Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2005: : The wrath of the dragon hunter, destroying the scum of the human race, this is a fa


The soldiers stood in the air, surrounded by an invisible barrier.

This is an extremely powerful concealment formation. It is precisely this formation that the Huang family did not see him. He looked in the direction where Wang Yiyuan had escaped, his eyes indifferent, "Dragon Hunter, let's see your dog biting the dog next. ."

He also had some guesses about Chu Madman's thoughts.

It's nothing more than divorce.

He was not kind to help Wang Yi.

I just want Wang Yi to go back and expose the Huang family's actions.

Then let the dragon hunter fight with the Huang family, these two families have a holiday with him, no matter who suffers in the end, he is happy to see it happen.


Two figures came.

It was Madman Chu and Lan Yu, and Madman Chu held a bronze iron box in his hands, which was the Extremely Treasure Dragon Slashing Blade.

This treasure is going round and round, but in the end it still belongs to him.

"Use the Dragon Blade to exchange countless resources of the dragon hunter's line, use the Huang family to capture the Dragon Slasher blade, and get it back in the chaos, and by the way, let the Huang family and the dragon hunter turn against each other. You really have a good calculation. Ah."

Soldier Calamity glanced at Madman Chu and said lightly.

"Ha, a little trick."

Madman Chu took the Dragon Slashing Blade back.

"This is what you said, believable, treat others with sincerity?"

The soldiers said lightly.

"I have always treated people with sincerity. This dragon blade is indeed for the dragon hunters, but they couldn't keep it and was snatched by the Huang family. I just snatched it back." Chu Madman shrugged and smiled.


His deal with the Dragon Hunter didn't do anything about it, and the Dragon Slashing Blade was indeed handed over to Wang Yi and the others. The other party couldn't keep it and couldn't blame him.

Although he revealed that the Huang family was able to obtain information so quickly, he inadvertently said a few words and was heard by the Huang family spies...

Can this be blamed on him?

"Okay, things are almost done, I should go too."

The soldier disaster's figure flashed, and instantly disappeared in place.

Madman Chu also left with Lan Yu.

"I don't know what the people of Huang's family would think when they saw the fake in my hand?" Madman Chu rubbed his chin to taste.


The dragon hunters are in the same vein.

The leader of the dragon hunter is looking forward to the return of the dragon blade. For this reason, he also held a grand welcoming ceremony. Countless dragon hunters gathered in a square, and everyone's faces were looking forward to it.

"Dragon Blade finally wants to return to my dragon hunter's line."

"Yeah, that's great."

"Reshaping the glory of dragon hunting is just around the corner."

Just when everyone was looking forward to it.

A blood-stained figure stumbled into the square.

This person is Wang Yi.

"Elder Wang?!"

The dragon hunting leader's face changed.

His figure flashed, and he hurriedly came to the other party. After he noticed the condition inside his body, his face became gloomy, "What's the matter?"

"Boss, the Dragon Blood Huang family is pregnant with ghosts, they have already snatched the Dragon Slashing Blade!" Wang Yi said weakly.


A terrifying might erupted from the leader of the hunting dragon.

That is the coercion of the king.

His eyes were extremely cold, "Okay, what a dragon blood yellow family, one set in front of the face, one set on the back, you guys are really **** it!!"

"The leader, send troops to the Huang Family to retake the Dragon Blade!"

A dragon hunter said indignantly.

As soon as this remark came out, many dragon hunters responded immediately.

"Yes, kill those dirty guys carrying dragon blood."

"They are not worthy of being human at all."

"They are the same as the dragons, they are not my race, and their hearts must be different!"

"If you dare to slash the Dragon Blade, you have to make them pay!"

The dragon hunting leader slowly got up, his eyes swept across the crowd, and then said indifferently: "Everyone, follow me to the Huang's house and get back the dragon blade!"

"Retrieve the Dragon Slashing Blade and destroy the scum of the human race!"

"Retrieve the Dragon Slashing Blade and destroy the scum of the human race!"

Many people are dissatisfied with the Huang family.

In their opinion, if you are carrying dragon blood, you are not considered a human race at all.

If it weren't for retrieving the Dragon Blade, how could they cooperate with each other?


The opponent actually dared to **** the Dragon Blade.

This is simply unbearable.

For a time, the dragon hunter army swiftly looted towards the Huang Family's station in Hongmeng Great World, hoping to completely annihilate the opponent.

the other side.

Within the Huang Family.

The monk who went to **** the Dragon Blade has returned.

"Patriarch, fulfill the mission."

The old man took out the bronze tin box and handed it to Patriarch Huang.

And the other party is also full of enthusiasm.

"You guys did a great job."

"Patriarch, I am incompetent and let Wang Yi escape."

Hearing this, the head of the Huang family frowned slightly, "How can you let a mere Wang Yi escape?"

"Someone secretly shot."

Patriarch Huang was even more puzzled, and couldn't think of who it would be for a while.

He calmly said: "Starting the family formation, Wang Yi is not dead, the dragon hunter's revenge will soon come."

He is not afraid.

Although the dragon hunting leader is the king, the Huang family is not without the means to deal with the king, the big deal, they return to the Dragon King universe.

There is the dragon territory.

They can't believe it, the dragon hunters still dare to mess around?

Then, he looked at the iron box in his hand with fiery eyes, "When I refine this ultimate treasure, will I be afraid that the dragon hunter will fail?"

With that, he wanted to open the tin box.

The face of the person next to him changed, "Patriarch, I am waiting to be pregnant with dragon blood, and Dragon Blade specializes in dealing with those of us, please be careful."

"I have my own measures."

Patriarch Huang nodded.

He has long been awakened. Once he got the Dragon Slashing Blade, he took the initiative to disperse this body of dragon blood, refining it with the body of a pure human Compared with dragon blood, this Dragon Slashing Blade Obviously more important.


The tin box opens.

I saw a blood-red long knife in it.

Everyone's eyes were dignified and guarded, for fear of being injured by Dragon Blade.

But Patriarch Huang's face showed a gloomy color, "This is not Dragon Slashing Blade, this is just a fake!!"

Slash the dragon blade, restrain the dragon clan.

But now he was holding the Dragon Slashing Blade, but he didn't feel the slightest.

And he didn't feel the amazing power contained in it.


"How did you do something, you actually snatched a fake."

Patriarch Huang roared furiously.

The old man hurriedly knelt on the ground and said: "It's impossible, this Dragon Slashing Blade was robbed from Wang Yi, how could it be fake? Could it be..."

He seemed to have thought of something, "Does Wang Yi know in advance that we will make a move, so he first prepared a handful of fakes to be used to mix pearls!"

"I don't rule out this possibility. The Dragon Slashing Blade is probably still in Wang Yi's hands. It is estimated that it has been taken by the Dragon Hunter leader now."

"Damn it, despicable dragon hunter."

"Damn it."

at this time.

There was a surging energy fluctuation outside Huang's house.

"Human scum, come out and die!"

An indifferent voice sounded.

The emperor's coercion broke out.

The leader of the hunting dragon leads the soldiers and kisses Huang's house.

The Huang Patriarch also had a gloomy face, "What a dragon hunter leader, who has obtained the Dragon Slashing Blade, actually wants to deal with my Huang Family."

The splendor flowed around him.

A majestic dragon scale battle armor has been dressed neatly.

This is a top-notch treasure of Hongmeng, unparalleled defense, this is also one of the confidence of the Huang Patriarch to face the emperor.

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