Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2005: : The dragons gather together, stand shoulder to shoulder with the king, why don&#039

In the Dragon Tomb.

The starry sky trembled, the dragon soul world collapsed, causing violent turbulence, and even the entire dragon mound was shaken. A group of colorful energy rays burst into the starry sky, and the sound of dragons groaned continuously in the starry sky. write.

Countless dragon souls spread in all directions.

All dragons were shocked by it.

"Dragon Soul Realm... collapsed!"

"This, what's going on?!"

"Oh my God, what happened..."

Many dragons are particularly puzzled.

In the void, Madman Chu, Yin Honghua and others left the dragon soul world.

"Let's go, there is nothing worth exploring here."

Madman Chu said lightly.

He took both the Dragon Blade and the Candle Dragon Dragon Soul, and the two biggest opportunities in the Dragon Tomb were in his hands. Naturally, there was nothing to miss in the Dragon Tomb.

He took Yin Honghua and the others to leave Longzhong.

Everyone swept towards the entrance of the Dragon Tomb.

On the way, Madman Chu was observing the fusion of the power of the candle dragon and the dragon soul in his body, although he wanted to leave the dragon mound.

But he was not in a hurry to leave immediately.

Because he faintly knew that there was a greater risk waiting for him.

I made such a big noise by myself.

It is impossible for the dragons to do nothing.

"It's kind of weird."

Yin Honghua frowned and said, "We didn't seem to find any dragons as we walked along the way. Where have they all gone?"

Although the Dragon Tomb is very large.

But along the way, it was too weird that half of the dragons hadn't seen it.

"Not weird at all."

Madman Chu said lightly.

"Could it be..." Yin Honghua's pupils shrank when he thought of something.

The faces of the other people also became particularly solemn.

"No need to worry."

Madman Chu said lightly, he took out a battleship, carried the people, and then went into a room of the battleship to retreat and practice.

"Hurry up slowly."

Madman Chu's voice came out.

Everyone looked at each other.

"At this time, the Sect Master still has the mind to practice in retreat, should I say that I am really the Sect Master?" Zu Longhuang smiled bitterly.

He had guessed the grim situation everyone was in.

If nothing happens, what they will face next will be extremely dangerous, and it can even be said to be a lifeless situation.

But Madman Chu was so calm.

I really admire him.

"This guy, has it always been like this?"

Hei Xuan looked at Yin Honghua and asked curiously. In the past few days, he has seen that Yin Honghua and Chu Madman are the most familiar in the court.

"You can always trust the king."

Yin Honghua said lightly.

She had almost unreserved trust in Chu Madman.

"It's a bit strange. Why do you call him the Sovereign and the King? What is his identity?"

Hei Xuan scratched his head, a little confused about the situation.

"The king is the suzerain, and the suzerain is also the king. You don't need to care about this."

Yin Honghua's name for the madman of Chu originated from the fact that he was once the king of the sky star in the Pangu universe, and this name continues to the present.

I don't want to change it.

Hei Xuan no longer bothered.

The crowd controlled the warship and slowly swept towards the entrance of the Dragon Tomb.


The entrance to the Dragon Tomb.

Countless dragons gather here.

In addition to the three giants of the dragon family Yinglong, Zulong, and Heilong, there are also five-element dragon species, colorful Tianlong, and other dragon family branches.

Countless dragons blocked the entrance of the dragon tomb, and each of them exuded a sharp killing air. They were obviously elite fighters among the dragons.

Their expressions were stern and cold.

They are waiting for someone.

A person who turned the dragon mound upside down, even destroyed the dragon soul world, and lost the face of the dragon clan, and today, they will completely eradicate each other!

"How long has it been since the Dragon Soul World collapsed."

An Zulong asked in a condensed voice.

This ancestor dragon, wearing a pitch-black battle armor, exudes a terrifying dragon power, and his cultivation base is the supreme realm of the Great Dao.

And it's not the ordinary avenue supreme.

"Two years."

Beside him, a dragon clan who also exudes a tyrannical aura said coldly, this is a black dragon full of destructive aura.

"Two years... Two years have passed since the Dragon Soul World collapsed. If this Madman Chu wants to leave the Dragon Tomb, he should have appeared."

"In the Dragon Tomb, there is only this entrance. If he wants to leave, he must pass through here. He can't escape!"

"This time, my Dragon Clan's thirteen warlords have dispatched six. I want to see what he can do to escape from our hands!"

Thirteen generals of the dragon clan.

These are the thirteen strongest dragons under the dragon kings. Regardless of the level of bloodline, only the strength is strong or weak, each leads an army.

It is the main force of the dragon clan to conquer outside.

Each one possesses extremely powerful power, and the ordinary Dao Sovereign is not worth mentioning in front of them.

Time, one minute and one second passed.

Another year passed.

None of the dragons on the scene felt impatient. They were all warriors who had gone through battlefield killings, and had enough patience to wait for their opponents.

And the strong killing intent and hatred towards the madman of Chu made this patient and unlimited rise, and they could wait here for thousands of years!

Until Madman Chu appeared, kill him!

at this time.

Ancestral Dragon Qianshan in the Thirteen Dragon Generals suddenly opened his eyes.


In the distant starry sky, I saw a warship slowly flying into the sky.

All the dragon soldiers, their eyes condensed.

The monstrous dragon prestige contains a strong and extremely murderous intent billowing out.

On the battleship.

Zu Longhuang, Yin Honghua and others couldn't help but swallowed their saliva.

After they looked at the starry sky and densely packed dragon soldiers in front of them, although they had expected it, UU reading was shocked.

"Hey, this is too exaggerated."

"Did this Hongmeng Dragon Race come out in full force?"

"My God, can we escape?"

Some Dragon Race was stunned by the murderous Longwei's murderous aura in front of them.

Dao Zhishen like Heixuan's mouth twitched, and his body trembled uncontrollably, "Now, it's really going to be over."

"Sure enough, it's no wonder that you didn't see half of the dragon shadow on the road. It turned out that they all gathered here. Now, the trouble is really big."

Zu Longhuang smiled bitterly.

The Dragon Crystal was next to him, and the dragon flowed in his body.

Ready to fight to the death at any time.

Yin Honghua held the dragon spear tightly in his hand, and the blue veins on his white arms violently.

Although she was also shocked by the scene before her.

But she has not lost the courage to fight.

"Be side by side with the king, why don't you die in battle!"

Yin Honghua whispered.

"Heh, Honghua, I can't bear to let you die in battle."

A chuckle sounded in her ears.

I don't know when, beside her, there was an extra figure in white clothes.

It is Chu Madman.

He took the lead, stood in front of everyone, stepped out, and the fairy radiance circulated all over his body, and the violent atmosphere of the great road poured out like a flood!

This time, Longzhong and his entourage have upgraded his cultivation to Dadaozhishen.

Crossed directly to the spiritual realm.

But his breath, let alone a god.

Even the supreme is far inferior.

The monstrous power spread out with him as the center, and collided with the countless dragons in the starry sky, causing the world to shake together!

"Heh, the dragons are really enthusiastic, and they arranged such a big farewell ceremony for me. I really like it."

Madman Chu stood with his hands in his hands, and his gentle voice echoed.


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