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Chapter 2004: : The natives in the 9th party spirit world scared away the sneer

Hearing Chu Madman's words, Dugu frowned, "I haven't been to Hongmeng Great World for a long time, but I have heard some rumors about you. It seems that you are rebellious and arrogant. It seems to be the case."

"If you have strength, you won't be arrogant." Madman Chu said lightly.

"You and I have a battle, no victory or defeat, I look forward to the next fight, you can show your true strength." Dugu Bupo said coldly.

In this battle, he didn't do his best, and he still had a hole card.

But he knew that Madman Chu was the same.

If there is a real tactic of life and death, it is not yet known who will die.

"Enter the Nine-Party Spirit Realm."

The unbreakable figure of Dugu flashed towards the spirit world.

Madman Chu glanced at the sky.

The emperor Wa swished and came to him.

"Let's go in too."


Emperor Wa nodded, and followed the Madman Chu into the spirit world.


The nine-party spirit world.

This is an extremely vast continent, full of aura, with all kinds of beasts and elixir, looking around, beautiful mountains and rivers, magnificent waves.

In many places, Xianhui is dazzling, and the sky is full of colorful clouds.

Obviously, there are many treasures of opportunity hidden in this mountain and river.

Some monks who entered this place immediately rushed to various places, looking for the treasures of chance, but the two madmen Chu did not act immediately.

The two looked for a direction and swept away.

At the same time, he asked Xiao Ai about the Jiufang Spirit World in his mind.

"The Nine-Party Spirit World, this is a naturally formed spirit world. Long ago, it was one of the living places of the human race. The heavens and human races have many powerful existences that have gone out from here, but later, this The spirit world was then closed, and it was rarely opened in the previous era of Hongmeng..."

"It is also worth mentioning that in my database, the ancestor of the heavens and human races, he was once called... the Jiufang clan."

Hearing this, Madman Chu's eyes flashed.

Here, is there any connection with the ancestors?


Suddenly, Madman Chu heard a sound of killing from a distance.

I saw a monk fighting with a group of people.

"This person is familiar."

Madman Chu glanced at the monk. He glanced at the other person just now when he was in Jiufang Mountain. He thought he was also a certain **** son in the list of **** sons.

"Master, this person's name is sneer, and he is the ninth son of God."

At this time, Xiao Ai said.

Although Madman Chu didn't care much about these goddesses, but Xiao Ai, as his best assistant, would actively help him collect information around him.

As long as I have encountered Chu Madman.

Even if Madman Chu doesn't remember, she will keep information files.

"They seem to be fighting for the magic medicine."

Wa Huang said.

I saw Sneer Tian and the group of people were fighting for a magical medicine.

That magical medicine, resembling ginseng, circulated Xianhui, with dense Dao patterns circling on it, and at first glance, it was known that it was not a mortal thing.

However, Madman Chu cared more about those monks than this magic medicine.

"These people dress and dress quite primitively. Most of them are dominated by animal skins and woods. They are not like people from the outside world, they are more like... the natives of the nine spirit worlds." Chu Kuangren was quite surprised.

At this time.

The battle situation underneath is nearing its end.

Although the strength of this group of natives is extraordinary, they are still a bit worse against a master like Sneer Xiaotian, and will soon be killed.

"Die me! You barbaric natives!"

Sneer Tian gave a sneer.

Between raising his hands, the atmosphere of the avenue circulated and boiled.

Opposite him, there were only a few natives who looked like teenagers, holding the magical medicine in their hands, and their faces were stubborn.

Even in the face of death threats, he is unwilling to give up the magic medicine.

Obviously this thing is extremely important to them.

Madman Chu thought for a moment.

"These aborigines have lived in the spirit world of the Nine Sides for many years. They must be clear about a lot of things here, and they may be useful or useful."

His eyes flashed.

Then, came to sneer in front of the sky.

"It's you, Madman Chu?"

The sneer sky was suddenly shocked, and the ultimate trick that was brewing collapsed instantly, and the whole person withdrew hundreds of meters, his face was full of vigilance.

"Mad Chu, what are you going to do?"

"I'll save these children, you, leave."

"Funny, you actually want to protect a few natives? I think you want the magical medicine in their hands, so why be hypocritical."

"I don't need to explain too much to you."

Madman Chu said lightly.

Saw his sword fingers condensed, and the sword energy flowed at the fingertips, and he would not send out.

"Not good!"

Sneer's face changed drastically, and a blood burst out of his body.

He actually performed some kind of escape method that required a great price, and in the blink of an eye he turned into a blood-colored rainbow, and left after tens of millions of miles.

Madman Chu was stunned.

"I'm just scared, so desperately?"

He shook his head.

These gods are too courageous.

In fact.

After seeing him fight Lu Wuhen, in the hearts of everyone, he has long been labeled as lawless and cruel.

It is precisely because of sneer that he is too afraid of him that he will use a powerful escape method to leave at the moment when he wants to take a shot.

This escape method would even cost one-third of his lifespan.

Frightened away with a sneer, Chu Madman turned and looked at the young people. At this time, the emperor Wa was talking with a few people and inquiring about intelligence.

It seems that there is no hostility towards Emperor Wa.

But when Mad Man Chu approached, these people suddenly showed a look of alertness.

"I'm not that scary, am I."

Madman Chu murmured.

As everyone knows, sneer **** killed many of these young companions.

In their eyes, it is like the devil.

And Madman Chu frightened the other party all at once. Doesn't this mean that he is even more devil than the devil?

"Don't be afraid, this is my Sect Master, a good person."

Wa Huang smiled faintly. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

Under her explanation, these teenagers gradually let go of their guard.

"Emperor Wa, why are their attitudes toward you different from those toward me." Madman Chu couldn't help but be a little curious.

Do these little ghosts like beautiful big sisters?


Who doesn't like the beautiful big sister.

"I don't know much, but they say they feel very kind to me."

Wa Huang said.

The madman of Chu was thoughtful when he heard the words.

"It should be the reason for the patron saint."

Wa Huang is the mother **** of the human race in the Pangu universe. When placed among the heavens and human races, he is the patron saint of the human race, and the human race has a kind of affection for her.

This makes sense.

After communication with Emperor Wa, Madman Chu learned that these teenagers came from a tribe, and the name of that tribe was Jiufang.

"Grandpa patriarch is injured. We came here to collect medicine and go back to heal him. Unexpectedly, we met an outsider."

Said one of the young men with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

"Oh, do you know we are outsiders?"

"Yes, the patriarch said that you will come soon, and he told us not to go out to avoid encountering." The thick eyebrow boy continued.

"Can you take me to your tribe."

"No, the patriarch said that he can't bring outsiders back to the tribe."

"Neither can I?" Wa Huang asked.



The two Kuangren Chu also no longer insisted, letting a few people leave.

"Sect Master, don't you go to that tribe?"

"How is it possible? I have come here. I can't go back empty-handed." Madman Chu didn't save people in vain. He had a keen interest in that tribe.


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