Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2009: : One person fights with three great sages, the power of the candle dragon reappears,

"Ha, it really deserves to be the sect I created."

High in the sky, Madman Chu looked at the many monks in the Pangu universe fighting underneath, and couldn't help expressing a sense of relief.

He became more and more convinced that Pangu Sect had an absolutely bright future.

"Chu madman, your Pangu Sect is indeed somewhat capable, but unfortunately it can't change the result of defeat, and you, too!"

At this time, an indifferent voice sounded.

I saw Thunder Sword Sovereign staring at Madman Chu with cold eyes, and stepped in front of him. The Thunder sword intent on his body suddenly exploded to the extreme.

Cut out with one sword, the boundless thunder light condenses into a huge sword shadow!


Jian Ying was bitter and boundless, and directly tore the void.

The power of Naha Dao Ting Ting is even more like blasting the Madman Chu into a fan.

"Oh, the spirit of the sword that incorporates the power of thunder, it's interesting."

Madman Chu's sword finger condensed, and he pointed out at will.

That Thunder Sword Shadow was suddenly shattered by his blow.

But this is not over yet.

The other two powerhouses on the supreme list also followed suit.

Ying Longfeng stepped forward, the golden dragon eyes shot out boundless killing intent, and the spear in his hand blasted out, directly blasting the world to pieces.

Madman Chu still doesn't retreat.

The sword's finger condensed, and it was pointed on the spear.

With a bang.

The moment the two forces converged, the void split directly.

Madman Chu and Ying Longfeng each retreated.

But after Thunder Sword Sovereign and Ying Longfeng, there is a third person!

The tenth **** Liuli on the supreme list has shot!

His strength is even stronger than Ying Longfeng and Thunder Sword Sovereign. The light of the gods in his hand gathers and turns into a beam of light to shoot out!

The beam of light penetrates the void.

Go straight towards the Madman Chu.

"Sword, twenty-one!"

The madman Chu's sword fingers condensed, and the holy spirit sword technique was displayed. The sword aura and the light of the gods shattered, and the powerful impact caused the two to retreat.

"This feeling..."

Madman Chu looked at the **** Liuli, slightly surprised.

From the opponent's attack, he felt a trace of power far surpassing the Great Dao Realm Dao, although it was just a breath.

But that is absolutely true, that is the power of the law!

This **** Liuli is about to condense the law.

He is only ranked tenth in the Supreme Ranking, and he is about to condense the rules, so has the Supreme ranked in front of him already condensed the rules?

Madman Chu thought curiously.

"Mr. Chu, your strength is indeed extraordinary, but in the face of the siege of the three supreme beings, you are powerless!"

Tian Shen Liuli said indifferently.

The other two also surrounded Madman Chu from the other two directions.

"Heh, powerless? The three of them took action, but they didn't even hurt my fur. Where did your cheeks say this?"

Madman Chu said lightly.

With a wave of his sleeves, the aura of the avenue whizzed out, surging like the sea!

At the same time.

A stream of light shot out from between his sleeves.

That is a sword.

The whole body is white and engraved with countless mysterious Dao patterns.

It is Kunwu.

Kunwu sword came out, the moment he held the sword, the swords were connected, the clear sound of sword chants, the ringing of the clouds, the majestic sword intent filled all directions.

"Let you see, what is a sword!"

Madman Chu looked at Thunder Sword Sovereign, and said indifferently.

Between raising your hands.

Sword Twenty-Three is already on display!

The boundless destructive sword aura spewed out from his body, like a frenzy sweeping across him, making the three supreme sacred slightly dignified.

Twenty-three swords came out, and the meaning of destruction shook the sky.

The Thunder Sword Sovereign's eyes condensed, and then he was unwilling to show weakness, holding the long sword high in his hand, and the strength of the thunder and the aura of the sword blended together.

The light of the sword blooms and shines on all directions!

"Sword, twenty-three!"

Sword Twenty-Three, which incorporates the power of thunder, unfolded, and compared to the ordinary Sword Twenty-Three, it added a bit of domineering aura.

But the twenty-three sword of Madman Chu is unusual!

The sword energy collided with the sword energy, and the surrounding terrain changed drastically, continuously exploding.

The void is also shattering one after another.

The Thunder Sword Sovereign flew out because of the extreme impact, wrapped in a layer of armor composed of Thunder Sword Qi, to resist Chu Madman's sword aura.

But even so, it was still eroded into the body by a lot of sword energy.

He can only temporarily suppress it with his extremely high cultivation base.

"What a madman Chu, he actually comprehend the twenty-three sword to such an extent, it is really incredible!" Lei Ting Jian Zun said condensedly.

"Do you think that is the only way?"

Madman Chu gave a chuckle.

Between raising your hands.

The sword beyond the limit is displayed twenty-four!

Twenty-four domineering swords, appearing magnificently, as if to surpass everything and tear everything apart, they are the most extreme sword intent to attack!


Sword Sovereign Thunder's pupils shrank, "He actually realized the sword twenty-four beyond the sword twenty-three, how is this possible?!"

He took a breath.

He knew that Madman Chu had defeated Dugu without breaking.

But the specific process is not clear.

He was shocked when he saw this sword twenty-four for the first time!

Facing such tricks, he did not dare to have any reservations, the power of the great power in his body was urged to the extreme, and once again evolved into the Extreme Sword Twenty-Three!


Sword Twenty-Three Hard Shake Sword Twenty-Four.

However, seeing the sword qi of Sword Twenty-Three continued to be disintegrated, Thunder Sword Sovereign's pupils shrank, and the whole person was blown out by the sword qi.

"Not good!"

Ying Longfeng's face changed slightly.

He rushed to the front of Thunder Sword Sovereign, waving a spear in his hand, and the dragon aura rose to the sky, turning into a powerful dragon shadow, blocking the sword move!

"Heh, does the Dragon Clan practice the law?"

"I will too."

Madman Chu gave a chuckle.

I saw him standing with his hand holding his hand, and an extremely powerful dragon aura suddenly burst out of his body. This dragon aura gave countless dragons a feeling of bowing their heads.

The power of the candle dragon erupts!

The fire of the candle dragon surrounds the madman of Chu, UU reading www. condensed into a dragon scale battle armor, a bone surface engraved with dense patterns covering his face.

A pair of dark golden dragon eyes, between glances, revealed a sense of arrogance high above, like an ancient **** overlooking all souls.

"Dragon God is fighting the world!"

Madman Chu held the sword in his right hand, raised his left hand, and the domineering dragon spirit surrounded him, and then turned into a ferocious golden dragon.

The dragon flew out with its teeth and claws, locking on Ying Longfeng!


Ying Longfeng's expression changed, and the spear in his hand condensed the power of his lifelong avenue, revealing a boundless sharp, swung out fiercely!

"Ying Long Shen Feng Slash!"


Ying Longfeng flew upside down hundreds of meters, smashing more than a dozen mountains.

His whole body was shaking.

Looking at Madman Chu, there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

As if he was not facing a person now.

It's a genuine candle dragon!

How can the human body master the power of this candle dragon? !

Ying Longfeng was puzzled.

"The light of the gods, the sky purifies everything!"

The celestial glass rose into the sky, and the light of the celestial **** in his hand ran to the extreme.

I saw a burst of white light breaking through the void, filled with a vast aura, swept towards Madman Chu as if to purify the world and everything.

This blow was extremely powerful and extremely terrifying.

"Your light is too dim."

Madman Chu said indifferently.

His eyes condensed, and the power of the candle dragon to control time came out.

The white light stopped in the air for a moment.

At this moment, Madman Chu raised his hand to urge the power of light.

"Bright Three Thousand Realms!"

Brilliant and brilliant, illuminating three thousand worlds!

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