Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2009: : The natural array is broken, the contempt of outsiders

Sword Qi descended from the sky, vast and mighty, like a meteor shower.

Everyone has seen this sword.

And everyone knew who it was.

Boom, boom, boom!

Sword Qi fell on the ground, causing a series of explosions.

Huge potholes were smashed into the ground.


A figure walked out.

A black robe is flying in the wind, hunting and hunting, his face is as cold as ice, and the sword energy surrounding him makes people retreat.

The visitor is the biggest anomaly in the history of the Sword God Palace.

Sword Demon, alone is not broken.

"Waiting for you for a thousand years, can this nine-party spirit world be able to open for a thousand years? Don't use your brain." Dugu did not break a glance at Elder Dichu.

"You..." The Elder Dichu's face sank.

He is the patron saint of the human race, maybe his cultivation is not too strong.

But the status is noble.

If the loneliness is not broken, he is angry.

"Elder at the beginning of the earth, don't be restless and restless."

Godzi Fengyue said indifferently, temporarily comforting the elders of Dichu, and then he looked towards Dugu Bubu, "According to your wishes, what should I do?"

"Break through violence!"

The long sword in the hands of Dugu Bubreak is raised high.

In an instant, the sword gas filled the sky.

Destructive sword intent, flooded in all directions.

"Violence breaks the formation...maybe it can only be so."

God Child Fengyue nodded slightly.

Although doing so will anger the Jiufang tribe, they just don't have time to wait for a thousand years to break the formation, and they can't care much anymore.

"Everyone, let's break the battle together."

Fengyue Shenzi said.

The rest of the people heard that the power of the great power in the body had also begun to operate.

"Sword twenty-two!"

Dugu is the first to take the lead.

The sword energy of Sword Twenty-two is like a rain of thousands of swords, falling majestic.

The rest also shot.

The aura of various avenues circulates, all kinds of fairy radiance are shining brightly, the void is distorted and shattered because of a lot of energy, and the earth is also bursting.

Inside the Jiufang Tribe.

The sudden shock caused everyone to panic.

"What's the matter?!"

"Where did this shock come from?"

"No, someone is breaking the line."

Everyone was shocked.

The patriarch of Jiufang took the clan masters into the air and came to the entrance of the big formation. Outside the big formation, the ground was cracked and the mountains were flying, the dust was rolling, all kinds of brilliant energy rays were constantly flashing, and the breath of all kinds of avenues was extremely terrifying. People.

In an instant, the earth was devastated.

The Great Array has been subjected to unprecedented turbulence, and it is faltering.

"No, if this goes on, the formation won't last long."

"Damn it."

Everyone was extremely anxious.

Few people in their tribe are proficient in the formation, and this formation is a natural formation, once it is destroyed, it cannot be repaired.

It will be a huge blow to them.

"Patriarch, I'll go out and stop them."

A great avenue rushed out.

"Stop, you guys are..."

But before he could say a complete sentence, a majestic sword aura fell from the sky, blasting him flying, and all kinds of energies drowned him in the blink of an eye.

In an instant, this avenue of sacredness turned into powder.


Dugububu took back the sword with an indifferent expression, "Oh, did someone come out just now? I couldn't hold the sword at this time."

God Child Fengyue glanced at him and couldn't help but feel jealous.

The sword demon is the sword demon.

This act is really tyrannical and innocent.

But he didn't say anything.

He knew in his heart that he and others had ruined the formation, and it was impossible to negotiate with the Nine Tribes.

And to seize the opportunity, bloodshed is essential.

Thinking of this, between his hands up, another palm blasted out. The domineering palm strength merged with several completely different avenues, which was extremely powerful.


The entire array was shaken again.

"Hey, really decisive, in addition to Madman Chu, you may also be my opponent." Dugu Bupo smiled, his eyes showing war.

"You'd better find Madman Chu, you are both Jian Xiu, and he is more suitable to be your opponent." God Child Fengyue said lightly.

He didn't want to be targeted by this lunatic.

"That's natural."

Dugu did not break into the air and rose into the air, and immediately afterwards, the sword intent of the whole body moved to the extreme.

"Sword, twenty-three!"


As soon as the ultimate move came out, the majestic sword gas turned into a black storm.

Wherever he went, the emptiness was torn apart, and everything went to nothing.

In the blink of an eye, the world shattered.

The entire array gradually fell apart.

The cracked void revealed the Nine Tribes.

"Haha, I found it."

Dugu did not break, laughed, his figure flashed and flew in.

The rest followed, and when they saw all the people in the Jiufang tribe dressed in animal skins and grass, their eyes could not help showing contempt.

"It turned out to be a group of uncivilized natives."

"Is there really any chance for such a place?"

"If you don't find it, you'll know."

Some ordinary people in the Jiufang tribe looked at this group of goddess and goddess who suddenly broke in, with a look of horror in their eyes.

The face of the Jiufang Patriarch is extremely heavy. It's not that the Jiufang tribe has never been broken into. The old Heimu was an example.

But when he looked at the group of people in front of him, he knew in his heart that Old Man Hemu was far behind the lonely lonely man, God Child Fengyue and others.

Accidentally, today is the calamity of the tribe's extinction.

"Three elders, you take the people to hide first."

The patriarch of Jiufang said to an old man.


The old man nodded and immediately took people to evacuation.

"Dear fellow daoists, I don't know what happened to breaking into this place."

The patriarch of Jiufang knew that he was not the opponent of the group of people in front of him.

"Bah, who are you friends with the natives. UU Reading"

A goddess curled her lips, her face full of disdain.

The rest are also funny.

The patriarch of Jiufang took a deep breath and suppressed his anger, "Everyone, please express your intentions."

"I want to know why you are in this nine-party spirit world."

Fengyue Shenzi asked.

"We have lived here for generations."


"There is no reason, the ancestors yearned for a life without controversy, so they have always been here." said the patriarch of Jiufang.


When God Child Fengyue raised his hand, a palm blasted towards the distant tribe, with a bang, a big earthquake shook, the house collapsed, the mountain collapsed and the ground cracked.

Tens of thousands of people from the Jiufang tribe died under this palm.

"You..." The patriarch of Jiufang saw this scene, his eyes were splitting, and the aura of Great Dao Sovereign couldn't help but erupt.

"Oh, it's still a Great Dao Supreme, but just an ordinary Supreme, what storms can be upset." Dichu Elder said lightly.

The supreme breath also burst out of him.

Stronger than the patriarch of the Jiufang.

Suddenly, he saw Emperor Wa from the corner of his eye, and his eyes flashed, "Isn't this fellow Taoist Wa? I didn't expect you to be here."

"The word fellow Taoist came out of your mouth, I just want to disgust." Huang Wa's eyes were extremely cold, "As the patron saint of the human race, you are here to oppress the tribe of the human race, is this your guardian?!"

"Heh, fellow Taoist Emperor Wa, look at them, they are just a group of uncivilized natives, why bother?" The elder of the early earth said lightly.

"Human race has grown from nothing, never enlightened to enlightenment and wisdom. It's just like this step by step. The natives in your mouth are also human races!"

Wa Huang said lightly.

She walked up to the patriarch of the Jiufang and wanted to fight side by side with the other party.

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