qualification."

The Calamity used the calmest tone.

Said the most stinging words in the ten directions.

His face became gloomy with a brush, "Presumptuous!"

Cut out with a sword, the biting sword intent is overwhelming.

With a wave of the remnant soldiers in the hands of the soldiers, the power of the beacon spread out.

Two forces exploded in one burst.

The two retreated.

Then, the two disappeared, and a fierce battle took place in the air.

Everyone was frightened to see it.

"Will the military disaster be the opponent of this sword?"

"Trust him."

"Sword Shifang should not dare to mess around."

Wa Huang said lightly.

You know, Pangu sect is not just a Pangu sect, its suzerain is Madman Chu, and behind Madman Chu, there are three kings supporting him.

Jian Shifang had ten guts and didn't dare to be too messy.

Now, it's just venting grievances.


After a battle, Jian Shifang stopped.

He also knew that he couldn't help Panguzong, even the Sword God Palace behind him had to weigh the consequences of killing Madman Chu.

The Devil King, the Goddess of Light, and even the King Lan...

It's not a good crop.

"Tell me, where did Madman Chu go?"

Jian Shifang asked.

"It has nothing to do with you."

"Hmph, he avoids fighting. It's not the man's job. If he comes back, tell him, I look down on him!"

Jian Shifang let out a cold snort, then turned into a sword light and turned to leave.

"Human **** son? Humph, idiot."

The soldiers snorted disdainfully.

not far away.

Lan Yu and the others couldn't help but twitch their mouths slightly. You know, Madman Chu is also the **** of the human race, or the biggest one.

The words of the military calamity, did they even curse Madman Chu?


"Ah cut."

Madman Chu, who was heading to Long Tomb, sneezed.

He touched his nose with some doubts, "No way, can I still catch a cold at this level of cultivation, or is it that someone is speaking ill of me behind my back?"

He used the great destiny technique, pinching his fingers.

Soon, a piece of information came to mind and was pieced together by him.

"Oh, someone went to Panguzong to find fault."

He is not worried about this.

Panguzong had a military disaster, and the Zeguo battle map he set up, even if the emperor personally took action, it could not be easily eliminated.

Not to mention, there are three kings backing up.

What makes him curious is who will find the fault here?

"This person's fate is concealed by a certain top powerhouse, and it is difficult to deduct, but this fate faintly exudes a sharp sword aura."

"Ha, it's not bad, it should be the sword in ten directions."

I didn't go to challenge myself.

Presumably the other party is irritated.

It's really lacklustre.

Madman Chu curled his lips, then looked at the Hongmeng God List high in the sky.

During the years of his retreat, he has added two more **** lists, namely the refining list and the formation list. Those on the list are all refining masters and formation masters, and Ou Yeruo also ranked fourth on the refining list. ,not bad.

In addition, the number one on the formation list is the formation king.

Most of the top ten are also taken over by the Heavenly Array Shrine.

This is not too unexpected, after all, the Heaven Array Shrine is the largest gathering place for Array Mage in the Great World of Hongmeng.

The formation king is a king-level existence.

The formations laid down can even hinder the Goddess of Light.

"The Heavenly Formation Shrine, you must beat it if you have a chance."

Madman Chu thought to himself.

Half a month passed.

"Congratulations to the host for getting the super god-level array mage inheritance."

On this day, Madman Chu got a reward.

His face is a little weird.

I was still thinking about how to deal with the Heavenly Array Divine Palace before, and immediately gave myself an inheritance of a Super God Array Mage.

This luck is too good.

Kuangren Chu accepted this inheritance, and immediately, a large amount of knowledge about the formation flowed in his mind, making him a top formation master in an instant.

"It turns out that the true essence of the formation is like this."

The Madman Chu, who had accepted the inheritance of the Array Master, had a new understanding of the law of heaven and earth, and couldn't help but admire it secretly.

"I don't know who is better at the formation level compared to the formation king now?" Madman Chu thought to himself, with some expectation. UU reading

In addition to the formation, he also has Xiao Ai to assist.

On this basis, he has an advantage over the formation king.


At this time, there was a sound of dragon chanting not far away.

Madman Chu's immortal knowledge moved and took a look, and he saw that a dragon was being chased and killed, and that dragon was no stranger to himself.

"It's her..." Madman Chu looked at the dragon clan exuding colorful brilliance, with a touch of surprise in his eyes.

The colorful dragons are dragon crystals from Tianyuan Universe.

One of the members of the Round Sky Club.

The condition of Dragon Crystal at this time is not very good, and he is being hunted down by two human races in jet black armor. The two men are fully armed with crossbows and spears. Each weapon is engraved with mysterious runes.

For the dragons, there seems to be some restraint.

The tough dragon scales of the dragons became fragile in front of their weapons.

"Damn a dragon hunter!"

The Dragon Crystal roared and spit out a colorful dragon breath.

But the dragon's breath smashed on the armor on their bodies, and it didn't have much effect. The armor seemed to be specially made to fight against the dragon's breath.

"Hey, colorful Tianlong, it's rare. The materials on your body can sell for a good price." A dragon hunter smiled.

There was a greedy color in his eyes.

Things are rare and expensive. The colorful Tianlong is few in the dragon family. Due to its beautiful appearance, its materials have always been sought-after in the black market.


The two dragon hunters slashed towards the dragon crystal with their weapons in their hands.

Just when the Dragon Crystal was in danger, suddenly a sword aura shot out from the void, directly tore the two dragon hunters in half, and the armor on their bodies couldn't provide them with the slightest protection.

"It's really embarrassing, Dragon Crystal."

A leisurely voice sounded slowly.

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