Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2001: : The power of the infinite realm, Zhan Fengyue, the beginning of annihilation

"What's the matter?!"

Godzi Fengyue looked at the scene in front of him, and his pupils couldn't help but shrink.

He felt that he couldn't control the water flow anymore, and the surrounding space was restricted by an invisible force, making their roads difficult to move.


With a soft drink.

I saw the water around the emperor Wa suddenly shattered.

Madman Chu stepped forward, came to her, and protected her behind him.

He looked at God Child Fengyue with cold eyes.

It's like looking at a...dead person.

"I said, I hate being threatened."


God Child Fengyue looked at Madman Chu, with an inexplicable panic in his heart.

He sipped in a low voice, forcibly running the power of the Great Dao in his body.

I saw earth, wind, water and fire, four powers surrounding him, and the surging atmosphere of the avenue flowed away, frantically rushing into the void.


Madman Chu spoke indifferently again.

The void around God Child Fengyue was actually distorted, and the power of the Four Elephant Avenue he was running was shattered one after another.

This made his pupils shrink, and he couldn't believe it, "How could this happen!"

"It's space!"

"He controls the space here!"

The elder at the beginning of the earth saw a clue and said loudly.

Not bad.

What Madman Chu is currently using is the realm of infinity!

The ultimate practice of the way of space recorded in the Void Sky Seal!

"Since he has manipulated the space here, then I will break the space here!" The God Child Fengyue yelled, urging the power of the Dao to the extreme.

His cultivation base is extremely powerful, stronger than the general Dao Sovereign.

Although it is not as good as Dugu.

But it's definitely not bad.

I'm afraid it's not too far from the supreme on the supreme list.

He urged the Dao in his body with all his strength, and even took out four beads, each of which represented a certain element of the four elephants.

The earth's wind, the water and the fire, the four orbs bloomed out of brilliant glory.

The majestic power of the four elephants is madly impacting the space.


Madman Chu's figure flashed and disappeared.

No one saw how he moved, or that he didn't move, just changed the space he was in.


He appeared in the sky above God Child Fengyue.

Raise your hand and press it.

This palm looks unremarkable, but it contains extremely terrifying space power, as if the space of hundreds of thousands of miles is condensed in one palm, and the power of this palm is geometrically multiplied.

The palm has not fallen.

The surging pressure had already caused God Child Fengyue to tremble all over.

"In the infinite realm, I am the master!"

"You are just an ant in my palm, you can kill it with your hands!"

Madman Chu's indifferent voice echoed in Fengyue's ears, the four orbs he manipulated trembled crazily, and the power of the four elephants shattered one after another.


This palm fell on the shoulder of God Child Fengyue.

In just a moment, his avenue body made a scalp tingling sound of bone cracking, and the whole shoulder was directly shattered!

The whole person couldn't help but knelt down in front of Madman Chu.

"Asshole, asshole..."

What a arrogant person Fengyue Shenzi.

But now, he knelt down in front of other people, how could this make him stand it, his face became pale and angry.

"Chu Madman, let go of the son of God, otherwise I will be the Taoist Sect of Ten Thousand Fas..."

The old elder's face changed drastically, and he said quickly.


I haven't waited for him to finish.

Madman Chu raised his palm again to take a picture.

This palm directly aimed at the Tianling Gai of God Child Fengyue.


The skull exploded, and the body of the road shattered every inch.

The avenue in the body was directly obliterated in the infinite realm!

God Child Fengyue didn't even react before he was blasted and killed by a palm!

This scene stunned everyone.

A king's seed was destroyed like this!

"I said, I hate threats."

"I killed him, what do you want to do with me?"

Madman Chu looked at the elders of Dichu with a cold tone.

"You, you..."

The elders at the beginning of the earth trembled with anger.

The rest of the goddess and goddess were also full of horror.

"Is this guy crazy?"

"Before he killed Lu Wuhen outside, and now he killed God Child Fengyue, the three holy places, he offended two at once."

"My God, how dare he..."

Everyone looked at Madman Chu with extremely jealous eyes.

But Dugu is not broken, Gu Chan, Ao Qingtian and others looked at each other. Although there is no communication, they have a tacit understanding of their actions!

"Sword, twenty-three!"

The boundless black sword aura rose up into the sky like a storm.

"Emperor Tianlong points!"

Ao Qingtian pointed it out and turned into a ferocious dragon soaring into the sky.

"Funu Mountains and Rivers!"

The boundless light of the Buddha bloomed from the ancient Zen, and behind him, it condensed into a huge golden ancient Buddha statue, and his hands were blasted out of the sky.

Several gods shot at the same time.

The target is not a madman of Chu.

It's the infinite realm all around!

They knew that Madman Chu, who was in the infinite realm, was so shocked that even God Child Fengyue could easily kill him.

They want to defeat each other, only to get rid of this infinite realm first.

"It's decisive."

Madman Chu gave a chuckle, then raised his hand, the power of the space within the infinite domain quickly condensed, turning into an invisible palm print and blasted down.

The power of space collides with the power of several avenues.

The entire sky was crazily collapsed.

"Madman Chu, take it."

The elder at the beginning of the earth took action.

Taking advantage of his power to manipulate the space, a palm blasted out.

"How could you succeed."

The emperor Wa manipulated the crystals of good fortune, creating barriers around the Madman Chu.

"Break it for me!"

The elder at the beginning of the earth smashed the barriers, and in the blink of an eye, he came to Madman Chu and slapped the opponent's head with a palm. . UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Go to hell!"

The face of the elder at the beginning of the earth also showed a hideous smile.

But soon, his smile froze on his face.

His palm is extremely amazing.

But before stopping Madman Chu's head, he couldn't get close, as if there was an invisible barrier separating the two.

Space barriers!

There is a space barrier between Madman Chu and him.

This barrier seems weak.

But it contained extremely terrifying spatial energy. Because of this barrier, Madman Chu seemed to be close in front of him, but he seemed to be thousands of miles away.


It is this barrier that condenses thousands of miles of space!

"Damn, how could his mastery of space reach this level?!" The elders of the early earth were surprised.

Contend with Dugu Bubreak a few people on one side.

One side also easily blocked his attack with this kind of space barrier.

This reminded him of what Madman Chu had said before.

In this infinite realm, he is the master!

"Have you tried, the feeling after being cut by space?"

Madman Chu's indifferent voice sounded, looking towards the elders of the early earth.

"Not good!"

The elder at the beginning of the earth shook his heart, and his figure retreated violently.

But it was too late.

Madman Chu's sword finger condensed and slowly fell towards him.

This move is not Jian Qi.

It's a means of space.

With this sword finger, there is no hint of audacity.

But it contains a mighty force that tears the world apart!

The space where the elder of the early earth was located was directly torn apart, and the space was torn apart, the elder of the early earth was in it, and his body was divided into two halves!

A large amount of blood mist spurted out.

Another supreme has fallen.

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