Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2002: : I bet my life, and he should pay it for my life, the sword demon Dugu...

"Yin and Yang broke the universe in one go!"

Lu Wuhen's extremely trick broke out!

I saw him open his hands, black and white air burst out from the left and right, the two forces flowed in the void, and finally converged.

Yin and Yang are one, and its power is immense, shaking the sky.


The force of yin and yang roared toward Chu Madman like a raging storm.

Layers on top of each other, slapped into the void one after another.

In the face of this tyrannical force, Madman Chu still stood still, letting this force surge in.

The expression on his face is like a smile but not a smile, more like...contempt!

After seeing this smile, Lu Wuhen was furious, and his power climbed wildly. Its power turned out to be another level, which was extremely frightening.


This blow hit Madman Chu's body.

The billowing energy exploded layers of air waves.

Those who were closer could not help being thrown off.

"What a terrifying blow, this is Lu Wuhen's strength."

Ao Qingtian, Liu Ruohuo couldn't help but glance at each other.

If the opponent used this trick when they fought Lu Wuhen just now, then they would hardly have any way to survive.

"Having withstood the blow of Senior Brother Lu abruptly, Madman Chu would have to be seriously injured even if he didn't die. Call him arrogant. You know how powerful it is."

"Haha, don't forget, if he uses another hand, or is repelled, he will have to slay himself with a sword."

"Yes, I see if he wants to go wrong when the time comes."

The monks of the Holy Land of Heaven and Humanity said with a smile.

Full of joyful breath.

"What are you laughing at?"

At this time, an indifferent voice echoed.

Then, the surging aura of the Great Dao swept out, and saw the wave of air shattered, and a figure appeared, it was Madman Chu.

At this moment, he is still standing in place.

With one hand behind, one hand blocked the energy impact.

It was... unscathed!

"Madman Chu, you really didn't disappoint me." Mingyue Wuxian said softly, with a smile on her stunning face under the veil.

"How is it possible?!"

Lu Wuhen's pupils shrank, and an incredible color appeared in his eyes.

His move was blocked unscathed!

How could there be such a thing!

"Now, it's your turn to take my sword!"

Madman Chu said lightly.

The sword fingers condensed, and the sharp and majestic sword aura rose into the sky.

Destroy the atmosphere, covering all directions.

It is the twenty-two sword!

With one sword cut out, the overwhelming sword energy gathered into a river of sword energy.

In front of this mighty power, Lu Wuhen only felt his pupils shrink, and his whole body couldn't help trembling.

Not only him.

After the other monks noticed this breath, they were also very frightened.

"Not good!"

High in the sky, the faces of several human guardian gods changed slightly.

When they want to stop.

Sword Qi has already fallen!


With the mighty sword spirit, Lu Wuhen had a great horror of facing death!

He urged the power of the Dao to the extreme, condensing it into a huge Tai Chi figure, trying to block the sword energy, but this move could not last long, almost the moment it collided with the sword energy, the Tai Chi figure was broken!

Thousands of sword spirits, passing through!

The blood kept bursting out.

The main road inside Lu Wuhen's body was broken one after another.

A moment of crisis.

From high in the sky, a figure fell and stood in front of Lu Wuhen.

The air of yin and yang burst out.

Taiji diagram, condensed out of thin air, this Taiji diagram is stronger than Lu Wuhen's display, and it can block Chu Madman's sword energy.

The person who shot was an old man wearing a yin and yang robe.

He looked at Madman Chu with cold eyes.

"Chu madman, you are going too far with this heavy hand!"

This old man is one of the patron saints of the human race of the Holy Land of Heaven and Humanity.

If his shot is slow for a moment.

Now Lu Wuhen was already a corpse.


Even if he saved his life, the current Lu Wuhen was also severely injured by the sword qi, his physical body almost disappeared, and the main road inside his body was shattered.

This level of trauma is no different from being abolished.

The more the old man thought about it, the more angry he got.

But Madman Chu said of course: "I took my life out to bet against him, and he should... pay for it with his life!"

The words fall.

Madman Chu's sword fingers condensed again, and a more terrifying sword aura rose to the sky.

It is the twenty-three sword that destroys the sky and destroys the earth!

"Bring back a waste person, but a waste of food, why not let me solve it on the spot here." Madman Chu said indifferently.

He didn't know where Lu Wuhen's hostility came from.

But against him, he has always been...kill!

"This sword..."

The old man's face changed suddenly.

The sword that Madman Chu is currently using has made him terrified!

This sword, he might also be difficult to resist!

"Hahaha... What a madman Chu!"

At this time.

A loud laugh came from the sky.

Then, a black sword aura swept across the world like a storm!

The goal is Chu Madman!

And the sword intent contained in that sword aura is...Sword Twenty-Three!


Madman Chu's eyes flashed, and the sword aura that had originally targeted the old man slashed towards the black storm, and the two big swords hit twenty-three, crashing.

The sword aura that is also full of destruction is very terrifying, and the dazzling sword intent brilliance blooms in the collision, each is bright!

Where the sword energy goes, the void, mountains, rivers, earth, vegetation...

Everything is broken!

Everyone witnessed this scene and couldn't help swallowing.

It's horrible.

This sword spirit is heart palpitating.

It is definitely one of the top confrontations under the king!

When the sword gas slowly dissipated.

I saw a figure walking towards everyone, dressed in a black robe, black hair dancing wildly, and his face was sharp and resolute.

More importantly, this person was circulating a black sword aura. UU reading

Everywhere, cracks were torn out in the surrounding void.

Sword intent enveloped the audience.

Everyone had numbness of their scalp and chills all over their bodies.

Even Gu Chan and Feng Yue Shenzi had extremely solemn eyes.

"A powerful swordsman!"

"This person is definitely also a king's seed."

Madman Chu looked at the incoming person with a calm expression: "A person from the Sword God Palace."


"There are quite a few stupid people in your Sword God Palace. Undefeated Dugu, Absolute Sword, Sword Shifang... I don't know how many I killed."

Madman Chu said lightly.

"Oh, don't compare me to them."

The person sneered.

Immediately afterwards, his sword intent shrouded the sky and the earth violently shrank, squeezing towards Madman Chu from all directions!

"Remember, I am a sword demon, and the lonely one is not broken!"

The name of loneliness and unbreakable reverberates in the world.

The crowd was in an uproar.

Because this name suddenly appeared on the list of gods not long ago.

Ranked third on the list of gods.

Second only to Madman Chu and the second Dao Lingtian.

"Under my sword, you are all the same."


When the lonely sword is raging without breaking the sword.

Madman Chu also exploded with a shocking sword intent!

Compared with the tyrannical sword intent of Dugu Unbreakable, Chu Madman's sword intent is more tyrannical and majestic. It also has a boundless sharpness and detachment, as if it is above the sky and the earth, but Cut everything!

The moment the sword intent surged, the world roared endlessly.

The unbreakable sword intent was directly suppressed.

"Okay, okay, Madman Chu, you are worth my sword!"

Dugu did not break his face in ecstasy.


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