Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2005: : Inheritance of the God of Slaughter, the three great kings are here, so grand

Within the pitch black hole.

The Destroyer Martial Master looked at the figure sitting on the Skeleton Throne, with a frenetic expression in his eyes, and then slowly walked forward.

At this time.

A majestic killing intent came out from that figure!


Under the impact of this force, the World Destroying Warrior couldn't help but flew out, his expression horrified, "What a powerful killing intent!"

Not only that.

From this killing intent, he felt a wave of suppression!

In front of this murderous intent, he seemed to be unable to help but surrender.

Like emperors and courtiers!

This made him feel shocked. You know, he has achieved the existence of a king by the way of killing. Whose killing intent can make him surrender? !

Is this the power of the God of Slaughter? !

Too powerful!

He used the Demon Martial Art of Destroying the World to resist this appalling killing intent.

After sensing the fluctuation of the Demon Martial Art of Destroying the World, the God of Slaughter on the Skeleton Throne suddenly opened his eyes, and a strange color appeared in his cold eyes, "This kind of aura, you people?! "

Hearing this, the World Exterminating Warrior was stunned for a moment.

But then, he suddenly realized that the world-killing magic martial arts he practiced originally originated from the **** of slaughter, and he was the creator of this technique.

It seems that it is all right to say that he is his people.

"Yes, the dear **** of killing."

The Destroyer Warrior knelt on the ground.

But the God of Slaughter glanced at him, but shook his head, "You are not my people, my people will call me... the king!"

King? !

The king of a kingdom!

The World Destroying Warrior was a little surprised. He didn't know that the God of Slaughter was still the king of a country, but the existence of the God of Slaughter was too old. With modern clues, it is difficult to restore its true information.

He didn't know, and it was normal.

"Fine, this is the first era..."

The **** of killing murmured.

It seems to be asking the Destroyer Warrior, and it seems to be asking himself.

The Destroyer Martial Master was silent and didn't know how to answer.

The Great World of Hongmeng has restarted many times, and once is an epoch. The Destroyer Warrior does not know how many epochs have passed so far.

"The ninety-ninth thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine era..."

The Slaughter God seemed to sense something, his eyes flashed, "It turns out that this time has come, no wonder this will will wake up."

The World Destroying Warrior is even more confused.

Ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine era?

Is there any significant significance in this era?

"Little Sovereign, you have practiced the Demon Martial Art of Destroying the World, and let me count as half of my people. You are here in this era, and perhaps it is also a destiny for you to come here."

"This inheritance will be for you, and merge my strength."

The God of Slaughter said lightly.

Immediately afterwards, a violent killing intent swept out of him, and it was actually injected into the body of the World Exterminating Warrior!

With the blessing of this power, World Exterminator feels that his power is constantly improving, and his understanding of the way of killing has become more and more profound.

His face was ecstatic.

At this moment, there was only one thought left in his mind.

"Mad Chu, I won this war!"


"Could it be that a king will take action?!"

After hearing the words of Jiu Zun, the monk of Pan Gu Zong couldn't help but inhaled a breath of air, and was extremely surprised.

Jiu Zun did not answer, but looked at the void, "It's already here."

The words fall.

I saw the aura around him madly boiling.

The purple clouds fell down like a waterfall, and within it, a figure appeared, dressed in white, with mysterious runes circulating around his body. The mysteriousness was extraordinary, which made people extremely surprised.

"King of Formation, you are finally here!"

When Patriarch Huang saw the incoming person, he was extremely surprised and relieved.

The strength demonstrated by Madman Chu made him feel the heart palpitations of the fifth existence on the supreme list. If the formation king does not show up again, he will probably lose his life.

"Mad Chu, we finally met."

Jin Wang looked at Madman Chu and said indifferently.

This was the first official meeting between him and Madman Chu, but before that, he had already regarded the other party as a lifelong enemy!

After all, he was originally on the top of the formation list, but because of the madman of Chu, he is now second. He is named as the king of formation, but he is below the others.

On this basis, Madman Chu was enough to make him take it seriously.

"Oh, this big formation is really yours."

Madman Chu was not too surprised by the appearance of the formation king.

This Ziluo Obstacle Formation is very extraordinary, and besides he can set it out in the Hongmeng Great World today, there is only the Formation King.

"This formation can completely isolate Fengyu from the outside world, and it can even deceive the heavens. No one knows what happened in Fengyu today!"

Jin Wang said lightly.

"It took you a lot of time to lay down this big formation. It really worked hard for you, but unfortunately, can you kill me?"

The Madman Chu stood with his hand in his hand, even when he was facing the emperor, he still looked rebellious, which was amazing.

Perhaps, he really has the means to deal with the king? !

Someone thought with surprise.

At the beginning, the warlord killed him, but he used the incarnation of King Lan to kill him.

Now, the formation king wants to deal with him.

He may not have no hole cards.

Everyone thought to himself.

The King of Formation also showed a sense of dread, but then he said confidently: "In front of the king, there is nothing you can do, and I am the only king who is here this time?!"

Jin Wang said lightly.

The words fall.

I saw a domineering dragon roar from among the purple clouds.

A huge black dragon head protruded from the clouds.

The terrifying Longwei is flooding every corner of the world. All the creatures in are trembling because of this dragon.

"Black Dragon King!"

Someone took a breath, shocked.

In addition to the formation king.

The Black Dragon King of the Dragon Race has also personally descended on the beacon domain.

"Madman Chu, you should pay back the account of Long Tomb!"

The Black Dragon King turned into a human form, looking at Madman Chu with cold eyes.

The battle between Longzhong and the Madman of Chu was considered by him to be one of the greatest shame among Longsheng, second only to being trampled under the feet of King Lan in the past.

And today, he wants Madman Chu to pay back!

"Oh, old face."

Madman Chu looked at the Black Dragon King, although surprised, but not too shocked.

"Are you still confident?" Jin Wang looked at Madman Chu, his eyes flickering, and there was no panic on his face.

"It's not self-confidence, but you can't kill me at all!"

Madman Chu said calmly.

It seems to be telling an indisputable fact.

"So, what about me?!"

An indifferent voice resounded through the void.

I saw a mighty man in battle armor, stepping forward with his head raised.

The power of the law of the great road, like a raging wave, rushes all around!

Everyone inhaled air-conditioning, shocked.

Another king!

"It's the leader!"

The dragon hunter Wang Yi looked at the visitor with a surprised expression.

The person here is the leader of the hunting dragon!

"Mad Chu, hand over the Dragon Slasher, and I will keep your corpse!"

The Dragon Hunter leader said indifferently.

By his side, the black dragon king and the formation king's eyes were equally cold.

The three kings are here!

This is their real trump card against the madman of Chu!

"It's... what a grand show!"

After seeing this scene, Jiu Zun couldn't help but swallowed his saliva and took a sip from the hip flask.

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