Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2004: : Huangliang 1 dream, a person who loves wine and becomes idiot, make a friend

"Sect Master is such a clever method."

The nine great patriarchs couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw Madman Chu directly loaded an entire vein into an unknown space.

"You prepare, gather the people of the Jiufang tribe, and I will take it away directly." Madman Chu smiled faintly.


Immediately afterwards, the people of the Jiufang tribes gathered together, and Madman Chu packed everyone into the portable universe.

This time coming to the Nine Fang Spirit Realm, there is indeed a lot of gains.

Madman Chu was fairly satisfied.

Then, he and the emperor Was explored the spiritual world for a few days, and after finding some precious treasures that were still eye-catching, he planned to leave.


"Congratulations to the host for drawing a super **** level reward, Huang Liang Yimeng Hundred Altars."

Huang Liang Yi Meng?

What is this.


Is it because the wine is not good?

On the way back, Madman Chu drew a super god-level reward. He couldn't help but be curious, and immediately took out the so-called Huang Liang Yi Meng.

The black jar is the size of three or four palms.

There is a red sticker on it.

It is worth noting that the stickers used to seal the wine are engraved with mysterious runes, like some kind of seal.

This wine?

Actually want to use a seal?

And it's also a super god-level reward.

Madman Chu was even more curious about this Huangliang Yimeng.

He slowly opened the wine seal.

In an instant, the rich aroma of wine filled the entire warship, and the emperor Wa next to him suddenly became drunk and bewildered after smelling the aroma.

"Sect, Sect Master, what kind of wine are you?"

Huang Wa shook his head and ran the power of the great avenue in his body. Only then did the drunkenness gradually dissipate, but he was shocked when he looked at the wine jar in the hands of Madman Chu.

"Oh, Huang Liang Yimeng."

Madman Chu gave a chuckle.

He took out a wine bowl and gave himself a bowl.

In an instant.

A drunkenness broke out in the body.

With the current cultivation base of the Madman Chu, he was somewhat unable to withstand it.

His head became dizzy.

Consciousness fell into confusion, in a daze, he seemed to have returned to the Pangu universe, and saw Gu Linglong, who happened to look at him with a smile.

By her side, there were Lan Yu, Chu Hong and others.

At this time, he has come to the end of the path of cultivation, the heavens are invincible, returned to the Pangu universe, and lived a plain life.

I worked at sunrise, and went to rest, and gave birth to a few big fat boys.

Lan Yu has also been by his side.

Madman Chu has always understood her intentions.

She and Gu Linglong had another wedding with Madman Chu.

The three of them had a good time, peaceful and beautiful.

I don't know how long it has passed.

Kuangren Chu opened his eyes, and there was a touch of drunkenness in his eyes. He looked at the wine bowl in his hand and chuckled, "Is this a dream of Huang Liang?"

Huang Liang has a dream for only a moment.

But at this moment, Madman Chu seemed to have lived a new life.

"Oh, interesting."

Madman Chu took a few more sips and tasted it well.

He drank most of a jar of yellow beams and a dream.


The dreams woven by Huang Liangyimeng no longer have any effect on him. After most of the altar is down, Madman Chu feels that his Dao Heart has been shaped more perfectly.

"Sect Master, is it delicious?"

The emperor Wa looked a little moved beside him.

"Oh, come and try."

Madman Chu raised the wine jar in his hand and smiled faintly.

The emperor Wa was not polite, and directly scooped a bowl.

Puff through.

After a bowl of wine.

The emperor was flushed and fell to the ground drunk, unconscious, his straight legs turned into snake tails and flung them on the deck.

"Ha, this is drunk."

Madman Chu gave a chuckle.

Huang Liang Yimeng, very human can drink.

Even the emperor Wa in the realm of the Great Dao, after a bowl of wine, will have to be drunk for at least a few years. This dream, let alone a few springs and autumns.

But this is also an opportunity for her.

After a dream.

Her Taoism will be more complete and transparent.

"It's so intoxicating."

At this time, a middle-aged man with white temples appeared on the deck at some point, looking at the Huang Liang Yimeng in the hands of Madman Chu, he couldn't help swallowing, staring firmly, his face was full of salivation. Words.

Madman Chu's eyes flashed.

This person can approach the warship silently.

Even I almost didn't realize that this kind of cultivation base was no trivial matter.

In addition.

There was an aura that was the same as the emperor Wa.

For Terran, it's extraordinarily kind.

Is it one of the patron saints of the human race?

But which power is from?

"Little guy, can you let me taste the wine in your hand?"

The middle-aged man said with a smile on his face.

The Madman Chu heard the words, raised the wine jar high, and drank the remaining small half jar of yellow beams in one dream, and a lot of the wine even wetted his clothes.


Madman Chu burped alcohol, his face flushed, "It's gone."

Then he threw the empty wine jar aside, he looked at the middle-aged man, his seemingly drunk eyes, but there was a trace of clarity in the depths.

"You, you..." The middle-aged man looked at Madman Chu, then at the empty wine jar, his face full of heartache.

Immediately he picked up the wine jar, took a deep breath of the aroma of wine, a touch of drunkenness appeared on his face, and then he felt more heartache, "I traveled all over the world and drank all kinds of wine, but this is the first time I have encountered such a peculiar wine. Fragrant, it's really shocking to not taste this class of wine in person."

He asked Madman Chu again, "Little guy, where did you get this wine?"

"Profited by chance, this is the only altar in the world."

Madman Chu said drunkly.

"Oh, what a pity."

The middle-aged man left after speaking.

Seeing that he hadn't asked for a drink, nor did he act against him, UU read's thoughts, and immediately took out a jug of yellow beams and a dream.

"Senior, I actually have another altar here."


The middle-aged man quickly turned around and saw that the wine jar in Kuangren Chu's hands was green, and he rushed forward to take it.

But Kuangren Chu's figure dodged, "Senior, how can you easily get this kind of wine."

The middle-aged man thought for a while, "You make sense. This class of wine is indeed precious and unusual. In this way, I will exchange ten altars of Tianlong drunk with you."

He took out ten wine jars and said: "This day, the dragon is drunk, and there are many magical medicines that are brewed. A mortal can gain Taoism and promote immortality. How."

"It's not enough, things are precious. I have a dream of yellow beams. There are only two altars in the world. You are drunk in the sky, and you can take out ten altars in one breath. I want to come to you and have more. It is so cheap, how can it be compared? "

"You are a horrible word."

Middle-aged man is short-tempered.

I don't know how many people dream of being drunk.

How could this little baby's mouth become worthless when he arrived?

But the Huang Liang Yimeng in the opponent's hand really fascinated him.

In desperation, he took out some treasures to exchange, but no matter what he took out, Madman Chu shook his head and refused.

"Little guy, you are so deceiving, don't get drunk Tianlong, don't want Chaos Supreme, don't want magical medicine, immortal gold, what do you want?!"

The middle-aged man said angrily, even though he had a strong cultivation base, he was also tossed by the madman Chu to lose his temper at this time.

"Ha, I want to make friends with Senior." Madman Chu smiled faintly, and threw the Huang Liang Yimeng in his hand to the opponent.


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