Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2003: : Slashing Dragon Blade, Candle Dragon Dragon Soul, don’t get in the way

"But what I was looking for, I haven't found it yet."

Even if the madman of Chu is devouring thousands of dragon souls, he has obtained the practice of countless dragon souls, and has become a great practitioner of the dragon race.

The strength of the candle dragon in the body has also skyrocketed more than ten times.

But he was still not satisfied.

Because it was not these dragon souls that were easily swallowed by him that really attracted him to come, what he wanted, has not yet appeared.

"It resonates with the power of the candle dragon in my body. If it is really a dragon soul, will it be mixed with these dragon souls? How do I find it?"

Madman Chu looked at the many dragon souls in front of him.

Even if he had swallowed a lot of them, there were still a lot of dragon souls.

The Dragon Tomb has existed for an unknown number of years.

There are so many dragons buried here.

It is basically impossible for Madman Chu to devour the many dragon races that have died in countless epochs with one person.

But the strongest king-level dragon soul here was almost all sucked by him.

At this point, he was better than absorbing billions of dragon souls.

I don't know if those high-level dragons will vomit blood when they know it.

Madman Chu thought to himself.

Go wrong.

Let's think about the source of the induction first.

"Master, you might be able to try the Dragon Blade."

At this time, Xiao Ai said.

"Dragon Blade?"

"Yes, Dragon Slashing Blade is Wanlong Nemesis, but the source that attracts the master to come is extraordinary, and it may have a lot to do with the power of the candle dragon in the master. The existence of that level may not necessarily be afraid of slashing. Dragon Blade."

Hearing this, Madman Chu suddenly understood Xiao Ai's thoughts.

Dragon Slashing Blade can scare away other dragon souls without being frightened. The fearless Dragon Slashing Blade is probably the source that attracts him.

"Little Ai, it's great to have you there."

Madman Chu praised him generously.


Xiao Ai raised her tone and hummed triumphantly.

Madman Chu listened to Xiao Ai's suggestion, reduced the power of the candle dragon, and then took out the bronze iron box containing the dragon blade.

In an instant, a monstrous evil spirit spread out from it.

After feeling the breath, the dragons on the scene couldn't help but shudder, their face pale, staring at the bronze tin box, instinctively revealing fear.

They don't know what's inside.

But I know that it must be something that is a huge threat to them.

It seems that there is a peerless beast that feeds on dragons!

"Roar, roar..."

At the moment when many dragon souls appeared in the bronze iron box, they let out uneasy low roars.


The bronze iron box in Madman Chu's hand trembled quickly.

The Dragon Slashing Blade inside seemed to be aware of the aura of countless dragon souls, exuding an incomparably bloodthirsty aura.

Can't wait to rush out, thirsty for dragon blood!


The tin box opens.

A trace of blood-red aura escaped from the Dragon Slashing Blade, transforming into a blood-colored dragon with wings and wings on its back in the void.

This giant dragon is transformed by the grievances of thousands of dragons.

For the dragon clan, it has a huge restraint effect.

As soon as this dragon grievance came out, many dragon souls madly retreated, and even the powerful dragon souls that were roaring turned around and ran away. The madman Chu, who was originally like a star arch, suddenly became deserted.

Many dragons in the distance looked at the scarlet dragon, with horror.

"This, this is Dragon Slashing Blade!"

A dragon screamed and was frightened into a cold sweat.

Dragon Blade.

Wanlong's nemesis.

The strongest soldiers of the dragon hunters in the past described this soldier as a nightmare in the dragon classics, the biggest nightmare of the dragon!

Now, this dragon blade reappears.

All dragon races are terrified.

Some dragons couldn't help but think of the dark years when they were hunted down by the dragon hunters. Their faces were pale, and they were lying weakly on the ground.

"Kuangren Chu actually has a dragon-slashing blade in his hands?!"

"Is he destined to be the biggest nemesis of my dragon?!"

Zu Longning's faces were extremely ugly.

There is the power of the candle dragon, and the dragon-slashing blade, and it is an enemy of the dragon!

This isn’t the dragon’s greatest enemy, so what is it?

Even the emperor was not as threatening as the current Madman Chu.


Suddenly, the madman Chu gave a soft voice.

Dragon Slashing Blade came out, and many dragon souls were terrified of him.

Within a million miles of him, there is hardly a dragon soul.

There is only one exception.

It was a crimson dragon soul with a human face and snake body. Its appearance was exactly the same as that of a candle dragon, but its size was too small compared to other dragon souls.

The worst of other dragon souls is thousands of feet.

The candle dragon in front of me has only one arm long, and it cannot be said to be inconspicuous to the dragon souls, it can only be said that it is basically invisible.

But this tiny dragon soul still stayed in place when other dragon souls were afraid of the Dragon Slashing Blade and stayed far away.


The Dragon Blade seemed to sense the existence of this dragon soul, and the dragon shadow composed of huge dragon grievances looked at the tiny candle dragon and let out a terrifying growl.

At this moment.

The candle dragon seemed to be irritated, and also let out a roar.

This roar is like thunder!

The tiny body uttered a dragon chant that was louder and louder than all dragon souls, and then his body was also rapidly swelling.

In a short while, it grew to tens of thousands of feet.

The Dragon Blade buzzed and trembled.

The huge dragon resented, rolling endlessly.

And the candle dragon was also roaring, the two dragons confronted each other, and the terrifying aura poured out, and the whole dragon soul world was shaking frantically. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

"Found it, this is the source that attracted me to come!" Madman Chu looked at the candle dragon soul, and the power of the candle dragon in his body was shaking.

He closed the bronze iron box and put it in his sleeve.

The huge dragon grievance also dissipated.

After the Candle Dragon Dragon Soul sensed the disappearance of the Dragon Slashing Blade, his body began to shrink rapidly, and finally changed back to the original appearance that was only the size of an arm.

Kuangren Chu's figure flashed, and he stepped forward to catch the candle dragon and study it, but the other party's figure flashed and he was about to leave.

"If you want to go, that won't work."

Madman Chu laughed and ran after him.

"No, I can't let him get that Candle Dragon Dragon Soul!"

Zu Longning said loudly, the eye-sighted dragon could see that this dragon soul was not simple, it was able to contend with the dragon blade.

Madman Chu had swallowed countless dragon souls, and if he were allowed to obtain this candle dragon dragon soul, the threat to the dragon clan would be even greater in the future.

Ying Longwu, Heilongya and other dragons took action in an instant, and various powerful dragon practice methods rushed towards the madman of Chu.

"Don't get in the way!"

Madman Chu gave a cold snort, his body spreading overbearing dragon power, and the power of the candle dragon revolving. With a wave of his sleeve, the violent power poured out.

In the blink of an eye, various Dragon Clan practices shattered one after another.

One by one dragon clan flew out, blood spurting wildly.

"His strength..."

Zu Longning looked at Madman Chu with a pale face, unable to believe it.

And beside him, the twenty-first Hei Longya on the Great Dao List was already shattered and could not die anymore.

Not only Black Dragon's End, but the madman Chu's wave of his sleeves caused more than half of the dragons who rushed to be killed and injured. The powerful force deeply shocked Zu Longning.

He is the Supreme Dao.

But after seeing the power of Madman Chu, he felt terrified.

Fear deep in the bones!


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