Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2006: : Kill the old black wood, the darkness of the doomsday swallows each other, the doom

Inside the Jiufang Tribe.

The dark power of the doomsday reappeared, and the Madman Chu came personally, and the power of the light seed in his body burst out involuntarily.

This immense divine might envelops the world, dispelling the haze and darkness.

Like a **** of light coming to the mortal world!

After feeling this power, the old man Kuroki shuddered involuntarily, and the dark power of the apocalypse in his body was even more restless.

"Who are you?!"

"Oh, with the darkness of apocalypse, but don't you know the son of light?"

"Son of Light..."

Elder Kuroki's pupils shrank, "No, it's impossible. The Son of Light is just a rumor. How could this exist?"

"The darkness of the doomsday exists, son of light, why can't it?"

Madman Chu said lightly.

"Even if you are the Son of Light, but your cultivation base... Ha, Dadao Zhishen? This cultivation base dare to be presumptuous in front of me?"

The old man Kuromu laughed, and his panic heart suddenly settled down.

He is a great master.

Moreover, he is still the Great Dao Supreme with the darkness of apocalypse, how can his power be comparable to the practice of a Dao Dao Shen?

"Let you, the so-called son of light, die today!"

The old man Black Mu said, the power of darkness in his body gushing out crazily, and a pitch-black ball of light evolved in the void and smashed towards Madman Chu.

Wherever the ball of light goes, it swallows everything.

Madman Chu's sword fingers condensed, and the power of light condensed into a sword shadow.


The power of darkness was suddenly cut in half.

"How is it possible?"

Elder Kuroki's pupils shrank.

A supreme god, why can he have such combat power?

Not only him, but the most holy ones in the Jiufang tribe are also dumbfounded. The Old Man Black Wood is a great disaster for their tribe.

Their patriarch, sealed with his body, can finally get each other out of trouble.

But now, Madman Chu, a Supreme God whose cultivation base was not as good as theirs, easily dismantled the opponent's attack with just a gesture.

"I still don't believe it!"

Elder Heimu's eyes condensed, and then, various powerful dark practice methods poured out one after another, constantly beating at Madman Chu.

"It's all useless tricks!"

Madman Chu punched casually.

The power of light merges with the power of three thousand principles to evolve three thousand worlds!

It is the ultimate move, the Three Thousand Realms of Brightness!


A variety of dark practice methods exploded one after another, and gradually dissipated under the cover of the power of light, and the old man Blackwood was directly blown up.

"How come, how can your strength be so strong?"

Elder Hemu couldn't believe it, how could a supreme **** burst out more terrifying combat power than this supreme one himself? !

"With your doubts, let's go to death together."

Madman Chu's figure flashed, and in the blink of an eye he came to the top of the opponent's head.

The power of the bright road urges to the extreme.

Raise your hand to make a fist and hit it directly.

"Bright Judgment!"


Accompanied by a violent roar, Old Man Hemu's body was abruptly shattered, and a black air shot out from it.

This black air is as black as ink.

As if the light all around was swallowed by it.

There was a strong wave of fluctuations.

Far more terrifying than the power of darkness circulating around.

That is the darkness of apocalypse.


The dark power of this apocalypse swept away in the distance, wanting to leave.

"Huh, want to go, dream!"

Madman Chu snorted coldly, and stepped forward, a peculiar force spreading out with him as the center, turning into a domain, covering the surrounding area.

Within this domain, the surrounding space seemed to be frozen.

It is the domain of infinity!

Madman Chu slowly opened his five fingers and held his hand in the void. The black energy was immediately enveloped by an invisible spatial force, and it was held in the air.

"Come here for me."

Madman Chu snorted coldly, and forcibly pulled the black qi in front of him.

Compared with the darkness of the doomsday seen in the Ming clan, the power of the darkness of the doomsday in front of them is less than one percent of the power, but even so, it still makes a great Dao Sovereign exert extremely powerful combat power.

Not to mention, the dark power of the doomsday of the Ming clan is not as good as one-tenth of the true darkness of the doomsday.

One can imagine how terrifying this doomsday darkness is.

When Madman Chu was observing the darkness of the doomsday, the darkness of the doomsday in his body was suddenly shocked, swallowing the darkness of the doomsday in his hand, and the two combined to form a stronger wave. Strength.

The power of light surges.

Suppress the dark power of the doomsday fiercely.

"Can the darkness of this doomsday be able to swallow each other?"

Madman Chu whispered.

"It's just, why does the darkness of the doomsday appear here?" Madman Chu was a little puzzled, and immediately looked at the Jiufang Patriarch and others.

Perhaps they can give themselves an answer.

"Outsiders, what do you want to do?"

A strong man stood in front of the patriarch of Jiufang, and several young people saved by Madman Chu also rushed up.

"Why are you here."

The boy with thick eyebrows asked.

Sure enough, these two guys were following them with bad intentions!

"Retreat all."

A weak voice sounded.

It was the patriarch of the Jiufang. He looked at Madman Chu and Emperor Wa and saluted, "Thank you for helping me."

Madman Chu smiled, "You don't need to be polite."

Whether it is a sincere thanks or being frightened by his strength, it doesn't matter, finally someone who can speak well has arrived.

"I wonder why the two are here?"

"I sensed the power of the darkness of the doomsday, this extremely evil force, if it is not eliminated as soon as possible, it will cause a huge disaster in the future, so I came here specifically to kill it." Chu Madman said with a solemn righteousness.

With the guardian of the natural formation, UU read, where did he feel the darkness of the doomsday.

At this time, I just found an excuse.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain why he broke into here without authorization.

"That's it."

When everyone heard the words, their expressions eased.

It turns out that the other party is a righteous man.

Madman Chu glanced at the patriarch of Jiufang, and felt that the injury in the opponent's body was serious. He raised his hand and took out a pill. "This pill can help you recover from your injury. If you don't dislike it, please accept it."

"Thank you fellow daoist."

The patriarch of Jiufang did not refuse either.

Judging from the battle just now, Madman Chu wanted to kill them almost easily, and there was no need for some tricks at all.

After taking the pill, the patriarch of Jiufang quickly recovered from his injuries.

Coupled with the magical medicine picked by the young man with thick eyebrows and others, his injuries have recovered seven or eighty-eight. He felt an unprecedented ease, "I sealed this old black wood man with his body for so many years, and now he is finally free."

"I don't know where the old man Blackwood comes from?"

"He is an outsider. He broke into my clan with some other outsiders many years ago and wanted to seize the treasures of my clan. I am not an opponent. I can only suppress it in my body by using my body as a seal." said the Jiufang clan chief.

"Does the patriarch know the darkness of the end?"

"Not sure."

The patriarch of Jiufang shook his head.

Madman Chu heard the words and was puzzled, "Is it just a coincidence that this old man Black Mu appeared here? Where did the darkness of the doomsday in his body come from?"

"By the way, over the years, when I sealed him, I occasionally heard from him an organization called the Doomsday Sect." said the Jiufang Patriarch.

"The Doomsday Church..."

Madman Chu secretly remembered it in his heart.

Judging from the name, you know that it is inseparable from the Darkness of the Doomsday.

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